Amen'thalas Well House v1.21
A quirky old lady passes alone, but not sadly. In her visions, she has seen you doing great things for the world she leaves behind; and as she has no other family, she has named you as her only heir. What have you inherited? She didn't have much of interest or value to her name, except for a well-loved house in the Heartlands on the Blue Road. At least, so you think.

Gram' wasn't much of an adventurer, mind you, but you're not likely to find a cozier abode in all Cyrodiil. Grab the key from a hollow rock near the front door. Light the fires in the kitchen's potbelly stove and the upstairs fireplace, and make yourself at home.
This mod sat in beta for over a year, with an excellent quest story planned - the house was really just a small part of the mod. However, in a year, I haven't made time to finish the quest. And so, prompted by a request for a UL compatibility patch, I've completely refurbished the house to stand alone as a proper house mod until the time I can finish its story.
House features:
- Plenty of living space
- Tons of safe storage*
- Interesting, unique decor
- Beautiful exterior (AWLS-compatible)
- Mage altar**
- Static alchemy lab**
- Automated ingredient storage
- Automatic day/night interior lighting AWLS-style
- Companion-friendly pathing & seating, bed sleeps two
- Teleport spell to take you, your horse, & your companions home
- Fancy basemant & more for anyone who likes surprises
Cobl features, if you use the Cobl version:
- Dinner plate
- Water source
- Cobl standard ingredient storage
- Cobl standard alchemy lab**
- Grinder*
*The waste baskets empty themselves daily and are NOT safe for storage - they will warn you as such the first time you open them.
*The Cobl Grinder is never safe for storage.
**See House Options, below, for details.
All Natural support is also included in the main download.
When activated, the control panel in the basemant opens a menu so you can customize some features to your liking. Here are some details on each option:
Static Alchemy Lab
By default, activating the static alchemy lab will allow you to perform alchemy as though you had one of each apparati in your inventory. This is leveled, in that the type of apparati is determined by your alchemy skill. E.g., if you are an Expert alchemist, you will be performing alchemy as though you had an Expert alembic, calcinator, retort, and mortar & pestle in your inventory. You can remove this function and have the existing apparati be for decoration only, if you prefer. If you use the Cobl version, you have a third option of trading out the whole rig for the Cobl standard alchemy lab, which is still stationary but requires you to provide your own equipment.
Mage Altar
The mage altar can only be used by a very skilled caster, or one initiated to the Mages Guild. You can disable its functionality if you prefer it be for decoration only.
Healing Altar
The healing altar has no conditions or requirements. You can disable its functionality if you prefer it to be for decoration only.
- Requires the latest official Oblivion patch (
- Requires OBSE v0018 or higher.
- Requires Cobl if you want the Cobl features. A non-Cobl plugin has been included.
- Requires Shivering Isles for some optional decor. A non-SI plugin has been included.
Make a clean save before updating from any version older than v1.1, or you will experience oddities in-game and may lose anything you stored in the house previously. Please fully uninstall any old versions before installing this version.
Extract the archive you downloaded to a temporary location.
1. From the first folder's subfolders, choose a plugin based on whether or not you have Cobl, Shivering Isles, both, or neither. The folders are labeled to be self-explanatory. Copy "Amen'thalas.esp" to your ..Oblivion\Data folder.
2. From the second folder, copy "Amenthalas.bsa" to your ..Oblivion\Data folder.
3. From the third folder, if you have All Natural, copy "Amen'thalas - AN Patch.esp" from the "All Natural Support" folder to your ..Oblivion\Data folder.
4. Place a checkmark in the box next to "Amen'thalas.esp", and "Amen'thalas - AN Patch.esp" if you copied it over, in the launcher of your choice.
5. Play!
Load order goes like this:
1. All Natural master & plugins
2. Amen'thalas.esp
3. Amen'thalas - AN Patch.esp
Unique Landscapes plugins, if you have any:
4. xulAncientYews.esp
5. xulArriusCreek.esp
6. xulPatch_AY_AC.esp
and the Amen'thalas - UL Patch goes last:
7. Amen'thalasWellHouse-xulPatch_AY_AC patch.esp or Amen'thalasWellHouse-ArriusCreek patch.esp
This worked for me, you mileage may vary.
If you are having any trouble, please check before asking for help. The guide is super likely to provide the answer or solution you need.
The non-Cobl automated ingredient storage does not move quest items or Nirnroots to promote saved game health & well-being.
There is no trophy room, there are no display cases, there are no weapon racks, and there are no mannequin stands. This feature is working as intended.
This mod is -not- innately compatible with the Unique Landscapes module Arrius Creek. However, Vorians has been gracious enough to create a compatibility patch for the two mods to work together. If you are using UL Arrius Creek, make sure you get the patch and follow the instructions included with it.
Natural Vegetation, or any other mod that dynamically changes the scale of plant life, is very likely to cause plants to clip nearby objects (and this is true for any mod, and the vanilla game).
I don't know of any other incompatibilities offhand, but I can't imagine there are no other mods that utilize this location, as it's such a pretty one. This mod is probably incompatible with any mod that alters the exterior location of the house.
Please understand that it is impossible for any modder to test a mod's compatibility with every single modded configuration of Oblivion and every single configuration of PC hardware. If you experience any trouble with this mod, first check If the solutions there don't solve your problem, please report it by commenting on this mod at TESNexus. Please give details of your symptoms, your current setup, and any suspicions you have or patterns you've recognized. I am happy to lend a hand and eager to fix any bugs that present themselves.
Great Big Massive Thanks to/for (in no particular order):
- Brumbek & the All Natural team for allowing me to use All Natural resources for All Natural support
- InsanitySorrow for fixing the stock welkynd mesh collision
- Pheonix Amon for the original Ingredient Storage Shelves mesh & OBSE script
- Vince Bly & his Abandoned Mountain Shack for the gorgeous hanging lantern, potbelly stove, trimmed fire logs, and shortened cupboard
- Vince Bly some more for the HMTK!
- Xiamara for the red armchairs, the pillows, planter dirt (that used to be a pillow), & teddy bear
- Texian for the water statics
- Meo for the beautiful open book, the watering can, the welkynd textures, the wood posts used to build the stable, and the window boxes
- JDFan for the sheep bookends
- Garak for the static booksets
- Hel Borne for the wall shelves
- DarkRider for the celtic rug from Celtic Decor II and the quilt from Celtic Decor I
- David Whitefang for the dining chair mesh
- Deandra/Merilia for the original Blue & White Porcelian
- Mr. Siika for the kitchen clutter & spindle from Castle Seaview
- Side777 for the Babylonian dishes
- Floydian1 for the beautiful screenshots used to make most of the paintings
- Trollf for the frames for the paintings
- kalikut for the excellent bed resource
- LadyLi for the beautiful base resources used to create the easter egg
- Qarl for the wood texture used on some of the painting frames
- DaMage & echonite for fixing all my frankenmeshes, and creating the missing AR columns & basemant section piece
- the Unofficial TESA Clutterers Guild for the spooled thread, dustpan & handbroom, needles, and magnifying glass
- KAS Rugs and for the stock used to create the downstairs tapestries, dining room rug, & lower-class chair cushions
- Korana for permission to use her basket & water meshes (even though I didn't - thank you for being so gracious!)
- Vorians for initially cleaning the mod & making the UL patch
- Greenwarden & Elm for constant support & inspiration... :wubble:
- Greenwarden & Elm again for the screenshot used to make the portrait
- Greenwarden, Arion, Athray, Chi, grond, & Cortjester for playesting the new version during development
If I used your resource and didn't credit you, please notify me immediately so I can fix it!
Nearly all of the resources I used were very heavily altered to suit my purposes. If you see a resource you want to use, I heavily recommend you get the original resource so you aren't working with a copy (particularly since I am still learning texturing and Nifskope). You are free to use any of my creations or alterations as long as you have permission from the original creator of the resource, and you list us both in your credits. =)
Please do not re-host or re-post this mod in any form without asking first.
You are welcome to translate this mod into other languages and upload it elsewhere, as long as you give me credit for my work, you don't charge for it, you keep the uploaded translation updated to the current English version, and you provide a link to this mod's download page at TESNexus. I would also like to be notified, so I can provide a link to your translation.
You are welcome to use any resources/scripts I created for this mod as long as you give me credit for my work and you don't charge for it. If you use a resource originally created by another modder, you must follow their wishes for use & distribution.
Hope you enjoy it all. ^_^