Midwest name change, Mexico name change, Republic of Sierra Madre added, Legion shrank.
That's a pretty good map, I like how this Summit/Convention is turning out already
One small complaint though, more of a note. Is it just me or are the Commonwealth and Capital Union the same color???
As for population, seeing how my area is pretty population dense (Mexico City is the 4th largest city, afterall) and Mexico would have been targeted less than the USA (not though less, though) I think the Ymmur population should be pretty high,at be the highest again. Add to that the Ymmuri's war-harems, General disregard for sixual abstinence, multiple wives, and how they "pillage" greatly in their conquests I'd say it would have grown substantially since the war.
Plus I'm going to be moderately low-tech, and I believe it was mentioned that there's an "understanding" that higher tech factions have lower populations and vice versa.