American Convention sign up Thread

Post » Wed May 23, 2012 2:56 pm

Hi guys im currently particapating in the American Convention. We are looking for more people. Here are the current listed factions.

The Factions

Vault 59 - Securitron 1C 3C R34 M

Leader: Overseer Gandhi
Territory: Vault 59
Technology level: Fairly advanced with slow progress being made
Military Strength: Military? What is that?

NCR - Magus the Red

Leader: President Winter
Territory: California and parts of Nevada, Oregon and Mexico
Technology level: Pretty advanced with speedy progress being made
Military strength: Very Powerful, is currently still recovering from the Mojave campaign

Caesar’s Legion - Fritz8084

Leader: Vulpes Inculta
Territory: Arizona, Most of Utah, New Mexico and Colorado
Technology level: Low with advances actively supressed
Military strength: Incredibly powerful, has mostly recovered from the Mojave campaign

Free Economic Zone of New Vegas - Paladin Lewis

Leader: Mr. House
Territory: The Mojave
Technology level: High with incredibly quick advances being made
Military strength: Fairly powerful, took basically no losses in the taking of the Mojave

Western Brotherhood of Steel - evlbastrd

Leader: Elder Horatio Duke
Territory: Various separate bunkers throughout NCR territory
Technology levels: High with little advancement
Military strength: Powerful and advanced but very small

Mid-Western Brotherhood of Steel - Lt. Andronicus

Leader: General Simon Barnaky
Territory: Vault 0 and parts of Colorado
Technology levels: High with some advancement
Military strength: Powerful, mixture of robots and battle-hardened Paladins

The Enclave - The Enclave

Leader: Colonel Augustus Autumn
Territory: Chicago
Technology levels: Very high with quick advancement
Military strength: Small but incredibly elite soldiers with some eyebots

Lyon’s Brotherhood of Steel - R.J

Leader: Elder Lyons
Territory: The Capital Wasteland
Technology levels: High with some advancement
Military strength: Powerful, has many veteran paladins and Liberty Prime

The Khan Empire - bosmight342

Leader: Papa Khan
Territory: Wyoming
Technology levels: Low with some advancement
Military strength: Has many hardy soldiers and veteran warriors wielding good weaponry

Followers of the Apocalypse - Agrona

Leader: (you decide)
Territory: Has bases throughout NCR territory, The Mojave and the Khan Empire
Technology levels: Varies depending on location, however it is mostly high
Military strength: None

Mutant Community - redpanther897

Leader: Unknown

Territory: Has communities throughout America
Technology: varies depending on location
Military strength: Powerful, Mutants are dangerous opponents
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 12:12 pm

CL is now run by FalloutBob and there is now the Pitt too.
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 12:14 pm

These will be the new factions.

Crimson Caravan
Leader: Alice Mclafferty
Territory: Trading Bases through out Mojave, NCR, Baja, and independent territories
Technology Levels: Varie, whatever it can trade.
Military: Has mercenaries to guard cargo

Leader: William Steiner
Territory: Trading Bases through out Mojave, NCR, Baja, and independent territories
Technolgy Levels: Weapons
Military: Mercs to guard cargo.

Leader: Professor Naomi Watts
Territory: All of the New England Commonwealth
Technology: Highly Advanced making quick advances, Androids, high performance robots, holograms, computers etc.
Military: Medium sized military, high tech

Leader: General Robert Romstead
Territory: Canada
Technology: Medium, makes advances every few years.
Military: Highly oraganized and strong military, Follows the U.S Military set up.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 10:59 am

I think we should start anew of this one, since I've competelty lose track and new menbers will be far behind :(
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 1:06 am

I think we should start anew of this one, since I've competelty lose track and new menbers will be far behind :(
Do you mean the whole American Convention or just this thread?
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 3:42 am

I meant the whole thread but forget it, I think I can catch up now :)
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 9:07 am

These will be the new factions.

Crimson Caravan
Leader: Alice Mclafferty
Territory: Trading Bases through out Mojave, NCR, Baja, and independent territories
Technology Levels: Varie, whatever it can trade.
Military: Has mercenaries to guard cargo

Leader: William Steiner
Territory: Trading Bases through out Mojave, NCR, Baja, and independent territories
Technolgy Levels: Weapons and Armor
Military: Mercs to guard cargo.

Leader: Professor Naomi Watts
Territory: All of the New England Commonwealth
Technology: Highly Advanced making quick advances, Androids, high performance robots, holograms, computers etc.
Military: Medium sized military, high tech

Leader: General Robert Romstead
Territory: Canada
Technology: Medium, makes advances every few years.
Military: Highly oraganized and strong military, Follows the U.S Military set up.
I am adding just one more

D.C Caravans
Territory: Various bases across the east coast
Tech: Anything it can trade
Military: Mercs to guard cargo.
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Kelli Wolfe
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