America's Last Hope

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:35 am

Thanks all! I'll get to work on the next chapter here soon, doesn't take me long to make them, just need to figure out ideas and whatnot.

My story! The Player Character needs to die! :P

Just so long as it isn't my player character! After destroying the BoS at the Citadel, I'd probable be helping the Enclave now... (Hooray Neutral Karma alignment!) :ninja:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:29 am

I really love your story. I'm writing a fan fic right now. I have been planning it for a while, but yours gave me insperation.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 pm

I really love your story. I'm writing a fan fic right now. I have been planning it for a while, but yours gave me insperation.

Thanks, friend! Glad I could be of inspiration. I'll be interested in reading your fan fiction as well!

Also to everyone else, the next chapter is almost finished.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 pm

There is still good in the Enclave, despite their reputation and some of the darker events of their history. I am impressed by the skillful storytelling that can shine light on an unknown side of the Enclave. Oh yeah, the development of your characters in such an endlessly violent existence is remarkable and interesting. Each has a unique flavor to their conversations. You have made a valuable contribution to the lore of the wastelands here, keep up the good work.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:59 am

Thanks, Goris! Here is the next chapter for everyone to view if they want to read!

Chapter 11
Vault 87
December 14th, 2277
0630 Hours

Laser fire ripped through the air, causing blinding red light to sizzle through the pitch black hallways filled with gore and blood. The Lone Wanderer quickly turned around and fired both of his “Ultra” SMG’s, spraying the hallway with bullets. With one in each hand, he fired off in two different directions, towards Adams and Simpson. She quickly ducked down behind a nearby crate.

Adams did not bother to move, SMG uses regular 10mm bullets, which could never hurt his armor. However, the bullets sliced through his armor, and two tore into his left shoulder. He yelled and quickly dropped down. Griffin pulled him behind the nearby wall, and began to apply stimpacks.

Jackson fired away with his Gatling Laser with a smile on his face, what looked more like a horror movie. His face only lighting up in the pitch black room each time a red laser burst fired off, making it seem like it was a red floating head that was constantly popping in and our of the shadows. The Lone Wanderer turned both of his SMGs at Jackson, which caused him to quickly jump to the side, causing a loud screeching sound from his Hellfire armor slide against the metal floors.

Griffin and White grabbed their Plasma Grenades, activated the trigger, counted to three, and threw them down the hallway. The Lone Wanderer moved out of the way, dropping one of his SMGs down, and avoided the first Grenade, while the second one he kicked away to the side before it exploded. He grunted, and pulled out two frag grenades, and threw them down the hallway.

“[censored]!” yelled Simpson, she, white, and Jackson were able to jump out of the way. Adams was stuck on the floor, so Griffin pushed him down and got on top of him to shield him. The grenades exploded into a light of flaming shrapnel in all direction. Normally, frag grenades would not hurt anyone in Power Armor unless literally point black. But with what happened with the SMG’s bullets, no one took anything to chance.

Shrapnel sliced through the air and deep into the metal hallways, making a disturbingly beautiful view of flame and metal to flying around in the darkened hallways. Thankfully, none hit Adams or Griffin, and she got up. Pulling out another stimpack, she administered the dose to Adam, which he was able to get up then. The bullets sliced straight through his armor, his flesh, bone, and out his armor again. Whatever bullets they were, they gave Adams something to worry about.

Jackson and white rushed down the hallway, but stopped and sighed.

“Sergeant, he locked the door and melted the lock.” Shouted White in his deep voice. Jackson frowned and looked down, kicking the nearby SMG.

Adams stood up, walked over to the SMG, and tried picking up with his left hand, but his shoulder was still sore, so he used his right hand to pick up the dangerous weapon. Its sleek black design was beautiful, with light blue stripes racing down the sides. Upon removing the cartridge, he noticed something shocking.

The bullets were see-through and had what appeared to be miniature blue lights buzzing around inside. Tesla.

“Tesla bullets?” asked Simpson, dumbfounded.

Adams groaned. Where the hell does all of this new Tesla crap keep coming from? Tesla cannon, Tesla pistol, Tesla bullets? Looking back at the door, it was way too big and the metal wouldn’t be dented by Plasma, Tesla, or laser fire. Only way getting in there is by mini-nuke.

He took the SMG and bullets into his pouch for his research teams to examine.

“Zeus, we have a jammed door, can you open it?” he asked over the radio, annoyed.

“I apologize, Sergeant. The door is beyond my ability to work with as to how fried it is. However, this should give you good news; the door is a dead end, he’s trapped in there. Simply continue the mission and you’ll have him caught in the blast.” Replied the President in his optimistic voice.

Adams grunted and moved along. Corpses spewed around left and right along the narrow corridors of hell and death. It was a site only the most immune to shock and horror can withstand. A normal person would have thrown up, but Enclave soldiers are trained from children to see many disturbing images and videos to prepare them for the Wasteland.

They continued to the reactor, and planted the plasma bombs. After securing them to it, he radioed in the President and made sure they were in place and ready to be activated at the command of the President. They got the confirmation, and turned around to walk back towards the exit.

Upon moving through the area, Adams stopped suddenly. Raising his right fist into the air and then clenching it, he signaled the team to stop.

“Sarge?” whispered Simpson.

“I heard something.” Replied Adams.

They waited quietly for a few seconds, and then they heard a soft cry coming from down the hallway on their left. Adams twirled his index finger in a circular motion in the air, and then pointed towards the hallway.

They moved slowly and silently, reaching a door. Upon opening the door, they spotted six wastelander’s cuddling up against one another in the area, one was a mere child, no more than six. Three were female advlts, while there were two male advlts. They were all bruised and hurt, especially the male advlts.

Adams slowly walked over to them, and kneeled down next to them. He untied them slowly, and grabbed some nearby stimpacks and administered them to the child first, then the woman, and last the two males.

“You six, follow us closely. We’ll get you out of here.” His voice crackled through his helmet to the civilians. Two of the woman and the child were too weak to run, so Adams ordered Simpson and White to carry the woman while he carries the child, and Griffin will guard the rear.

They past the door where the Lone Wanderer was trapped. They heard banging from the door, but they knew he was trapped for good. Moving closer to the door, they remembered the radiation. Adams desperately looked around for something to help. He found a radiation suit storage, and let them all slip them all, while giving them very advanced Enclave issued Rad-X. It wouldn’t be enough to save them for prolonged use, so they were going to have to run it and hope for the best.

“Ready… go!” barked Adams, they all raced as fast as they could across the road. One of the men fell down, and Griffin turned around and rushed towards him and picked him over his shoulder. Adams tripped over a large rock, but was able to catch himself before he fell. They ran forward and passed the radiation zone, and applied many Rad Aways as possible. Luckily, everyone was fine, and quickly thanked them before heading off towards Megaton, after getting some water and medicine from the team.

“Echo squad to Zeus, we’re clear. Blow it.”

An explosion could be heard, a few seconds later dozens of smaller explosions set off together causing the rock formation to shift up and down causing boulder to smash down on top of the entrance of Vault 87. A final explosion was heard, and it was a large one. Vault 87 was gone, and the Lone Wanderer.

They waited until the Vertibird Hope returned to pick them off, and set off into the distance.

“Zeus, how did Ice Storm go?” asked Adams.

“Wonderfully, Sergeant. That’s one less threat to deal with in America. By no means are we done, though. Return to Lieutenant Pebbles for your next assignment.”

Adam laid his head back and took one last look at his new squad. He was about to fall asleep when Simpson sat next to him and smiled.

“Hey Sergeant.” She voiced happily, eyeing him up and down.

Can’t I just get one flight in peace in these things?
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 pm

Aw, I was expecting more of a battle with the Lone Wanderer... But whatever, It's your story. What's next now for our team? I don't see much else to do, really.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

What, did you watch inside the room he was trapped in to make sure he was stuck inside when it blew up, and didn't escape? :P
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:46 am

LW never dies. If you slow the pace down and add a bigger threat out of the blue could you continue this awesome story?
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 am

Don't worry, lets just say when Mothership Zeta launches, I'll put it into the story with some unique twists.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:36 am

I have come to like the characters in your story, but I have to admit, I was pulling for the lone wanderer. He may be an enemy to the Enclave, but I still support him.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 am

What do you all think the next chapter should be? Operation Purge or Operation Marsh Storm? Purge is the Enclave attempts to take on The Pitt to clean away the infection while securing more factories and publicity for them, and Marsh Storm about the Brotherhood making a stand in Point Lookout.

Vote vote vote!
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 am

To go along with the whole Rebuilding America theme that the Enclave likes so much, I'd go with Operation Purge to secure some steel factories.

Very useful in the long run. We'll let the Brotherhood stew in the swaps for a bit...
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 am

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 pm

Great chapter Gutsy, and judging by your last comment the LW could reappear. Anyway, I've got to go with purge; the factories would be a godsend for the Enclave considering their prior losses. Besides, the BoS (like most other factions actually) will probably be torn apart by the swampfolk.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:11 pm

purge sounds interesting i feel like im reading one of those books where you choose what happens usually they svck this seems to work tho.

P.S:Was i the only one who didn't quite understand the last sentence in chapter 11?
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james kite
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm

Purge seems like it would be very interesting to me. I'd like to see Ashur put in his place.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:05 pm

Very nice story, just found it today keep it up and my vote is purge. Those hillbillie mutants will deal with the brotherhood.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:37 am

Purge seems like it would be very interesting to me. I'd like to see Ashur put in his place.

Put in his place? If the Enclave can look past the whole "cleansing of the unpure" thing, I think they'd be great friends with Ashur and his practices. Need the manpower and control.
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 am

purge sounds interesting i feel like im reading one of those books where you choose what happens usually they svck this seems to work tho.

P.S:Was i the only one who didn't quite understand the last sentence in chapter 11?

You mean when sergeant Adams said "Can't I just get one flight in peace in these things?"
IIRC every vertibird ride for the sergeant was stressful, annoying, or dangerous. In the end of the last chapter one of his squad members was pretty much trying to flirt with him, which he probably wasn't in the mood for. Does that help?
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 pm

Put in his place? If the Enclave can look past the whole "cleansing of the unpure" thing, I think they'd be great friends with Ashur and his practices. Need the manpower and control.

You might be right. Of course, they would probably just kill Ashur and all of his men. None of them are "pure". And if you've played Fallout 3, you know how the Enclave feel about unpure people.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

Or Fallout 2, Argonian. Sticking with the lore...Let the purging begin. <: D
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Grace Francis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 am

You mean when sergeant Adams said "Can't I just get one flight in peace in these things?"
IIRC every vertibird ride for the sergeant was stressful, annoying, or dangerous. In the end of the last chapter one of his squad members was pretty much trying to flirt with him, which he probably wasn't in the mood for. Does that help?

yeah thank you i just thought the girl was talking that's why i didn't understand it.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:09 am

Glad you're all enjoying it and having fun looking into the lore and such. Hope this next chapter doesn't disappoint!

Chapter 12
Forward Outpost AR-04
December 20th, 2277
1403 Hours

Even being two in the afternoon, the sky was pitch black full of smoke, pollution, fog, and God knows what else. The Enclave has been ordered by the President to pursue Operation Purge to clean "The Pitt" regardless of disagreements from Lieutenant Pebbles about being too week. In less than a year, they have lost many bases, hundreds of troops and equipment.

Adams agreed with Pebbles that the Enclave did its job and just need to relax a bit and begin repopulating their troop numbers and find a way to supply them. Though, whatever the President says, you obey. It has been six days since rearming and getting R&R at the base.

While there, they awarded Echo Squad with medals and having full Experiment stock of supplies, which when they studied was shocking. There was many experiment supplies not used tested or just not enough to be applied to all yet.

His squad was in the new Hellfire armor since it was the strongest so far of them all, and had a good physiological impact on enemies. Everyone had Tesla Pistols and the new TRE2 Tesla Rifle which looked a lot like the Plasma Rifle but with blue through it and fired the blue beam. Adams, however, had a very, very experimental new weapon. One so experimental that in fact, he had the only second copy, and he was the first person to even use it yet on a target in the training yard, and decided he liked it.

LRE1 "Lava" rifle, which seemed like a pure black rifle with a red tip mixture of the AER9 Laser Rifle and Plasma Rifle mixed together. The weapon fires a slow red blob of pure liquid lava at an enemy, about as fast as it takes a Plasma rifle to hit a target. Testing on two target dummies in Brotherhood Armor, they did what the average Tesla rifle did of punching a hole straight through their armor. However, they also stayed on the armor and continued to melt the thing down to nothing left. So while someone may survive an impact, they will slowly burn alive inside the thing and lose armor. A sure-fire way of killing someone without wasting more ammo than necessary.

"Sergeant, the only way in is by crossing that bridge. So far it seems it's full of traps, scouts, and snipers." Replied White as he was looking through a scope.

Adams' smiled, this would be fun. "Jackson, is your new EDSK-502 Sniper Rifle ready to go?"

Jackson gave a short nod, and looked back into his scopes. The ESDK-502 Rifle was almost the same as the DSK-501 Rifle used by common wasterlanders. This one, however, was a bit longer tube, sleeker looking, better accuracy, and fired those Tesla Bullets that they found. The workers at Outpost Eden was shocked and delighted with the bullets, and surprisingly could replicate them easily and quickly.

Noticing a Sniper at the top of the bridge, Jackson made a cross to Adams to signal there was an enemy sniper. Adams patted him on the back and nodded.

Closing his left eye, he aimed down the scope with his right. Taking one last large breath, pushing all his thoughts out, Jackson shot the rifle. It was a direct hit in the chest, and tore a large chunk out of the sniper. The force threw him over the railing into the radiated infested water below. The water was very lethal, almost as deadly as the entrance to Vault 87 kind of Radiation, along with pollution and other debris in it. Anyone unlucky enough to fall inside will not come out the same, or at all.

Lieutenant Pebble stood behind Jackson, grunting every few minutes at the stray piece of debris that landed on his uniform, causing him to quickly clean it off.

"This place needs a purge. Only reason we're not destroying it from air is because we could use the factories and reputation for cleaning out the trash. I still think we should have dealt with the Brotherhood before they could get a chance to regroup and call for assistance from the West coast and any other moron trying to fight against us." He sighed.

"Sir, I thought the Lone Wanderer came through here a month ago and fixed the things." Questioned Griffin.

"He did, but the moron picked the guy who was no better than the old ruler. A slaver, and nothing changed other than a lot of people died in the so called rebellion, which ended with nothing changing in the situation for them."

Simpson moved slowly next to Adams as if trying to be close to her hero to defend her from the slavers. She must know that this pisses Adam off whenever she does this, but she does it for entertainment and hoping one day he might let his guard down and enjoy a little relationship.

Adam moved forward a little bit away from her. "Sir, what kind of an assault will it be? They can't have any weapons that could hurt our Vertibirds, the primitive beasts."

"Indeed, a few strike teams, including yours, will drop in near the main building and secure it. The leader is someone named Wernher. Deal with him and his minions, and let the slaves go free. Anyone left should be dealt with, so that scientists may land and begin working on the presses and equipment here."

Adams sighed, typical Enclave. Dealing with anyone, including Civilians as "unclean" and to purge them. He would never do it unless ordered, so he always tried to help them get away instead.

Later, they were on Vertibird Hope again, becoming their teams favorite Vertibird lately. The pilot was excellent skilled and very good at his job, so Adam always chose his 'bird whenever they needed a transport.

Flying through the zone, they noticed raiders trying to shoot them down with simple guns that could no more damage the Vertibird than a snail could damage a building. He laid his head back, looking out the window.

He noticed something far down, which looked like a trail of smoke. It took him a second to think.

"Oh [censored], missile!" he shouted. The pilot quickly turned his head and moved the Vertibird in a sharp turn. It was too late, and it impacted on the left of the Vertibird, causing a large explosion to rock the 'bird.

The explosion tore a hole in the compartment. While the Vertibird could still fly, it hard a large gaping hole in its side, Adam was nearby it. He held on and noticed that if it had been only a few inches deeper it would have killed everyone inside.

Another missile flew by, and the pilot did another sharp turn and successfully dodged the missile. However, the turn caught Adam off guard, and he slid against the floor and hit the side of the wall. He began to fall out of the side of the Vertibird, trying to grab onto it with his life.

"Sergeant!" shouted Griffin. She and the team ran forward to try and grab him. It was too late, and he slipped out of the Vertibird. He was maybe fifty feet in the air, and noticed himself over what appeared to be a steelyard, before he crashed into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

The last thing he saw before falling asleep was what appeared to be mutated humans crawling on their four legs moving towards his location.
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laila hassan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 pm

Amazing, very well written and keeps me wanting more.
Next chapter, please! :D
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:32 am

So, the lava rifle shoots napalm? Thats what I thought when I first read it. If thats wrong, sorry for the mistake. Anyway, on topic, it was good. I didn't quite understand where they were. I thought they were on the bridge when Jackson shot the raider. I am a little tired though. That could be the cause of my problems reading it.
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