"Let me make a counter offer. You give us all of your territory in the Americas and then I might give you my valuable South American land."
"Yes, that's exactly what I've just said," Marchment said, paying the man no further heed; ignoring the man's false individual claim to sovereignty. "The same can be said, and more, of the land you've just conquered, difference being you have to traverse
my waters to reach it as opposed to what is offered to thee upon thy doorstep." He had little inteion of dealing with this joker as-long as was necessary.
"Regardless, the land I doth offer thee is of zero value to me and is offered in the spirit of maintaining relations; frankly your needlessly antagonistic attitude bores me. I have no intention of maintaining the security of these regions longer than is necessary, they are simply not profitable to retain; that is why I
offer them too you. You hath taken offence to something which hath nought any affect upon thee and doth not erase years of cooperation, I find your hostility beyond reasonable; that and I doth suggest you inform your second here what exactly is and is not
his land to trade."