Sorry all about the long time to write the chapter. I know this chapter isn't that great, but hopefully it's good enough for my few fans.

Also, thanks for the feedback all, I totally spaced on the back stories. So now I'll be able to blend in the story and action together, and hopefully make it more enjoyable.
Chapter 6
Outpost Eden
November 29th, 2277
1100 Hours Outpost Eden was a small outpost about three miles north of Raven Rock, or what was left of it. When the Brotherhood attacked and destroyed Raven Rock, the enclave believed their beloved leader, John Henry Eden, was killed in the attack. So the outpost was dedicated to him.
However, recent events seem to show that President Eden survived, somehow and someway. Many believe that he took a tunnel or Vertibird in time to escape; while others believed he was never there all along. The reason this is because only two three people have ever seen the President face to face. Col. Autumn's father, Augustus Autumn, and the some civilian who no one truly understood why he was chosen.
Adams was shocked to learn that his dear President was alive, and had his morale restored. Along with every other Enclave personal who is still surviving. It has been three days since hearing that wonderful long speech. For now, the President has remained silent, giving a few updates every few days to announce something new.
After going back to Outpost Eden, Adams was being informed about a new strike. Operation: America's Last Hope (or Operation ALH) was the codename. The objective was to gather all surviving forces and take down The Brotherhood once and for all on the East coast. Outcast and the Citadel alike, and any surviving members, including that pesky civilian who betrayed the President.
The attack will launch on December 1st, at exactly 0000 Hours, when the Brotherhood is sleeping. There will be four strike teams. Strike Team Alpha will consist of half the NQA force and storm Fort Independence, taking out the Outcasts.
Strike Team Bravo will be the other half of the NQA force and retake Adams Air Force Base from Brotherhood control. While the mobile crawler was destroyed, the main base is still intact and we need the landing zones for our Vertibirds.
Lastly, Strike Team Charley and Delta will be regular shock teams that will storm the Citadel and Purifier.
Adams' smiled. With Liberty Prime dead, they have a winning chance against them. He noticed in the corner Lieutenant Pebbles slowly walking off towards the communication room. Adams followed. He walked into a large, dark room. Adams slipped inside, and was about to say something, when the door behind him was locked.
Pebbles did not notice that Adams was inside the room with him, and began to open up a channel. Adams decided to stay hidden and hide in the shadows.
"Lieutenant Pebbles to President Eden." Said Pebbles to the large screen. The screen lit up, and showed a large, towering computer.
"Ah, Lieutenant Pebbles. So nice we finally get to chat again. I have not seen you since Autumn betrayed me and I was forced to make you my new second in command." The large computer stated.
Adams was shocked, this had to be a joke, or the President was merely using the computer instead of his own face to throw off Pebbles.
"Sir, may I inquire as to how you were able to get out in time? It has been so long, we all believed you were dead." Pebbles inquired his voice a touch emotional.
"Rest assured, Lieutenant, I am truly here and alive. After the Brotherhood's boy scouts began to attack Raven Rock, I quickly began to download myself through the network to an off-site location, deep in a nearby underground abandoned vault. Vault 112, a still functioning vault run by a madman. Needless to say, his computer programming was no match for our Enclave cyber abilities. I now have my databanks stored here."
"Amazing, sir. How were you able to continue with the broadcasts and up-to-date information?"
"Simple my good man. The eyebots are still operational and functioning, even after Raven Rock's destruction. I can broadcast myself and still see majority of the Wasteland with ease. I-, oh, why hello there young soldier. Whom may you be?"
Pebbles was confused at first, and realized the President was talking about behind him. He turned around, looked, and saw Adams. Adams was shocked, both from realizing his President was a ? computer? And being found out.
"Adams? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Now now, Lieutenant. Be nice to the young Sergeant. Come here, boy."
Adams slowly walked up towards the screen. He stood a foot away, and looked at the large screen with awe.
"Let me see here? Ah, Sergeant Adams. I have seen your record. Nice to meet you. I'm sure you're aware of who I am."
Adams nodded slowly. "Si-? sir, are you? a-?"
Eden cut him off. "Yes, Sergeant. I am a ZAX unit, or was. Until the boy scouts from the Brotherhood destroyed me, and I was forced to transfer to Vault 112. Do not worry, my boy. For even being a machine, I still feel my heart beating for America. Figuratively speaking, of course."
Adams' thought about this for a moment. This made sense as to how come no one ever saw the President. But why hide about it? Simple, for the same reason how shocked he is right now.
"Sergeant, while I enjoy our convocation, as I rarely get to talk with many people, I must urge you not to reveal this to anyone else. This shall be Pebbles and your secret, understand?"
Adams quickly stood at attention, "Yes, sir!" His first direct order from the President, he felt honored, regardless of the fact the President was a machine. The President is still his President, none the less.
"Now, I must go gentlemen. I have a lot to work out here. I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming operation. You're America's finest. God bless the USA!" Eden stated in a rather happy tone of voice, for a computer that is.
The screen shut off. Pebbles glanced at Adams, shook his head, and sighed. He walked out of the room, not sure what to say. Adams left the room too, trying to clear his head. Clancy ran over.
"Hey, Sarge! You ready for the mission?"
"Yes, Private. Go get Griffin, let's get ready to take the training run with Strike Team Charley.
Clancy smiled and nodded, before he turned around, he asked the Sergeant one last question.
"Hey? Sarge. I've been wondering. How do you think our President got away from the bastards?"
Adams thought this over for a second. He wanted to tell his squad the truth, however, he took an order from the President about this. He was a patriot to the core, and would not disobey an order.
"No idea, Private. He must have gotten aboard a Vertibird. Now, lets-"
Before he could finish the sentence, an alarm sounded. "All hands, Brotherhood attack in the front. Defend the Outpost!" barked the Speaker.
Adams and Clancy exchanged glances, and ran towards the Armory. They geared up, and found Griffin. The four charged towards the front of the base, pushing past Privates and Corporals rushing to their stations.
When they arrived, they spotted dozens of Brotherhood troopers charging the base, firing their laser weapons. Enclave personal returned the favor with their Plasma weapons. Two rockets soared by, and blew a hole in the side of a guard tower. The tower shuddered and began to collapse and crashed straight down on top of a few Enclave personal that were unlucky enough to be nearby.
Adams lead his team to a nearby area, and was about to give the order to return fire, when he heard a loud, disturbing laugh. He turned his head, and saw a large, tanned man in half a suit of armor. His black hair was cropped very short, his dark, brown eyes gazing around the battlefield. His face had a large scar on it from the mouth to the right eye.
In his arms, was a large Gatling Laser, firing rapidly, all over the place.
Adams' gasped.