American Rebirth OOC 4

Post » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:41 pm

The Events of New Vegas have left it's mark on the new world changing the fates of many who sought it's bounties. It's been twenty years since the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. In that time Nations have rose to power or fell to obscurity. Now talks of Wars between nations spreading. And a North American wide broadcast is sent out. In an attempt to curb any hostility and in doing so has revealed the fates of unknown Nations.


Taken from the last Convention.

1. War is always a possibility, ensure however that you are prepared to face the consequences. When attempting to conquer or wage war with other factions take distance and other geographical factors into consideration; for example, a west coast nation wishing to deploy it's navy to the east coast would have too do so by circumnavigating South America which would obviously have consequences for your plans.

Be advised: there are consequences for attempting to 'bite off more than you can chew.' If you attempt aggressive and unheeded expansion: crisis is sure to follow.

2. Do your best to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, it’s easier to read and understand and makes everything look better; in-addition it’s also hard to take delegates seriously that don’t use it.

3. Your representatives are still characters and individuals, give them personalities, backstories, interests, and feeling.

4. Please inform the rest of us if you intend to leave. The current agreed upon time for leaving without making a post is one week. Beyond that, if you do not continue to give some sort of update on your status, your nation is forfeit and will be dealt with accordingly. Either by someone else taking it up, or (more likely) your people becoming conquered by the opportunism of others, it is possible for you to return at any time to the RP, however, you may find your nation in dire straits without your leadership. You may come back and take up the mantle of another nation if you wish.

5. Do not be overpowered, a point which cannot be enunciated any further. What constitutes as over-powered behavior will often be determined in these out-of-character threads and will be discussed accordingly; present your case for your actions as see fit. You are expected to abide by the group's decision, whatever the case may be.

6. War will be decided by a majority vote of all members. If you lose the vote, you will lose the war/conflict. You are expected to abide by this ruling. If you do not, you run the risk of being kicked from the RP.

7. As I myself will be taking up a nation, I will not be acting as the overseer or GM of the RP. In accordance with past renditions of these sort of RPs, this will be run by the group. Due to past issues with this, I will stress it again There are NO GMs for this RP. The group will decide any sort of issues we may encounter

8. These conventions are meant to be non-canon, so if you are expecting something that sticks close to what we see in-game, this isn't the RP for you. It has the possibility to, and most likely will, get pretty crazy.

9. In order to advance your faction, you must make timelines stating what you are working on during the interim periods between conventions. Timelines are optional, but if you don’t make them, your nation will stagnate. As a result, you cannot also go back and say that you have been working on a project without notice for the past several turns. You may keep projects secret if you wish, but you must make mention in the OOC of said project. Note that this does not mean that other IC will know.

10. While this RP will delve into technology that many will consider "out there" (And indeed, that is the point) the issue with the Aliens is this: For all intents and purposes, they do not exist in the RP. The colonization of other planets is off-limits as well. Keep it in the Earth and her orbit everyone.

11. Nations are divided into 5 "Technology Tiers" which are: (Examples follow [Note these are just examples, nothing set in stone])

Tier 1: Very High Technology, 1,000,000 (Brotherhood of Steel, Enclave [Power armor and its manufacturing will be solely with this tier, to start with])

Tier 2: High Technology, 1,500,000 (Followers, Reavers, the Shi)

Tier 3: Medium Technology 2,500,000(NCR)

Tier 4: Low Technology 4,000,000 (Legion, factions like them)

Tier 5: Very Low Technology 6,000,000(Tribal factions)

For balance purposes, this different tiers have relative amounts of population that they need to stay within. The higher your Tier, the lower the amount of total population you can have, and vice-versa. It may not always make sense, but it is necessary for balance. (Note the number listed can be tweaked should the group wish. Those are listed just as a basis to go off of that I came up with off the top of my head.)

Factions in this RP will be all the ones from the main game (NCR, Legion, Enclave, etc). You are also able to create your own as well. Once again, they don't have to be based in the Continental US.

(Note: RPers will have creative license with the faction's background, meaning things may not always be what they were in-lore. overwrite someone else's background once it's been accepted, so keep that in mind when creating your faction. First-come, First-serve.)

(Other note: For this RP, House managed to drive back both Legion and NCR so Vegas could be independent.)

I will edit the OP later on with taken factions and their sheets. Everything not on the list, or spoken for in the OOC, is fair game.

Faction Sheet:
Faction name:
Flag (optional):
Government Type:
Views on Mutation:
Views on Slavery:
(You may make a Character Sheet for your leader/anyone of importance if you wish, but it is not required.)

W0NDERW0MBAT (Lyons Brotherhood; Columbian Union)
VATROU (Alaska; Alaskan Confederation)
Bosmight (NCR)
Andronicus (Illinois; The Midwestern Ecumene )
Aldin (Houston; Adamas)
Tundrafrog (Nevada)
Securitron (British Columbia; The Eternal Resistance)
Fisheye (Washington State and a tiny bit of British Columbia;The Directorate of Cascadia)

Casey (The Pitt)

I'll have the Nations up later.


Faction name: Adamas (Formerly the West Coast Brotherhood)
Capital City: Varset (Formerly Houston)

Flag (optional): Adamas Flag

Description/History: In 2221, the Brotherhood of Steel officially packed up shop and moved out of California due to the elders becoming increasingly wary of a growing NCR. Rather to risk all-out war with the NCR, they decided to head eastward, into the land that was formally known as the Pre-War state of Texas, a land that would prove to the Brotherhood's paradise and future land of their fledgling nation.
After what seemed to be an eternity of traveling, the Brotherhood of Steel had finally found its new home: a major Old-World city known as Houston. It was here the Brotherhood settled down, regrouping their forces and beginning again. Various vagabonds, ruffians, and tribals were ruthlessly assimilated into the rapidly strengthening Brotherhood. They rebuilt Houston (renaming it "Varset"), thrived off its land, and spread throughout much of the Pre-War state, claiming other major cities such as Austin and Dallas.

It wasn't all so easy however. An army of mutants under the command of a Super Mutant named Attis, a mutant who harbored strong resentment toward the Brotherhood, led a resistance movement against the recently-arrived Brotherhood. Though Attis and his army were beginning to become a real threat to Brotherhood expansion and domination of the region, the Brotherhood eventually broke the back of Attis' rebellion, leading to the collapse and assimilation of the mutant army. This happened in a number of ways, the chief being the Brotherhood's military and technological might, as well as the large schism that occured within Attis' army created by the large number of mutants who didn't hate the Brotherhood or want to fight, instead wishing to cooperate with them.

The final blow to Attis' rebellion came when the fledgling Special Forces group of the Brotherhood known as the Sentinels managed to infiltrate and capture Attis himself. The Brotherhood had a public (and highly publicized) execution of the anti-Brotherhood leader, destroying the already-crumbling moral of the rebellion. The Pro-Brotherhood mutants took over the faction, and formally rejected Attis' beliefs, claiming him a heretic and a terrorist. With that, they opted for total surrender, hoping their conquerors would have mercy.

Surprising enough, they got their wish. Upon seeing the combat prowess of the Super Mutants, rediscovering the reason for their creation, and the fact the mutants not only surrendered peacefully and labeled Attis a terrorist, the Brotherhood had a change of heart for their now-conquered enemies. Instead of killing or enslaving them, they offered them a choice: Join the Brotherhood as full members, or leave in peace. Upon seeing this act of mercy towards a conquered enemy, the mutants readily joined up. In time, the Mutants and the humans of the Brotherhood began to see each other as just that, Brothers. This would lead to a sort of bond between the two peoples, one that has not been broken yet.

13 years had passed, and the Brotherhood and their new mutant brothers grew into a powerful people. It was then a social revolution of sorts occurred. With the casting off of the Codex of the Brotherhood, many felt that they were more than just merely the Brotherhood of Steel. Feelings of nationalism overtook the masses, reaching up to even the highest of the Brotherhood's ranks, even unto the High Elder of the Brotherhood at the time, Geoffrey Harlond. High Elder Harlond decided to rally the people to this cause of independence from the old ways, and by way of striking down those who opposes him, a new nation were born, a nation known as the Adamas, with High Elder Harlond being crowned as their ultimate leader, and the first Chancellor.

Years passed and Adamas grew. The force of the military's technological and martial might, it expanded across a great portion of the Pre-War state, ruthlessly cutting down any who might dare to resist the newly-forged Adamas’ iron will and assimilating the broken people into citizens of the new nation. The Adamas was finally beginning to look like a proper nation, and the people rejoiced at their success.
It was during this time Harlond passed away mysteriously, leaving only his apprentice and a vacuum of power in his absence. The nation mourned, and built many statues of Harlond as a way of showing reverence to the first Chancellor of Adamas.

More misfortune soon ensued. With the Chancellor, the de facto ruler, dead, the generals of the army clambered to get the most coveted position in Adamas. On the brink of a civil war, a man by the name of Aiden Griff, the late Harlond's apprentice, stepped up and ceremoniously claimed the title of Chancellor due to the revelation that Harlond had groomed the man from a small child especially for this task, and left a holotape detailing his wishes. The people rallied behind their leader's apprentice, and Griff officially took the mantle of Chancellor.

Many years passed after that. Various chapters of former Brotherhood of Steel members made their way to Adamas, ranging from various sizes. One of note is the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel chapter, who shortly after the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam, ventured toward Solus in order to seek refuge under the new regime. But Adamas was not Brotherhood as the wayward Chapters soon found out. Though they were welcomed with open arms into the fold, the former Brotherhood Chapters had to summarily renounce their ties to the Brotherhood of Steel and swear fealty unto Adamas and the Chancellor. They accepted.

17 more years came and went. The Chancellor was no longer a young man, but not quite old either. McNamara, the former elder of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel, is now Chancellor Griff's right-hand man, and follows him unerringly. The Chancellor himself has taken up an heir of his own as well, the lead operator of PSICOM, a faceless man known only as Scorch.

At present, Adamas and its Chancellor are eager to find out the fate of the

Government Type: Completely Authoritarian, but with a monarchy of sorts. The Chancellor is considered the most high, and his word is law. All answer to him, and disrespect to the Chancellor is punished severally. There is however a democratically chosen council of elders that act as advisers to the Chancellor, though in reality, that is all they are: advice givers.

Under the Chancellor are his handpicked viceroys, who serve as his governors of the different sections of Adamas. Viceroys are generally picked from generals in the military, though at times have come from the civilian/political sector. Under the viceroys are the rank of Duke, which acts as a Senator and Mayor of smaller areas of Adamas, such as individual cities.
Local government officials are chosen via democratic vote with a majority ruling.

Economy: The economy is relatively capitalist, however, the government of Adamas does not allow for big corporations whatsoever. Any business that large is under the direct control by the government or, as in the case of the arms market, the military. This policy was designed to ensure that despite any sort of individual prosperity, the nation's economy was firmly in the hands of the Government.

As far as economic strengths, some of the major things Adamas relies on are its fishing and agriculture industries, though the focus is steadily shifting towards the manufacturing and construction industries.

Adamas also takes great pride in its arms market, where they mass produce various kinds of weapons and armors for different sorts of reasons.

Culture: The culture of Adamas is almost like one would find in a feudal era, with many different things resembling the serf system. A staple of Adamanite society is the caste system of Adamas, which include the slaves, lower class, middle class, military, upper class, nobility,and finally, Chancellor. Despite the caste system, Adamas seeks to provide the best medical care and education possible so as to increase the future prospects of the nation.

The people of Adamas are an odd sort. If one should visit, they would see a very distinct influence of feudal Japan's culture within Adamas' borders. Things such as kimonos, yukatas, and other various sorts of different influences are quite commonplace and considered the norm. This is due to the first Chancellor, Harlond, who had a fascination with the culture from his readings about them in various libraries across, and in the end drew heavily upon them when he began the process of forming the nation.

The architecture in Adamas also greatly resembles something from a feudal time. Many structures and streets are made of stone and brick, and many statues of military leaders, viceroys, and the past and present Chancellors line the streets, especially in the larger cities.

Another staple of Adamas' society is something they kept from their days and the Brotherhood, their love of technology. Technology has been integrated into as many facets of life as the government of Adamas could possibly manage, and they are always looking for new ways to improve and integrate it into their daily lives.

However, there is one difference from a feudal era. As much as possible the lower, middle, and upper class are to be treated equally, and the old "We are all brothers" mentality from the Adamas’ days as the Brotherhood of Steel remains just as strong now as it did back then, with it being almost a focal point in society.


The Military of Adamas is a major part of the nation itself, and as such, pride themselves on being as strong as possible. Like in the Brotherhood days, the ranks of Knights, Paladins, Scribes, etc. have remained mostly the same, though a few noticeable changes have been made here and there. There are three branches of the military, and a fourth Special Forces branch.

Adamas Army: This is the land branch of the military, and the biggest. Consists of Initiates, Knights, Paladins, and a new rank, Guardians. Armor usually is a T-51b suit painted in either desert or urban camouflage. Weaponry includes, but is not limited to, pulse or plasma rifles, different types of Gauss weaponry, Plasma defenders, Tesla canons, and the occasional higher-tier conventional military-grade firearms. Vehicles in use by the military are a Post-War variant of the Humvee.

Also serving with the various squads of the army is a single Mr. Gutsy or Sentry bot. Another important thing about military units is there are always at least 2 Super Mutants holding places in the squad, a subtle move by the Chancellor not only to increase combat effectiveness, but also an attempt to integrate them more and more into the lives of the people of Adamas as well. Adamas seeks to take advantage of the Super Mutants' natural abilities such as their strength and endurance, and their weapons and armor reflect this goal. In addition to the standard T-51b Power armor suit, Adamas actively constructs a larger variation of the suit to accommodate the larger Super Mutants; and their armament consists of heavy weapons such as Super Sledges, Gatling Lasers, and Plasma Casters. They are also normally the ones using the Tesla Cannons as well.

Adamas Navy: On par with the Air Force, the Navy consists of old Pre-War US vessels such as destroyers and the like. In times past, the Navy was used to defeat various pirate gangs that plagued the land before the Adamanites arrived.

Adamas Air Force: The Air Force consists of Pre-War and Post-War Huey designs for the helicopters, and a few Pre-War Cessna A-37 Dragonfly model jets. Also used in the Air Force are various cargo planes and bombers.

Special Operations: Sentinels

Sentinel operatives are the best of the best Adamas has to offer. They only serve the Chancellor, taking orders from no one but him. They are commonly used as assassins and infiltrators for the most dangerous of missions. Armor is a U.S variant of the Chinese Stealth Armor, reinforced with ballistic mesh and ceramic plating. Weaponry varies from mission to mission, but the most commonly used weapons are Gauss weaponry, and pulse-based rifles. Operatives do not have a personal life, and are training for combat almost constantly. Also of note is that no mutations are allowed or considered to be Sentinel operatives, even with the support Super Mutants get.

The thing that stands out most about them is the fact that they rarely take their helmets off, only doing so when absolutely necessary, such as eating in the field (and even then, only with fellow Sentinel units around) and hygiene activities. In any event, they will never do any of these things publicly, always opting to do them either secluded from other soldiers/civilians or with fellow Sentinel units. They also have the habit of being rather emotionless, which has led to a sort of urban legend that they are some sort of machine or apparition.

The most well-known Sentinel is an Operative known only as Scorch, and is the heir-apparent of the Chancellor.

Views on Mutation: Mutants are a rather interesting topic in Adamanite society. Originally, mutants were considered nothing more than abominations that needed to be purged from the world, and were generally treated exceedingly harshly. However, when the current Chancellor took office, he pushed his own views on the society, viewing them more as an asset rather than scum needing to be purged. Ghouls gained the status of the lower-class citizenry, quite the step from being killed openly in the streets for sport or being used as slaves. Many find work in the construction business, their superiors finding their radiation resistance invaluable. While some still look unfavorably on them, they are now considered citizens are have all the rights a normal non-mutate might, though prejudice still remains a problem especially in the outer regions of Adamas.

Super Mutants however, are a completely different story. In short, Adamas humans have a high respect for Super Mutants and view them as no different from themselves, facts they are highly proud of. Adamas was built on the backs of both humans and Super Mutants, making the two groups into one people. The very idea of Super Mutants having the same rights as humans in Adamas isn't even a question, it's a undeniable truth. Any other idea regarding them is tantamount to heresy and is taken as a personal affront to all Adamanites and what their nation stands for. In Adamas, Super Mutants and humans have a very strong bond that goes back generations and discrimination against them of any kind warrants a severe punishment. To Adamanite humans, Super Mutants are no different than themselves and anything done against them they take as a personal affront. The same can also be said of Adamanite Super Mutants, who view their human compatriots in the same light and are exceedingly proud of the bond they share and the nation they all came together to create, not as two separate groups, but as one, whole people.

Views on Slavery: While the citizenry are not allowed to be put in any sort of slavery, no one truly cares about it so as long as one of their own is not subjected to it. This means that while they can't become slaves themselves, there is no law banning the use of slaves from other sources. As such, nations that utilize slavery are looked upon the same by Adamas as those nations who choose not to do so.

Population: 1,000,000

Territory: the dark blue covering the majority of Texas)

Note I haven't tweaked the numbers or anything, simply re-posted it from the last convention. I'll make the necessary changes as we establish what exactly we want to do with the RP.

Alaskan Confederation


Faction name: Alaskan Confederation

Flag (optional):

Description/History: The Alaskan Factions have rarely agreed on many things, a form a Central Government for instance. However when they turned to those who'd represent them best they looked no further than the Arctic Rangers. For despite all the disagreements the other factions held regarding them, mostly from Raider Factions who've fought against them. Or those miffed that they weren't considered to represent the State. That believed themselves better than petty squatters. No most Factions understood that during times when the fate of Alaska itself was at stake they could at least trust the Rangers. Who have almost always stood up for what is right. And have fought selflessly for the rights of Alaskans.

So when it came to pass that a message was received that went out on every channel to all who could listen; Alaskans themselves listened in shock as others had survived in the far flung regions of America they turned to the Rangers to lead them. So with Delegates from every Faction accepted in the Coalition all those but Slavers and exceedingly violent Raider types. As well as those who attempted to destroy this alliance at least once before. Mainly those in Juneau.

The Alaskan Delegates set out to attend this Meeting of Nations. Standing by their side is The Bush Company. Clan Bearhorn. The Peoples of Nome and Nomadic Natives. The Sourdoughs, a collection of individuals Medicine Men, and Women who hold great esteem. The Grindhouse Orchestra, another band of Raiders, that while more violent seem to at least back this alliance, if only in word. And The Vanderbilts (OOC Yup Barron is back and so Is Basilio though I have yet to decide what role they will play other than mere mentions), though like the Grindhouse Orchestra they only provide verbal support. And have yet to assign any possible Delegates. And the Dragon Zars, a mercenary group out of Dutch Harbor. And of Course the Autleeir Tah. Who have only thus far supported the Alliance in word. And have sent only two of their kind as Delegates.

Government Type: I have no idea what that would be called? Could use some ideas.

Economy: The main exports of Alaska is fish, furs and mined ores. Though there are many other forms of goods sold, leather and even chitin from the highly armored, Armored Ants the guardians of a Queen, who periodically sheed to regrow new chitin. It is basically a lightweight Armor plate, which has about the same protection as combat armor. It is unknown what gives it such properties but it’s a valuable asset to those who discover it’s potential. Most of Alaska uses Military grade Ammo as currency. 9 mm as pennies, 10 mm as nickels, 357 magnum as dimes, and 44 magnum as quarters, with 5.56 $1, 20 gauge $5, 12 gauge $10, 45-70 $20, 308 $50, and 50 MG, as $100. There is of course more ammo types, but these will be the most commonly made for currency. And there of course would be non military grade rounds of these used in everyday life.

It isn't until relations were formed with outside neighbors that bottle caps have been used in foreign trade.

Culture: Many in Alaska have a Survivalist nature and ethics, passed down by their ancestors. Others worship gods of beast and men. The Raven, Ghost Wolf, and Great Mountain Bear are such creatures. Many work hard laboring in fields harvesting crops, and others spend days, weeks out on the hunt. In places most would consider nightmarish. The people of Alaska are not to be underestimated they have lived lives that most men would have long died from, whilst still remaining friendly to each other.Many hunt, and survive off the land, giving many a respect for nature, seen in very few places. Some tribes, offer totems to gods, as thanks for good harvests, and nothing goes to waste.

Religion varies some worship gods of nature, and some are indifferent. If you want to know more local Flora and Fauna read my Alaskan Fan Lore, it’d be too much to list it all.

Military: The Military is provided by the collective Alliances and is 10% of the Population, whereas the Troops are the percentage of that ten percent. Rangers offer Mostly foot soldiers Privates, who have some years of service, up to Sergeants. While there is quite a few higher ranking Soldiers like those in the Arctic Wolves the highest ranking and exceptionally skilled. It is a known fact that many of the Rangers, as low ranked as they may be are still crack shots. That isn't the issue, specialized training or high quality equipment is in short supply. Leaving only a select few eligible for proper promotions.

Most of the Rangers aside from the Arctic Wolves. Are armed with whatever they have. Usually it's something from home or a weapon they bought. Mostly bolt action weapons. Bolt Action Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols. Any weapon that can be made into a Bolt Action. Revolvers and Shotguns. And L96A1 Sniper Rifles. Armors include Leather and Hide armors as well as Security Vests much like those found in Vaults. As well as Armors like the NCR uses the medium sets though obviously in Ranger colors.

The Arctic Wolves make up only 1% of the force that the Rangers provide. But are armed in the best gear they want. BARs, L96A1s,,, Shock Gauntlets. Dragonovs, M14, Bushmasters, Remington Shotguns like Serbu Super Shorty or Hunting Shotguns, PKMs, Desert Eagles (Which aren't common), Trench Guns,, Mosin Nagants. Mostly WW2 Era weapons, Russian and Chinese Weapons as Russia is so close. And Alaska does have a history with them. Albeit quite an old one. Their Armors are the Arctic Ranger Dusters. In all some of these weapons will be held by one Ranger, things that aren't all too common or are full auto. The percentage the Rangers offer is 35% of the Military allotment.

Clan Bearhorn offered soldiers as well. Highly decorated men and women who are regaled in their deeds. Who actively seek great fighters and large battles in which to die honorably. Their Weapons are quite varied unlike the Rangers they don't have as many decent weapons. Most of their arsenal is junk weapons or that salvaged from ruins. Same for their armors. Some are made with leathers and furs, with plates of scrap metal. Medium armors like Security Vests, and NCR like armors. And heavy armors made of full metal some worked by smiths to be like the armors of Old. Full Plate articulated joints. They make up for 25% of the Military.

The Peoples of Nome offered various groups of hunters and trappers. With Bolt Action weapons and Leather or Fur armors. Mostly whatever weapons and armors they have which isn't all that much. They are 20% of the Military.

While The Bush Company has given their services as Assassins and Spies. Armed in Light Armors with Melee and Suppressed weapons. They make up for 15% of the Military.

The Dragon Zars have at price offered Soldiers as well. Equipped in Medium and Heavy Armors, they use Heavy weapons. Machine Guns, LMGs, Assault Rifles. They are 5% of the Military.

Views on Mutation: Much of Alaska is Mutated. From the plants and animals to some of the people living there. While most don't have much of a prejudice against Mutated beings. Those like Ghouls or the Autleeir Tah regard humans with disdain.

Views on Slavery: Slavery while practiced is illegal in Alaska. And those found practicing it are either killed or ran off.

Population: Tier 3: Medium Technology 2,500,000(NCR)

The Midwestern Ecumene


Faction name: The Midwestern Ecumene
Flag (optional):

Description/History: The Midwestern Brotherhood was originally founded by a rouge group of Brotherhood dissenters who believed that the Brotherhood was too closed minded and stuck in their ways. After traveling to the Midwest sometime after the events of Fallout 1, they established themselves as an independent faction in that region: operating very differently from the Brotherhood back West, such as allowing for the recruitment of wastelanders and a desire to bring expand and bring order to the lands under their control.

Years later the Midwest encountered a fearsome enemy in the likes of the Calculator: a corrupted robotic AI system bent on "pacifying" the wasteland of all life forms. After a bloody conflict with the robotic menace, the former leader of the Brotherhood, Simon Barnaky, merged his brain with that of the Calculator's AI systems: becoming the calculator himself. With Calculator and Brotherhood forces joined, Barnaky expanded Brotherhood territory from Chicago all the way to Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, and began a systematic enslavement and "containment" of all mutated "non-pure" life forms. The feared Midwestern Inquisition being his instruments for the rooting out of genetic divergence within the population.

Under Barnaky, the Midwest became a large Empire spanning nearly half the continental U.S., and his harsh measures left thousands of mutants imprisoned or dead. However, the end of Barnaky’s reign came very quickly and surprisingly when an unknown and highly contagious plague struck down from northern regions, infecting a large proportion of the population. Unable to combat the viral enemy with either containment or quarantine procedures, the Brotherhood’s citizenry began dying off in droves. At the same time, a massive malfunction in Vault Zero’s systems caused the immediate death of Barnaky, and the destruction of the Vault, which left the Midwest leaderless and lost without their veritable God-king.

However, a new leader arose from the ranks of Barnaky’s once greatly feared Inquisitors, and was able to rally the Brotherhood together. Realizing that they could no longer hold the vast majority of their empire together, the new leader (who would become the Brotherhood Patriarch) led the Brotherhood on a migration to the core region: which was once the states of Pre-War Illinois and Missouri. Deciding to abandon the administrative capital of Chicago, the new capital was declared to be the city of “New St. Louis” and the rebuilding process began in earnest.

After seeing the destruction and near complete annihilation of their people, the Midwest had a rapid change of heart concerning their mutant comrades, and under direction from the Patriarch, a new doctrine of toleration and peace was preached. Welcoming of the new regime change and forgiving of past transgression: mutants, ghouls, humans, and deathclaws began to rebuild their shattered society side by side. Finally wiping away the hated stain of Barnaky’s reign of terror.

Many however, still clung to the old ways despite this turn of events, and worshipped Barnaky in secret: plotting to overthrow the new Government and restore a policy of mutant extermination. These Barnaky loyalists (both human and deathclaw) went into hiding, taking up positions in the government and military, and all the while biding their time.

Steadily however, prosperity began to return to the region. Crops were sown, houses and farms were built and plowed, the cities of Jefferson and New St. Louis were expanded and further built up, and scouting expeditions were sent north to reclaim their northern territory by Chicago. While the threat of the Barknaky fifth column remains very real, troubles also stir in the north as the brave men of the Midwestern Recon Corp fight off raiders and terrible abominations inhabiting the ruins of Chicago and the land surrounding it. If the newly reclaimed nation is to survive it will have to look to consolidate its position, and deal with threats both internal and external.

Government Type: The Ecumene is unofficially a “Theocratic Cultural Hegemony,” which is a fancy title which essentially just means that a ruling body (with religious significance) makes the rules and cultural norms for the larger majority of citizens. The most important way this features into play is the laws regarding the treatment of mutants and the enforcement of racial toleration under penalty of death.

The ruling body of the Midwestern Brotherhood is the "Synod" of Elders, which is overseen by the Patriarch of the Brotherhood: who is "first among equals" on the council. While a position of great respect and spiritual importance, the Patriarch is not a dictator and does not necessarily hold more power than the rest of the Synod. The Synod itself is composed of several hundred “High-Elders” who collectively represent a diverse mix of the various 'races' within the Brotherhood: including humans, ghouls, super-mutants, and deathclaws. The

Synod sets laws and acts as the highest authority for the Brotherhood on both executive, legislative, and judicial matters.

The territory of the Brotherhood is also split up into various smaller provinces, which are ruled over by Paladin-Lords (not unlike a feudal state). By far the most powerful of these Paladin-Lords is the super-mutant Paladin-Lord of Jefferson: the second largest city in the Midwestern Brotherhood.

Economy: The two most significant exports of the Midwestern Brotherhood are the advanced technologies they produce (sale of military armaments is heavily curtailed, but more peaceful technological products are readily traded) and, perhaps most importantly, agricultural products. The territory of the Ecumene is immensely fertile, and has been for quite some time. The area is, for the most part, green and relatively lush and temperate in comparison to other post war regions. This has allowed the Midwest the opportunity to take great advantage of the fertile soil and thereby produce a variety of crops both for domestic use and trade. Including (but not limited to) corn, wheat, cotton, beans, and other various food products.

Both of these exports (technology and agriculture) are traded to tribal peoples and other national groups that the Brotherhood has contact with. The two major rivers (and the various smaller ones) which flow through Brotherhood territory, the Missouri and Mississippi, are heavily utilized for the transportation of goods both up and down river largely through the use of river boats and barges. Like the NCR, the

Midwest also has a limited system of raillines which are used to transport goods and people via freight trains.

Culture: The Brotherhood is a society based heavily around agriculture: as the soil of their home is surprisingly fertile. Most of the common people are either farmers, or their work is tied in some way to agriculture. The only two major cities are the capital at New St. Louis, and the city of Jefferson. The rest of the territory is dotted mostly by small hamlots and villages, with some larger towns acting as "capitals" of provinces. The Brotherhood, despite its past, is also completely tolerant of mutations. As might be expected, prejudice against mutates (or humans for that matter) is outlawed. As a result, the Midwest is a unique sort of culture where mutates and humans live together in relative peace.

The Midwestern Brotherhood is also heavily religious. Originally, when Barnaky held control, he was worshipped as a veritable living god. Following his defeat though, a different polytheistic religion has taken the place of the Cult of Barnaky. Little is known about the religion, except that it involves the worship of a pantheon of vague spiritual deities, which tend to represent facets of life in the Midwest.

As a side note, the culture of New Saint Louis is heavily based in extravagant pageantry and political posturing (largely to the complex and scheming politics of the Synod and its associated bureaucracy, which is collectively called the “Midwestern Curia”) and the citizens of the capital typically dress in more ornate and richly fashion than those of more rural areas.

Regular forces:
The military of the Midwestern Brotherhood is composed of the Knights, Paladins, and other supplementary forces of the Brotherhood's military arm which form its core of professional soldiery made up of humans, ghouls, and super-mutants. While common people within the Brotherhood may be conscripted in times of war, this is typically not done unless there is a time of great need. In which case the various farmers and common people will trade in their plows and shovels for rifles.

Otherwise, the Knights and Paladins operate in a sort of quasi-feudal system. Owing their loyalty to local Paladin-Lords, and protect these lands in the case of a raider incursion or other such small threat. In the case of a larger war, the capital will call upon these Paladin-Lords to send their Knights to form a greater army, from which a commander would be appointed to take control of the national army.

Some Knights however, don’t necessarily owe loyalty to a particular Paladin-Lord and instead form a standing force commanded by the government in New St. Louis. These forces are typically assigned to protect roads, patrol the borders, and make offensive incursions into raider or hostile territory if needed.

In addition to its regular military forces, the Midwestern Brotherhood also retains control over the remnants of the Calculator's army. While the ability to produce them constantly in great numbers has been eliminated with the destruction of Vault Zero. The MWBOS still retains factories in New St. Louis which are able to produce these robots. Since the Calculator has been destroyed, the robotic army is now overseen by an advanced AI system located in a bunker in New St. Louis. These robotics forces range from the common Humanoid Robots, to the more rare (and powerful) Behemoth Class robots, which can be the size of houses.

Deathclaws are also a powerful asset to the Brotherhood's military, and while they do not fight as regular soldiers: deathclaws are used to great effect to both weaken an enemy's morale, and to act as powerful close-combat specialists. Their bravery and lust for combat often means they are deployed to the front lines of an engagement.

Armaments: Most Knights and Paladins are issued standard laser rifles or plasma weapons, with heavier shock troopers being armed with weapons such as the gatling laser, minigun, or missile launchers. Conscripted forces (should they be present) are usually armed with assault rifles or similar weapons.

The armor used by both Knights and Paladins (super-mutant, ghoul, and mutant) is the Midwestern Power armor, a post-war version of power armor uniquely created by the Midwest. While more durable than combat armor, its roughly equivalent to T-45d in terms of durability.

Air Force: The Midwest maintains a force of Hellion fighter jets, which are piloted by highly skilled individuals. They are rarely deployed, but are sometimes used for shock and awe effect on hostile tribes or raider groups.

Navy: The Brotherhood essentially doesn’t have a navy in the traditional sense, as they are land-locked and the territories around the Chicago area are sparsely populated and under-used (making a full time naval force in the Great Lakes impractical). They do however, maintain patrol boats and smaller river-warships for patrolling the rivers in their territory and securing their trade posts and river-based shipping.

Unique Forces:

The Midwest maintains a few unique cores of specialist military forces including:

The Cataphracts: A specialist band of unusually heavily armored super-mutants (heavier power armor than standard knights or Paladins wear) whos job is typically to handle the roughest of combat situations. Using both ranged and melee weapons.

Deathclaw Hunters: Packs of deathclaws in specially fitting ‘deathclaw’ armor which charge enemy ranks and deal great havoc and damage with their razor sharp claws.

Midwestern Recon Corps: Lightly armored forces typically used for scouting and recon duty. The majority of the Recon Corp is deployed in the northern part of the country near the Chicago and Great Lakes region. They are expert trackers, scouts, and skirmishers (when needed) and maintain an outpost in the desolate and uninhabited ruins of Chicago.

Honor Guard: The “elite of the elite” which is drawn from the ranks of the Paladins. They are armored in ceremonial power armor with flowing capes and ornate helmets which indicate their status. They are the personal household guards of the High-Elders and, most importantly, the personal protectors of the Patriarch of the Brotherhood.

Religion: The Brotherhood’s religion is rather strange and esoteric. Originally, when the Midwest was an Empire under Barnaky, Barnaky was worshipped as a living God. However, after his fall the Midwest, in an attempt to wipe Barnaky’s memory away forever, replaced the cult of Barnaky with a new religion based more on naturalistic gods. The Patriarch is the highest religious authority, and various Brotherhood Ministers (who replaced the once feared Midwestern Inquisitors) attend to religious duties, as well as serving as local judges.

The cult of Barnaky however, was not completely extinguished, and while it is officially outlawed, there are some who still practice it in secret.

Total Military Numbers (subject to change, I’m just throwing out numbers here):

Knights: 20,000 Midwestern Knights (humans, mutants, ghouls)
Paladins: 7,000 (humans, mutants, ghouls)
Mutant Cataphracts: 200
Recon Corp: 3,000
Deathclaw Hunters: 300
Deathclaws: Unknown number since technically all deathclaws are fighters.
Honor Guard: 1,000.
Calculator Robots: 10,000 (total for all types)
Army: Roughly 40,000 total.
Available numbers for conscription: 40,000-50,000 relatively untrained commoners.
Hellion Aircraft: A hundred or so maybe?
Naval Vessels (river boat craft): Several hundred at least.
Views on Mutation: Completely tolerant of all mutations, and readily welcoming of them.

Views on Slavery: The Midwest’s views on slavery is rather complex, and something of a dark mark on its otherwise good record. Slavery against “innocent” humans and mutants is officially outlawed. Enslavement of raiders and other enemies of the Midwest however (prisoners of war etc.), is seen as just and proper. This has unfortunately various led to instances however (although not necessarily under sanction from the government in New St. Louis) of Midwest forces attacking tribals and other outlying groups based on a trumped up casus belli, and enslaving the inhabitants.

Typically most slaves either work the Midwest's plantations, or serve as household servants.
Population: 1.8 Million

The Directorate of Cascadia


Name: The Directorate of Cascadia, commonly known as Cascadia.


History: Before the war, the Northwest Commonwealth, which contains the territories that are now the Directorate of Cascadia, was a relatively troublesome and independent Commonwealth. Ever since the United States first grouped together the Northwestern States into their Commonwealth, the region has looked unfavorably upon the federal government and their policies. The anti-war, peace-loving, environmentalist population of the Northwest, which had been greatly affected by the Hippie movement, constantly contravened and protested America's ever-increasing foreign military involvement and violation of the environment for the dwindling resources that the world still yielded. The Northwesterner's choler only increased as the United States invaded Mexico on the grounds of protecting American interests, causing large-scale riots to overthrow the so-called tyranny of the federal government.

Meanwhile, the military worked to increase its presence in the Northwest Commonwealth, moving a great deal of forces into the Salish Sea area. This was a response to both the region's riots and the growing power of China and its satellite states, which required a greater Pacific military presence to keep in check. Soon after, as tensions erupted between Europe and the Middle East, China began invading other Asian countries, and Pakistan declared a war on India over Kashmir, refugees flooded into the area, fleeing war. While the Vancouver, Canada area was flooded by Punjabis fleeing the Indian-Pakistani war, Seattle and Olympia received an overwhelming amount East Asian refugees, coming both from China itself and the countries which it was trying to subjugate. The sudden influx of population caused severe unemployment, subsequently sparking a general sense of frustration and leading to higher crime rates as well as more organized rebellions.

The powder-keg that was the Northwest exploded with the onset of the Sino-American war. Nearly all of the trade that the Northwest Commonwealth handled was with the with the East Asian satellite states of the People's Republic of China, and after the war began trade was completely abandoned with all of them. This led to an even more rapid economic collapse of the Commonwealth, along with even higher levels of unemployment. Rioting hit the Commonwealth like it never had before, and American soldiers leaving through Seattle (which, before the annexation of Canada, was the main city through which soldiers traveled to Canada) were openly assaulted on the streets by the over-disgruntled locals. The situation only worsened when the federal government began to imprison East Asian-Americans (mostly Chinese-Americans) under no charges in internment camps which, in some extreme cases, were even used for arms testing and other inhumane government purposes. As tensions continued to escalate, violence erupted all across the Commonwealth, with much of it aimed at the government. With no patience left for the Northwest and its tantrum, the federal government declared martial law within the Commonwealth- a move which also helped the war effort in Alaska.

Massive camps were set up to hold both rioters and Chinese-Americans, curfews were enforced, rights were suspended, legally grey government testing increased, and soldiers were sent Northwest not only to pass through to Alaska, but also to quell their own kinfolk. The situation continued like this for a good deal of time, with the annexation of Canada only further complicating things, and the military began to get the population in line through strict military control. Martial law, however, could not save this Northwest from its next greatest challenge, one which shocked the entire globe- the Great War.

The Northwest, being a hotspot of military activity just before the war, was hit rather hard, with most Chinese warheads detonating in the cities which hugged the Salish Sea. The lack of enough Vaults in the region severely hampered the locals' survivability in the wake of the Great War, as the vast majority were topside when armageddon came. The nuclear fire obliterated all society and infrastructure west of the Cascades, whilst the east was soon ravaged by the environmental effects of nuclear fallout. Just like the rest of the world, the Northwest was a lawless stretch of land for the first handful of decades post-war. Whilst villages existed in the sprawling wilderness of the inland territories, away from the ruins and radiation, the port-cities which had once housed the majority of the population had become dark places of burned metal, radiation, and unspeakable beings. The gently rolling waves of the Salish Sea, which was surrounded by cities and therefore was surrounded by nuclear destinations, became infested with crooked sea-life belonging only to nightmares and legend in the past. Meanwhile, the dense fog that the sea had always bestowed upon its shores had turned radioactive and corrosive, and bouts of wicked acid rain forced man and beast alike to take shelter.

After a few years, as the level of radiation started to lessen, men started to reappear in the great ruins of cities past. At first small urban tribes formed, trading and communicating only with others within their respective ruins. The sea became the main source of nourishment, and some of the first things to be rebuilt or repaired by the locals were fishing vessels to ply the waters. Before long, these ships led to the establishment of trade and communication between the various ruins, leading to the quicker exchange of ideas, technology, and goods, allowing society in the Salish to quickly advance past the dark age that had been thrust upon it through Chinese fire. Trade over land was abandoned in favor of trade via sea, and before long society in the Salish set itself into a vacuum of sorts. The port cities gained a knowledge of one another, and to more easily face their competitors in trade and warfare, the tribes which dwelled within each ruined city consolidated with their neighbors overtime to form city-states.

Each city preserved different ideals that were present in the pre-war Northwest or adopted new practices to aid their survival post-war. The first great city to arise from its own ashes was the city of Seattle, the largest in the region pre-war. Before the war, the city had served as the center of the martial law operations, and as a result many of the survivors were soldiers or pre-war government employees. As the tribes consolidated into a city-state, the old traditions of military rule and strict hierarchy were carried over to the newly-formed government, with the military and leadership being closely intertwined. An almost totalitarian rule was applied to the citizens of Seattle, and a republic with limited voting was established, led by a Consul and the Diet. The government's experiments in the area pre-war left an impression on the populace, and the first Consul of Seattle was indeed a government-trained geneticist from before the war, by now an old man.

In an attempt to quickly establish itself as the dominant party in the Salish region, the Seattle government hammered the quite malleable populace with grand ideas of nationalism. The people of Seattle looked back to their military lineage (because, as previously mentioned, many of the survivors were military personnel), how they had survived the nuclear holocaust, and their Native American roots. A sense of supremacy was instilled in the populace via propaganda, and the government soon set into motion a variety of practices to 'purify' the local populace in order to have them be able to survive and thrive in this new world. A very in-depth eugenics program, engineered by the first Consul and laced with strong feelings of nationalism, was set into motion. Widespread karyotyping and other genetic tests were forced upon the populace, and the members were placed in one of fives castes. Castration, artificial insemination, selective breeding, and the elimination of carriers of both 'bad genes' and mutants became a staple of the local culture, all in the name of the betterment and purification of the population.

Meanwhile, northward over the Salish, the city of Vancouver started to rise from the ashes as well. Armageddon had left the city with a Punjabi majority (descendants of the refugees from Pakistan and India pre-war) and the peaceful, tolerant Sikh religion that the residents practiced greatly affected the cities development. Unlike Seattle, which had united its populace under dreams of might, purity, and nationalism, Vancouver's people united under the idea of widespread peace and prosperity guided by religion. At first, the population united under various merchant clans who traded their goods (and others') all across the Salish, but as the city of Seattle united, the merchant-princes saw a great danger, and consolidated as well. After its formation, the city-state became a promised land of sorts for drifters, tribals, and nomads all across the Salish, with all of them looking for a peaceful and fulfilling life of equality, something that Vancouver now stood for.

Not too far west, the city of Victoria became an established entity as well, though it formed through different means than Seattle and Vancouver. Unlike the others, which had formed from an agreement between local tribes, Victoria was conquered by a foreign power and made into its home. After the war, a small Chinese fleet had been left without leadership in the Pacific and its leader, an ambitious admiral by the name of Yue Fei, decided to continue the war against America independently. The Chinese fleet made landfall on Victoria island and established a small, hopefully temporary home port of sorts in the city. After extensive scouting via warship and expeditions, however, it was established that there wasn't even an America to war against, nor was there a People's Republic of China. So instead, the small fleet and its seamen decided to settle down, forming what would in the future be known as New Taiwan and establishing the Fei Monarchy to rule over it.

For years, these three city-states engaged in both trade and battle with one-another, all via the Salish Sea. Other smaller settlements sprung up in the area as well and were constantly conquered and lost by the grander city states through a violent and predictable cycle. Contact with the outside world, known as the Inner Territories, was surprisingly minimal, with the Salish entities being entirely too focussed on one-another to look inland. At first, war was waged with the great warships of the old world and the veritable stores of power armor and laser weaponry of times long past, but as both of those decayed, they were replaced. Most battle took place in the Salish Sea itself, as all notable powers were well within the range of naval bombardment and invasion. At first, wooden galleys fitted with ancient naval guns and other ordnance reigned supreme in warfare, but as the cities each attempted to get an advantage over the others and the populace called for higher living standards, the fire of industry ignited all throughout the Salish.

Before the war, the region had already been an industrial hub, making the reestablishment of industry to be surprisingly easy. Factories were brought back from the dead, at first powered by coal brought from out east and then through hydropower as dams on the vast Northwestern watersheds were rebuilt just for that purpose. Ore for smelting and metalworking was suddenly in high demand, and all eyes turned first to the Olympic peninsula and then to the Cascade Range. Both areas had been largely ignored by the city-states in the past, but with their land now worth exorbitant amounts, conflict broke out over them. War hit the region hard, and unlike the past where the three main regional powers engaged in skirmishes over trade routes and settlements, this was true and total war. With many of their pre-war military armament spent or worn down and the process of industrialization only partially complete, the powers no longer had the luxury of fighting their wars with fast, powerful blows to minimize the damages of sustained conflict.

Inefficient, highly experimental weaponry, rusted and broken-down pre-war ordnance, wooden, wind powered ships, and even swords and the like were widely used, and much of the population was mobilized. Progress was slow, the effort draining, and the casualties high, with the peasantry growing increasingly disgruntled and fearful. Extremists of both the political Left and Right attempted to take power, reactionaries called for an end to both industrialization and war, separatists triggered civil wars of independence, and outside tribal forces seized the opportunity presented and started raiding the collapsing Salish cities. The once orderly borders of the region which showed only three powers now was an extensive rainbow of independent villages and cities, each one trying to further their own agenda in the chaos. This went on for a considerable amount of time, thirty years in fact, before an outside force came to change things for better or for worse.

This did not come in the form of a nomadic army or a foreign nation, but rather in the form of a plague. Most likely coming from across the Rockies, this plague was brought to the Cascade Range by migrating tribals and traitors, where it was caught by soldiers who were fighting over control of the range. Like it always does in war, this disease then spread like wildfire, being carried over long distances by combatants moving to friendly and enemy cities alike, where the locals then caught it. A mass extinction came about, with the foreign disease striking down thousands of innocents and combatants alike. The great Salish war machine which had run uninterrupted for years screeched to a halt as armies whittled themselves down and the city-states became unable to make a complete effort at war. The region, which had once been the most densely populated in the known post-war world, was demolished and left devoid of citizenry.

Eventually, the plague burned itself out through natural means, and the death toll began to quickly slow. Every city-state had been affected, every city-state except one- New Taiwan. Victoria Island, being (of course) an island, was completely isolated from the infected regions, and once news of the plague spread, the Fei Dynasty shut down its ports and began systematically blowing everything within a few miles of its shores out of the water. After laying in stasis for some time and completely avoiding contamination, the ruling monarch mobilized his units, hearing that the plague had burned itself out. By now, New Taiwan at least had industrialized, with the city of Vancouver being the region's first industrial centre. Having planned this ever since the plague had struck seven years past, the island-nation's fleet had been bolstered with domestically constructed pre-dreadnought era steam-powered ships, which would set into motion the development of Salish watercraft in the future. Meanwhile, it's land forces had also been trained in preparation for the war and assigned standard-issue equipment of considerable quality, rather than the ragtag armament that had been used for the last four decades.

The war, which was truly a great many wars declared upon every entity in the Salish region simultaneously, was over surprisingly quickly. Unlike the other cities, New Taiwan hadn't suffered or crumbled, and its recent military advancements and superior organization, numbers, and training allowed it to almost immediately steamroll all foes. The might of New Taiwan was awe-inspiring in comparison to its counterparts, and it came out victorious in just two years of war, laying siege to Tacoma, Bellingham, Vancouver, and Olympia only after decimating the smaller cities and villages. Under the treaty known as the Generous Accord by the victors, all former governmental entities who capitulated and swore vassalage to the Fei Dynasty and its newly-formed Salish Empire would be spared, while all who continued to resist would be deposed and subsequently executed for treason. Unsurprisingly, most bent the knee, and in two month's time stability finally came to the region, this time brought about by an all-powerful absolute monarch.

With the competition now non-existent, the Salish Empire's first moved was to spread its reach out to encompass the Olympic and Cascade Ranges, and before long the materials extracted allowed the region's industry to truly start. The process was a rapid one, and over time the population, which now experienced a higher standard of living, skyrocketed, though it failed to reach its pre-plague numbers. The cities were expanded and renovated to accommodate the need for industry, and eventually each one became its own jagged, steel-grey beast, spewing forth the fires and smokestacks of gritty progress. While most were uncomfortable under the rule of the Fei Dynasty, everyone was exhausted of war, and instead the citizens threw themselves viciously at their work. Trade with the outside world started in earnest for the first time, with merchant fleets trading away industrial goods in exchange for luxury and agricultural ones.

Technological jumps were made rather quickly as a great many researchers and scientists worked with government funding to rediscover or replace the great technologies of the time before the Great War. Electricity became standard for city-dwellers, medicine was brought back into circulation and even improved upon, railways ran between the grand port-cities and connected them to more inland regions, ships of increasing efficiency sailed upon the Salish, agriculture and aquaculture became more organized, and various military advancements were made. The citizenry lived a relatively free life, though a foreigner could have noted that taxes were rather severe, and for the most part people were satisfied with their lives. The only armed conflicts carried out were either defensive operations against tribal aggressors and the controversial annexation of the Communist-run city-state of Portland and its outlying territory.

The Salish Empire saw three monarchs come and go before serious trouble struck the region once again. After the most recent monarch of the Fei Dynasty passed away, the throne was passed on to the oldest of his three sons. Trouble arose however, as the young man rose to the throne and it became apparent that the man unfortunately had a mental disability. The new monarch was entirely incapable of ruling the realm, and many of the feudal lords below him began calling either for his resignation, at which point his younger brother would replace him, for the appointment of an elected regent to take his place as the de facto ruler of the Empire, or even for complete independence from the realm. It wasn't long before war engulfed the entire region once again, this time waged with new-fangled modern armaments including domestically produced power armor, robotic machines, swift and powerful destroyers, half-conventional half-gauss demirifles, and large batteries of mobile artillery. The city of Seattle was the first to initiate the war, calling for complete independence, and before long some of the other cities followed suit, though all of their wars were separate from one-another. Meanwhile, the cities of New Taiwan, Vancouver, Olympia, and all of their vassals stayed loyal to the incumbent and rightful Emperor, fighting against all of the other city states in a patchwork of associated wars that they would inevitably lose.

The wars lasted just three years, with the incapable Emperor who sat upon the throne making a great many strategic mistakes, leading to the obliteration of his fleet early on. From there, the war went quickly, and indeed most combat was between the city-states who were looking for independence, rather than against the throne itself. While the war was a relatively quick and easy one, a great many atrocities were committed, mostly by the city-states of Seattle and Tacoma as they used the war as a pretense to commit genocide against their eternal rivals- Communists and mutants. The infamous Sack of Portland saw the unnecessary death of a great many non-combatant Communists while the Purge of Vancouver saw the extinction of every slightly-mutated individual, of which the city harbored many. By the time New Taiwan was seiged and the throne submitted to the release of all vassals in the treaty known as the Expulsion of Dominion, the ideas of nationalism and independence had gripped the populace like they never had before.

Unlike in the earlier periods of independence, there were not just three major powers, but rather a large variety of them. Each one joined into alliances with one or another for a short time before breaking it and finding new allies to war alongside. Militaries became smaller and more efficient, allowing war to exist in a form which was less damaging to economies, and many full-time military companies sprung up across the Salish. In addition to the standard wars over trade power, territory, and the like there were also a series of Wars of Unification, each with varying success. For years the Salish region remained in this form, independent, powerful, war-centric, and self-centered. Trade, industry, and war were all paramount in Salish society, and the three were oftentimes interconnected. Technology rose at an unprecedented rate, quickly surpassing that of the only other known nations, the New California Republic and Alaska, and trade with other entities along the Pacific coast became more common.

Eventually though, this era too came to an end as the city-state of Seattle, whose nationalist ideals had become pan-Northwestern ones, allied itself with the similarly far-Right state of Tacoma and the opportunistic Lord of Bellingham to create a Salish-spanning Confederal Republic with Seattlite far-Right values. After procuring the services of a great many mercenary forces, Seattle and its allies declared war to subjugate and unify all other Salish entities under a common constitution. While some of the other city-states did indeed long for another Salish Empire of sorts, all of them resented the policies that Seattle hoped to instill, namely the infamous Eugenics programs which had been practiced on Seattle's own population for near two-hundred years now. Knowing that they would stand a better chance united, the defending city-states formed a coalition to ward off the aggressors, and so began the Sixth War of Unification.

This war dragged on for seven years, involving the entirety of the region. Early-on in the war a stalemate was reached in the form of a military line of sorts just north of Bellingham and another one south of Seattle and Tacoma. Trench warfare broke out and artillery caused the highest casualties as each side endlessly bombarded one-another. Eventually, a breakthrough came in the form of a nobleman and his nomadic army of mercenaries out east being hired by Seattle to cross through the Cascades and take Vancouver from the rear. The move succeeded, and the forces of Bellingham were able to push through the now-disorganized Vancouver line and demolish its military. With the north being taken care of (after Bellingham and the eastern nobleman set up a defensive force on the eastern shore of the Georgia Strait to prevent a New Taiwanese landing), the aggressors were able to turn all of their forces southward and first overrun Olympia before moving on to drive the cities of Aberdeen, Centralia and finally Portland, which was nearly destroyed by Seattle as it slaughtered its most hated rival.

After the defeat of the last defending city (Portland) Seattle proceeded to call all of the now-defeated leadership to the Space Needle (now called the Obelisk), where it drafted the Concord, both the peace treaty of the Sixth War of Unification and the constitution for the new Concordant States of Cascadia. With many of the losing lords finding the treaty more than fair, the Concord was unanimously agreed upon and signed, with each ruler of each city-state retaining their own life and wealth. Eighteen years later the Concordnt States of Cascadia have grown to encompass not just the Salish region, but also a great deal of the now-defunct State of Washington.

Government: The Directorate of Cascadia can be most accurately described as a federal and directorial republic. Being heavily inspired by pre-war governments, the Directorate is composed of three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The legislative branch is made up of a bicameral legislature called the Diet which is divided into and upper and lower houses, respectively referred to as the Upper Diet and Lower Diet. The Lower Diet is made up of 100 Speakers who are directly elected to it by the popular vote of citizens with the right to vote (accounting for 23% of the population). Tied to no single state, the Speakers are supposed to represent the will of all Cascadians in the government, though most of the time this boils down to only representing eligible voters. As far as their governmental powers go, the Lower Diet possess all powers which one would expect from a lower house and little more.

Meanwhile, the Upper Diet serves as the upper house, and is made up two Representatives per state, amounting to a total of 20 Representatives. Out of the two Representatives per state, one is elected by popular vote by the voting population of that State and the other is appointed by the Governor, who is similarly elected by the State's population but has to be confirmed by the Lower Diet. The Representatives of the Upper Diet are supposed to represent their respective state's wants and needs, performing all of the standard actions one would expect from and upper house along with appointing the new Director each year from a pool of five candidates which are chosen by popular vote. In Cascadia, the Upper Diet is viewed as a very powerful governmental body and carries a great deal of prestige. Their terms last ten years, with elections happening every year to replace one of the elected Representatives (the Governor-appointed Representatives can be dismissed and appointed at the discretion of their respective Governor, though they must serve for a minimum term of 6 months before being dismissed).

Next up, the Judiciary branch is made up of the Paramount Court and the Lesser Courts, with the former overseeing the latter. The members of the Paramount Court, of which there are nine, are appointed to their station by the Directors and are tasked with interpreting the Concord, handling national cases of great consequence, and appointing judges to serve in the Lesser Courts. All-in-all, the Paramount Court isn't a powerful governmental body.

Finally, the Executive branch is made up of two different bodies, together being made of eight different people. Rather than having one paramount figure in the Executive branch, the Directorate of Cascadia has many. The first and foremost of the two bodies tasked with the management of Cascadia is the Directorate, oftentimes called the Council of Directors. This body is made up of seven Directors serving seven year terms, with one spot being opened and subsequently filled every year. The Directors are elected from list of five candidates supplied to the Upper Diet by the voting populace and subsequently elected by the Upper Diet. Tasked with administering the realm and together acting as the Heads of Government, the Directors rarely leave the Obeslisk, being required to stay close at hand to make lighting-quick votes. The Council of Directors is, therefore, the de facto supreme power in Cascadia.

The second body of the Executive branch is an actual singular position, the Consul. In the Concord, the Consul is referred to as a 'Reserve Power', and this is a rather accurate description of his powers and duties. When there is no State of Emergency, the Consul essentially has no power whatsoever, only being able to sit in on the Council of Directors and call an Audit on the government, which must be approved by popular vote. However, if a State of Emergency is declared or both the Upper and Lower Diet to activate the Consul's powers, he gains the ability to seize almost absolute power, amending the Concord, disbanding the Diet or Directorate, taking control of the military, and doing many other things as he sees fit.

States: Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma, Central, Olympia, Portland, Cascade, Columbia, Bellingham, and Yakama. Description for each are a WIP.

Economy: The economy of the Concordant States of Cascadia is a mainly industrial one, with the vast majority of the population working as factory workers. Generic manufacturing of a great variety of products, both necessary and luxury, is the specialty of Cascadia, and rather than focussing on one manufactured good or category of manufactured goods, the focus is kept rather broad. In the great industrial port-cities of the Salish, raw material are brought in in bulk and manufactured goods are shipped out in a rather basic and utilitarian system. While most lumber and ore are supplied to the factories from domestic locations (from 'out east', as most citizens will say), the amount available is not great enough to completely fill the factories, and foreign raw materials are still in demand.

The government regulates the economy through a series of Mechantilist devices and policies which are designed to keep all raw materials sown within the country stay in the country and ensure that all goods exported are indeed finished goods which are in surplus. Exceptions are made for the agricultural sector in particular, as the population of the Salish cities depends greatly upon Californian foodstuffs and textiles to stay alive and productive. Shipbuilding and military supply fabrication are both quickly rising sectors in Cascadia as foreign demand keeps increasing for military goods.

Culture and Related Domestic Policies: The Salish culture has been an isolated and unadvlterated one since its formation in the first years after the war. Stuck in a partially-circumstantial and partially-self induced state of isolation, the city-states bordering the Slaish and their territories developed in a cultural vacuum, with little to no outside influence. Each state (or city, rather, as the vast majority of the populace lives in the ruins of cities past) has a rather unique culture of its own, ranging from the totalitarian, elitist, far-Right culture of the southern Salish to the tolerant peaceful culture of the northeastern Salish, and even to the hybrid survivalist Chinese-Canadian cultures of the westernmost reaches. In more recent years however, Salish nationalism has become the de facto culture of the Salish region, a result of the largely Seattlite government and their policies. A conscious attempt has been made through propaganda and other similar avenues to merge the patchwork of colorful cultures into a single value-and-belief system, with that system being Salish Nationalism.

The goal and driving-force behind Salish Nationalism has always been the betterment of the human species so that it can adapt and thrive in the new landscape that it was presented with after the Great War. The Salish people (that is, those who were born in the region immediately surrounding the Salish Sea) are portrayed as being the people who are destined to bring humanity back to a secure, comfortable, and formidable state once again, and are hailed as being the single most resilient, determined and intelligent society on earth making them natural choices for the famed 'Restoration'. To better prepare themselves for the challenges ahead, they must become one and the same, adopting a strong national identity and unifying with one-another through a bond stronger than any steel. Conditioning of the Salish people must also be exercised, which brings up the policies enacted in the Concord which have since rapidly developed Salish culture.

The most notable of these policies, and indeed the most controversial and socially impacting one, is the grand eugenics practice known commonly as the Great Induration. First invented and put into practice by the first Consul of Seattle oh-so long ago, the Great Induration is the process through which eugenics is widely practiced on every civilian of the Directorate of Cascadia. First off, every man, woman and child (eventually every child at birth, as the first generation dies off and the need to test advlts become null) is karyotyped and put through a series of other genetic tests, at which point they are given an average score based on their frequency of favorable and un-favorable genetic traits. Depending on the subject's score, they are placed into one of five castes, which are given at birth and last until death- no exceptions. The castes are titled with letters from the Greek alphabet, with their dominance going in descending order as follows: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon.

The lowest caste, Epsilon, is full of the dregs of the gene pool along with those experiencing anything more than extremely mild mutation. These individuals, considered to be both an unnecessary drane on resources and a detriment to the Salish gene pool and its future condition, are immediately Culled (killed for the betterment of future generations) at birth or otherwise hunted down and systematically executed, which is the case if the subject is born off record or is foreign. Epsilons are nearly unheard of in Seattle, where the Great Induration has proceeded for many generations, something which is oftentimes viewed as a testament of the system's effectiveness. The next highest caste, Delta, are individuals who harbor slightly less severe traits but are considered useful enough to continue living and consuming resources. In a way, all Delta's are indeed slaves, belonging to either the Diet or a State from birth and being raised as uneducated laborers, servants, farmers, fisherman, or low-level factory employees. Though they aren't Culled, Deltas are still considered too degenerate to continue to reproduce and dirty the gene pool, and are therefore castrated at birth.

The next highest caste, Gammas, make up over fifty percent of the Concordant States of Cascadia's population. Unlike the two before it, the Gamma caste allows its members to experience full rights and grants them individual independence, making it so that they cannot be owned. Most occupations are open to Gammas, with most serving in the manufacturing or military sectors, and they are afforded ten complete years (age 5-15) of government-funded schooling, making them moderately educated. Gammas are allowed to have one child per couple through natural means, while their sperm or eggs are collected on a relatively regular basis to facilitate the productivity of Cascadia's revolutionary breeding program. Betas, who sit above Gammas, make up the elite and intelligent level of Cascadian society. Granted a full 15 years of government-funded education (3-18) with the option for up to 10 more years if they prove themselves, Betas are groomed from an early age to act as managers, educators, businessmen, military officers, mechanics, or other similar occupations. Aloud to have two children naturally, their sperm and eggs are harvested very regularly. The economic security and well-being of Betas is usually ensured, as their services are in high demand relative to their availability.

The highest caste, Alphas, are made up of the top three percent of the populace in terms of genetic excellency. As long as they marry only other Alphas, no limit is placed on how many natural children they can have, and while their sperm and eggs are harvested every once in a while, the marital restraint is enough in itself to ensure that Alphas will continue to better themselves over generations. Employed as very high ranking military officers, government employees, scientists, mathematicians, and business elites, Alphas are given 20 years of government-funded advanced education (0-20, with the first two or three years being arguably arbitrary 'conditioning', which attempts to affect child development early-on). They are granted advanced rights by the Diet and possess legal precedence over the other castes. Nobleman who managed to retain their status after the Concord was enacted are de jure Alphas, though the genetic Alphas and the noble Alphas generally resent one-another, and noble Alphas have recently begun identifying themselves as 'Primes', rather than Alphas.

The caste system is made physical and visible through the presence of different-colored scarves (in the winter or in colder regions) or armbands (in the summer or in warmer regions). Epsilons, being Culled at birth, never get the chance to wear their color, which is officially white. Meanwhile, Deltas wear black, Gammas wear green, Betas wear blue, and Alphas wear red. Culturally, the divide is a rather large one. Epsilons and Deltas are largely shunned and hated by all other castes, sometimes being considered less than human. Segregation against Deltas is widespread, and to even be near one is extremely uncomfortable for their betters. Gammas and Betas are experience the shortest rift, with the two societies being roughly accepting of one-another. Marriage between the two, though rare, is legal, and a cordiality between the two is usually observed. Above them all, the Alphas possess a strong sense of elitism, and rarely associate themselves with any of the lower castes, collectively deemed haughtily as 'Misfortunates'.

The other major policy of the Great Induration that has recently impacted culture involves the so-called 'Exchange'. The Exchange is the system through which the government (specifically the Ministry of Induration) harvests the sperm and eggs of the upper three castes for use in the first three steps of the Great Induration, deemed Artificial Genetic Selection, Artificial Development, and Artificial Grooming. One of the first technologies developed in the Northwest (truly, it was discovered in 2076 and perfected only after the re-formation of Seattle) was the process known as Artificial Development, an evolution of In Vitro fertilization. The development was a revolutionary one, allowing an egg and one or more sperm to fertilize outside of any organic tissue (something which can be done today), but then continue to develop in an artificially-created, fully functional womb, before being born independently of a mother. The process is a highly controversial one, but it is generally accepted by Seattlites and is a key tenet of the Concord.

Before Artificial Development takes place, anolysts will pair sperm and egg with one another to provide them with the best projected outcome in a process known as Artificial Genetic Selection. Then In Vitro fertilization and subsequently Artificial Development occurs and a child is produced through highly unnatural means. Afterwards, the parent-less child is put through Artificial Grooming, which places him or her under the care of a government-hired woman for the first three years of its life, then under the care of a hired male-female pair for the next 10 years, and finally under the care of a professional facility (which also handles schooling) until the individual's education is over with or, in the case of Deltas, until they are thirteen, at which point they are made into independent individuals. If Seattle is to be used as an example, the resulting offspring, who grow up without parents and instead are raised by their peers as well as professionals, are largely similar and fiercely loyal to the government. Considering the fact that a new generation of individuals all across Cascadia being raised under these ideals is just now coming of age, the future years promise to be ones dominated by utilitarian unity and nationalism.

It should also be noted that over the centuries the culture vacuum that the Salish region experienced gave rise to an entirely new language. This language, known as Salish, evolved over a long period of time from the English, Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, Punjabi, and regional Native American languages, most of which were brought by immigrants pre-war. While the English and Salish languages share a great many words and have the same sentence structure, they are distinct enough that an individual who only knows only one cannot effectively understand or communicate in the other.

eligion: Religion in the Salish region has become largely extinct in all places other than Vancouver, which remains devoutly Sikh, and the land east of the Cascade Range, which still holds Christian ideals. A general since of spirituality still remains in the region, however, with many believing in various forms of an undefined higher being or supernatural force. The government itself oftentimes expresses its belief in a form of fate or some other higher direction, referring to it as the 'Winds' or 'Tides'.

Military: WIP

Technology: High

View on Mutation: In the Directorate of Cascadia, mutation is viewed as a plague on humanity and an impediment to the Restoration. Anyone with anything more serious than extremely mild mutation is either culled at birth or hunted down and subsequently killed. Meanwhile, those with mild mutation are not allowed to reproduce and spread their filth to future generations. Generally, Cascadians view the elimination of mutants to be a glorious cause, one which will surely lead to the betterment of humanity in the future.

View on Slavery: While slavery is officially illegal in Cascadia, some foreigners may view that policy hypocritical or redundant, as the government seems to actively practice it. However, this is a bit of misinterpretation, as the observed 'slavery' is officially only practiced on Deltas, who are castrated and forced to live out their lives as property. Officially, the Directorate of Cascadia does not recognize that these individuals are human, and treats them as property and little else. With that said, however, slavery is disallowed as far as other castes are concerned, and Cascadia is mildly opposed to foreigners using slavery independently of a developed eugenics program. While Cascadia prefers to eliminate it's mutants, it is not opposed in any way to others using them for slave labor.

Population: Approximately 1.5 million

The Eternal Resistance

Faction name: The Eternal Resistance
During the War between America and China, America had to get supplies and men to Alaska, as more men and supplies crossed into Canada to Alaska, all taking what they what they wanted and more oil went from Alaska to America, none of it stopping in Canada there was more and more resentment from the local civilian population. Eventually the local people snapped and began attacking the American oil pipelines, however this only served to bring down the wrath of America down on all of Canada, leading to the annexation of Canada.

With the Annexation of Canada the members of the Military had to decide whether to work with the Americans against the Chinese or work with the Chinese against the Americans, on the west coast, due to having more suffered under the American Military’s heel, many members of the military began to join resistance movements and petition the Chinese for aid, which was gladly given in the forms of weapons, explosives and more importantly, highly advanced stealth suits.

When the war came the western coast of Canada was target from nuclear weapons, although further inland was not prioritised as much it was still hit. Radiation turned many of the higher ups in the command structure into Ghouls.

After the initial reaction to the Great War the Military leadership quickly went to work gathering what was left of their soldiers and resistance members and establishing command over the area. However, despite the speed at which they managed to reorganise themselves the Military Domination of the area was a long and bloody process; American Troops and civilians, Canadians who opposed the Military, foreign refugees, the remnants of the Canadian puppet government and the newly mutated creatures of the wastelands were all opponents that needed to be crushed to ensure that the Military’s will was unopposed.

After the Long struggles against it’s various internal enemies The Military then had to further solidify it’s rule by ensuring that the population was loyal to it. To do this it instilled a sense of military pride in its subjects by training its citizens and instilling military discipline in them.

Government Type: Military Dictatorship
Economy: The Economy is largely agrarian, relying on farming and hunting to provide for most of citizens
Culture: The Eternal Resistance is a heavy militarised society, all citizens are given military training and all households have at least 1 military issue weapon, this allows for a quick and powerful mobilisation of the population if it is needed, it also makes The Eternal Resistance’s territory hard to take and hold as potential occupiers will face significant civilian resistance.

Due to the pre-war help of China The Eternal Resistance has very good supply of quality small arms and more importantly, a large supply of Chinese stealth suits. Soldiers are given much training in remaining stealthy with and without the stealth suits, allowing The Eternal Resistance’s soldiers to spring ambushes quickly.

The actual Military of The Eternal Resistance is based on the doctrine of stealth attacks, cutting the enemy off from supplies and destroy the enemy piecemeal. Raids will be launched into enemy territory to destroy military installations or important pieces of infrastructure; no care is given to civilian causalities when carrying out these attacks. Assassination of Military and Civilian Leaders will also be attempted.

The Head of the Military (and Government) is General George Attlee who was Ghoulified by the radiation of the great war, a keen historian he is determined to make his mark on the world.

Views on Mutation: Ghouls are treated as normal citizens, Supermutants are allowed but are treated as second class citizens and many supermutants choose to leave. Nightkin are allowed and are treated better than supermutants however all nightkin are required to serve in the military due to their stealth abilities.
Views on Slavery: abhors slavery.
Population: 3,000,000

Columbian Union


Faction name: Columbian Union

Flag (optional):

Description/History: Description/History: In 2254 the Brotherhood of Steel council decided to send a contingent of members to the East Coast to recover as much advanced technology as possible due to their quickly waning power on the west coast. They had Paladin Owyn Lyons lead the expedition accompanied by his friend Scribe Reginald Rothchild. A minor task they were given along the way was to check and see how well the Midwest chapter had faired. Accompanying Lyons were several other veteran soldiers and scribes who would be pivotal in setting up the Brotherhood in DC.

Before they arrived in the Capital Wasteland they made a couple stops along the way. The first was in Chicago where they only found a ruined city littered with debris and bunkers of what looked like a nation tearing themselves apart. It looked like a Brotherhood once existed there but not one anyone would like to be associated with. Another stop was in the Pitt. Seeing how terrible the city had become under the control of the local raiders Lyons for the first time felt compassion towards people other than his brothers. In a single night the Brotherhood wiped out anyone who opposed them taking unmutated children to join the ranks. In the process they only had one casualty.

The Brotherhood arrived in 2255 and within the first few months turned the Pentagon into the Citadel and used it as their base of operations. It was stocked with plenty of pre war technology and supplies such as weapons and T-45d power armor, enough to allow them to set up a sustainable operation. It was the discovery of Liberty Prime that was Lyons’ claim to fame. Upon hearing this the Brotherhood back home promoted him to Elder so he could establish a permanent chapter in the Capital Wasteland. They also found a new breed of Super Mutants in the area. Due to the threat Lyons asked for more supplies and reinforcements from the west which allowed the chapter to grow without accepting wastelanders into their fold. However, the communications finally stopped after his superiors informed him that they were abandoning California. Afraid that some of his people would also want to follow them never told anyone in his chapter and pretended that he was still receiving orders from them.

The chapter mingled with other local factions and groups in the area. They provided assistance to James and Catherine with Project Purity, but after quite some time of no results they deemed the project a failure and withdrew all support from the Jefferson memorial. For a time Knights also protected the people of Megaton but eventually abandoned that as well as both groups didn’t see eye to eye. One beneficial relationship was with a man named Three Dog who operated a radio station. They Brotherhood could use the Galaxy News Radio building as a fortress and broadcast propaganda on the radio in exchange for protection. As time went on and the problems of the wastes diminished the forces of the Brotherhood they stopped contacting other factions and kept almost all of their forces in the Citadel as they had no one left to spare.

With no orders coming in from the west Lyons focused his efforts on the super mutants more and more making it an obsession for him. Several Knights and Paladins saw this as a waste of resources and men that would eventually ruin the chapter. In 2276 after Lyons refused to allow anyone to go to Fort Independence to to scavenge for some of their technology a group of members rallied behind Henry Casdin taking a large amount of supplies with them which is a large reason as to why the Brotherhood’s power diminished. This group became the Outcasts but never found much success. These outcasts began scrouging the waste for technology like the original mission entailed. Afraid that a similar event could happen Lyons told the rest of his members that the original Brotherhood no longer existed and had moved away a long time ago. Although many were upset with their leader they stuck with the Brotherhood. 2277 was the year things would finally turn around. After the schism Lyons was forced to begin recruiting wastelanders into the ranks of the Brotherhood. Even though he was selective the results were never impressive because the recruits were the ones sent out into the field to fight the Super Mutants.

In 2277 James also attempted to restart Project Purity getting lost in the process. His son, now known as the Lone Wanderer, in an effort to find him ended up running into Sarah Lyons and her combat unity Lyons’ Pride. He would help the Brotherhood and Three Dog at GNR spreading their broadcast across the wasteland. He would later return to the Citadel with Dr. Madison Li after the Enclave had taken over the Jefferson Memorial. Even in their weakened state Lyons decided that they must stop the Enclave. Having lived through the events of 2242 he felt they could not bring anything good with them and they had to be stopped. He gathered all his forces in the Citadel and prepared them to fight the Enclave while tasking the Lone Wanderer with retrieving the GECK from Vault 87. The task did not go according to plan and the Enclave ended up capturing the Lone Wanderer and the GECK after they infiltrated Vault 87. Lyons, believing the Enclave’s attempt to activate the purifier was nefarious, order the newly jury rigged Liberty Prime to assault the purifier followed by The Lone Wanderer and Lyon’s Pride. The Enclave unprepared for such an attack crumbled under the robot and retreated to Adams Air Force base. The purifier was activated but at the cost of the Lone Wanderer’s life.

For a couple weeks after the assault on the Jefferson Memorial the Brotherhood used Liberty Prime, their distinct advantage, to rout Enclave forces who had stuck around. The Enclave ended up luring the Brotherhood into a trap at a satellite relay station where they bombarded the robot with an orbital platform completely destroying it. At this same time the Brotherhood was also hand delivering water for free making a strain on resources that weren’t there. This made fighting the Enclave very difficult so hunkered down and waited. It turned out that the Enclave deemed DC as a lost cause and took all their materials and resources and left Adams Air Force Base leaving only pre-war technology behind such as airplanes and the mobile base crawler.

Without the looming threat of the Enclave the Brotherhood quickly shifted their focus on helping the people of the wasteland. It was the perfect time to capitalize on the Enclave’s defeat. They continued handing out free water even though it strained resources, but the strict rules who can and cannot be allowed into the Brotherhood was lifted They had an influx of wastelanders wanting to join the ranks from across the Capital Wasteland seeing it as an opportunity to join the best faction. In reality their power was stretched very thin and an attack from a threat like the Super Mutants would be devastating. Lyons with the help of his daughter began to strategically drive the Super Mutant threat out of DC. With the help of the Lone Wanderer they discovered the source of the mutants and knew that would have to be dealt with eventually. Raiders, although numerous, were not difficult to rout provided that those attacking them did not underestimate them.

By 2280 the Brotherhood laid claim to the entirety of the Arlington area and some of the surrounding locations. Much of the debris was cleared out and the buildings there were repurposed so they could be put to use. The L.O.B. Enterprise building was converted into a factory to produce ammunition for the military and trading with outside communities. The Arlington Library was used to store all archives of the Brotherhood along with the continued storing of pre-war books. After a trade agreement with Megaton was set up in order to obtain farm goods that were recently planted they made use of Mama Dolce’s machinery to process and distribute the food. The Super-Duper Mart was also repaired in order to sell food to wastelanders not associated with the Brotherhood. The cemetery was now used to bury the fallen of the Brotherhood of Steel. Grayditch could be considered the first civilian community set up by the Brotherhood. As more people became interested in joining they needed a place to house them as they kept arriving. Although Grayditch was derelict it was a good place to put people as several houses and a diner already existed. Over time other wastelanders desired residence there due to its booming success as a town.

In 2281 Megaton was incorporated into the Brotherhood’s territory used as a farming community. Rivet City followed in 2282. The residents were moved out due to the safety hazard of living in a ship that was falling apart. They would eventually become the first new residents of DC. At the same time National Mall had all of its Super Mutant populations eradicated and the repurposing of its buildings went into effect. In 2283, with three civilian communities under their banner, Lyons officially decided that the group was no longer the Brotherhood of Steel. For some time wastelanders had been calling the area the Capital Union, so for a while the name was used. The other communities so unused to this kind of organization wanted to take part as well to bask in the benefits. By 2285 the Union’s grasp encompassed all of the Capital Wasteland using some of the existing communities and creating new ones at places like Old Olney. They also converted locations like Fort Independence and Fort Constantine into useable military bases to police their territory. Rivet cities marketplace was moved to lawn of the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the Capital Building becoming the largest shopping center in the area.

As the Union set up more communities in the north they started to be harassed by a group of raiders called the Ravens. The raiders were unorganized as usual and poor fighters, but they seemed to be endless in number. Scouting missions discovered that the source of the raiders was the pre-war city of Baltimore. Elder Lyons promoted a strategic defense plan against the raiders as to not spread resources thin like they once did many years ago. He died in October 2286 at the age of 84. Once his daughter became the Elder of the autocratic state she ordered the eradication of the Ravens. An army of 1,000 Knights and Paladins (half their military at the time) marched into Baltimore ready to fight the aggressors. The most surprising thing was how much more populous the city was; this was easy to take advantage of. Many of the local citizens joined the Union’s cause and after a few weeks of fighting the raiders had either fled or surrendered. Sarah, not one to let an opportunity slip between her fingers, declared that the city now belonged to the Union. The adverse effects were felt immediately, but with some time they could be cured and the city would become a thriving trading location. Around the same time she also changed the faction’s name to the Columbian Union feeling that the term Capital only compared the Union to the defunct Capital Wasteland.

As the Union’s numbers and power grew more the strain on the manufacturing of the state became more apparent. Using knowledge from before the war it was decided that the city of Philadelphia needed to be incorporated into the growing Union. Initial reports showed that the interior and functioning parts of the city were controlled by a large community of ghouls. Sarah was even less tolerant of ghouls than her father and decided that a swift military takeover would be the best course of action. The Union forces sailed down the Delaware river under the cover of the night and successfully infiltrated the town. The ghouls were helpless and fell overnight, any who survived were forced to work on the city metro tunnels. The surrounding communities were also forced to join the Union. To the tens of thousands of people living in the squalor of Philly suburbs this was good news. The factories were immediately put into use making goods from power armor to canned beans.

Over the next decade it was the focus of the Union to rebuild the infrastructure of the three major cities they controlled. Metro tunnels in DC were repaired by ghoul workers and one line was even made operational again after they learned the technology from the surviving presidential metro. Plumbing and electricity became a reality again in the larger parts of the city. Major roads were installed between the three cities and plans for rail transportation began. Everyday immigrants petitioned to join the Union and were granted citizenship. Many fishing towns were set up along the Delmarva Peninsula. With the announcement of meeting of nations Sarah hoped that she would be able to find new neighbors and trading partners who could help increase the stability of the state.

Government Type: An autocracy ruled by one High Elder, the current High Elder being Sarah Lyons. The High Elder now has their own personal council that meets and decides new laws and mandates. Both these meet in the newly built which was built where the White House once stood, It is a 3 layered building made of steel and blue tinted glass and lights, at the top a waterfall flows down the side of the building and leads into a large pond that is the main component of Platinum Park. The Capital Building is used for the local government of Washington.

Economy: The spread of fresh water due to project purity allowed agriculture to explode in the Capital region. Megaton has become a massive supplier of beef and crops. There are more Brahmin in Megaton than there are people. Between Paradise Falls and Old Olney tons of field have been planted leading it to be called the ‘Sea of Corn’.

Philadelphia is the manufacturing center of the Union. Whether it is cement, canned food, or power armor it is likely produced in Philly (Except robots which was set up in the Capital Wasteland). Baltimore is the major trading hub connecting the manufacturing and agriculture parts allowing for seamless trade.

Nuka-Cola has become a valuable commodity that many people desire. Tourism is sought out whether it is history in Washington, Leisure in Tennpenny, or music in Baltimore. The use of Tesla Coils in Olney Powerworks has allowed for an excess of affordable power across the states. Canterbury Commons is the most important hub in Washington where most caravans pass through.

Culture: The Culture is very dedicated to the history of the Union. The National Mall was one of the first things rebuilt in Washington. The Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial were left intact out of respect for those people. The museum of history was turned into the Museum of the Columbian Union where Liberty Prime’s defunct head now resides.The Museum of Technology was also rebuilt to show the importance that technology has in the Union. The Vault-Tec tour was turned into the Lone Wanderer tour detailing his journey. The Capital Preservation Society was moved into the National Archives along with many important documents of the Union. The Arlington cemetery was rebuilt and is used the same way as it was before.

Social class is still prevalent in society. After Tinker Inc.became the dominate robot producing company in the region the CEO (Tinker Joe) took residence in Tennpenny Tower and constructed a small tourist town around it. Luxuries such as pools and a casino can be found there among other things like a small shopping complex and the Nuka-Cola museum. With the reopening of the Nuka-Cola Company the soft drink has left an impression on much of the citizens. Nuka-Cola memorabilia can be found across the entire nation with vending machines found all over the place. The new Nuka-Cola is completely synthetic due to the obvious lack of its 17 different fruit flavors. Regardless of flavor the carbonation makes it taste better.

Baltimore’s fascination with the Raven has exploded after the apocalypse. The original raider gang that controlled the city was named the Ravens and forced their culture onto the people living their, and once the Brotherhood decimated them the culture remained. The many present rowhouses have flags of ravens and paintings of ravens. A new jazz music used Ravens as an influence. Anything symbols use the raven and purple and black colors. Clothing is also mainly purple and black. Since the city was controlled by raiders for such a long time the people are very timid and reclusive. Outsiders find their time there to be very curious and odd.

The absolute destruction of Philadelphia and its conversion into a mainly manufacturing city hasn’t allowed for a distinct culture to emerge there.

Radio is incredibly important in the Union.

Military: The acquisition of Philadelphia allowed the Union to begin production of power armor. Since T-45d was made from steel it could be made from scrap material taken from the skeletons of buildings. While T-51b can be produced it is more expensive and difficult to make. Enclave technology is instead used by elite forces and researched by scientists and engineers in hoped they can make use of the technology in the future.

The standard soldier is equipped with T-45d power armor and laser weaponry. Initiates still use recon armor and conventional weapons though they are trained with energy weapons. The more elite troops like Paladins tend to wear T-51b armor and carry heavier weapons like miniguns and gatling lasers.

T-45d Infantry - 38,000
T-51b Paladins - 6,000
Shocktroopers (Enclave technology) - 1,000

Views on Mutation: Super Mutants are taken as a serious threat and shot on site. Ghouls aren’t even second class citizens. They are forced to take the worst work and a blind eye is turned to all crime against them. Animals, like Brahmin, have their purposes.

Views on Slavery: Does not have slavery in the sense that people are property, however, things like POW and prisoner work are welcomed in the Union. Ghouls could be called third class citizens. Many of them are forced to work on plantations. Many of them volunteer to maintain the metro tunnels throughout Maryland and Philadelphia. Even though the work is difficult it keeps them away from the normal humans.

Technology: Very High

Population: 575,000 split amongst 3 city-states being Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.
Washington - 50,000
Baltimore - 175,000
Philadelphia - 350,000

The Pitt


Nation name: The Pitt
Flag (optional):
Description/History: Before Ashur's Takeover: The Pitt was once the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following the Great War, survivors established a settlement on the remains of the city center (Downtown) at the confluence of rivers. The rivers seemed to provide a clear resource, and enough of the city was cleared by the bombs that a new settlement could be established. However, radioactive material and unidentified mutagens mixed into the groundwater, causing it to become slightly mutagenic and highly carcinogenic. As a result, the people in the new settlement began to change gradually over time.

The changes were subtle, not nearly to the degree of the super mutants or the various Wasteland creatures, but over the next 140 years, their effects became visible. Starting from the first few years, children were often born with strange growths or extra limbs. The mutations never went far beyond the occasional hunchback or cleft palate, but it wasn’t long before the vast majority of the residents of The Pitt developed some sort of physical deformity in their lifetimes. Although many children were born "clean," the older they became, the more likely it was that a mutagenic problem would manifest as they developed.

The most disturbing change that the environment caused was not nearly as noticeable as the physical deformities. The infected water and poisoned sky began to cause neurological damage to those exposed to it. People became more hostile, violent, and short-tempered; they became known as "Wildmen." Their emotions began to run out of control, often teetering on primal. In severe cases, mutated humans devolved into hunched, savage beasts nicknamed "trogs." Over the first 50 years, The Pitt quickly degenerated into a dangerous urban jungle; even cannibalism was not uncommon.

Rumors of the horrors of The Pitt spread throughout the Wasteland, and all travelers knew to avoid it at all costs. However, The Pitt became one of the most self-sufficient communities in the Wastes. Although their self-sufficiency relied on the citizens occasionally eating one another, they nonetheless functioned without trade or export.

In 2255, Star Paladin Lyons of the Brotherhood of Steel led the Scourge, a large-scale military action that wiped out nearly the entire population of The Pitt. In a single night, the Brotherhood swept through the city, eliminating any resident who put up a fight. Although the intent of the Scourge remains unclear, several unmutated children were taken from The Pitt by the Brotherhood and placed into initiate training. The motivations for the Scourge are unclear to this day, but many in the Brotherhood note that it was a marked change in the way the Brotherhood operated. Additionally, it is known that something was recovered from The Pitt during the Scourge, although to date it would seem that only Elder Lyons knows what it was.

It is said that one man, Ishmael Ashur - a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin from the Scourge - stayed on in The Pitt, seeking to bring law and order to the unwashed masses and creating an underclass of Pitt slaves in the process, guarded by Pitt raiders under his personal command. However, in the decades following the events of the Scourge, nobody has heard anything from The Pitt. Travelers who have gone to investigate have not returned, and no survivors have emerged.

Ashurs Takeover: , Ashur founded the new city of The Pitt because he was touched by the tenacious locals who had endured great hardship before, during and after the Scourge. Another reason being the fact that it contained the only operational steel mill the Brotherhood had ever run into, allowing the Pitt to produce its own equipment. To gain control, Ashur formed his own gang and using his Brotherhood training and expertise quickly began killing the leaders of remaining raider gangs to establish dominance. Raiders who did not rebel were incorporated into his gang and numbers swelled, his control over the Pitt grew to the point where his territory extended to most of the ruins. Ashur transformed his raider gang into a functioning government under his autocratic rule, rebranding his gang an "army" with the most fierce raiders becoming his lieutenants. With the Pitt firmly under his control, Ashur and his guards occupied a mostly intact skyscraqer called Haven as his palace to watch over his city.

However, it wasn't long before he realized that raider gangs would not be enough to allow his new civilization to grow. In order to achieve this, Ashur soon started to use slaves (whom he insists on calling "workers" to remind them that they all have a chance at freedom, no matter how slim) as labor and admits he hates to do this, but claims "it has to be done" since most citizens of The Pitt are unable to have children due to the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion. Most of the non-raider population was enslaved forming a "working class", managed by a brutal "upper class" largely composed of raiders to watch over them and punish dissent. The Pitt began to slowly rebuild, the slaves made great progress in making things operational in the Pitt again - Ashur eventually started importing slaves and hiring raiders from outside the Pitt area to accommodate the growth

The Pitts Expansion: Upon reaching the point at which the Pitt could be considered a wasteland Super power, Ashur took it upon himself to rebuild the society that surrounded him. He ordered recons of his massive army of raiders to expand outward in every direction. When they reported back, they told of civilizations that were emerging. Ashur then mobilized his army to annex the regions around him. His army tore through Ohio like a plague. They devastated and ravaged all those that stood in their way if they refused to peacefully be annexed into the Pitts control.

Eventually upon reaching the end of Ohio, he continued until he control Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia.

The Cure: After years of research, once expanded. Ashur focused on one of his main problems. The Disease that plagued his land. Instead however, he had greater ideas in place, upon discovering the legitimate cure for the disease he synthesized the cure from his daughter into something that could easily be distributed all across the Pitts territory. However, Ashur also had the disease itself synthesized into a air based mutagen giving him the ability to release the disease as he saw fit as a weapon to oppose all that defy his rule.
The cure was then distributed in small portions throughout the Pitt, however the cure was kept under lock down, never being released to the public only distributed by Ashurs soldiers.
Government Type: Autocracy. Ashur rules over the Pitt with an iron fist. As the years have passed, Lord Ashur has, of course, grown old, as has his daughter, Marie Ashur. Marie of course due to her being single handedly responsible for the cure of the disease that plagued the Pitt, is loved by all. Ashur of course, due to her being his daughter is grooming her to be his successor upon his death.
Economy: The Pitt is known for it's weapons and armor manufacture. With easily the largest steel mill it has become the largest distributor of the armaments on the east coast. They are also extremely well known for their slave trade which they also have the largest of on the East coast.
Culture: (Took this from Andros old sheet as I couldn't think of something to write for the culture) The Pitt itself remains a hellish industrial location. While the organization and “civilization” of the raiders has improved, they are still in essence raiders through and through. Vicious executions of rebellious slaves are commonplace, and within the Pitt itself the gladiatorial style games of slaves against slaves continues to abound as a mainstay of entertainment for the non-slave residents. The games have been moved to Heinz Stadium in Pittsburg, and have been expanded.

The culture of the Pitt thus remains violent and its people seem to be living in a sort of industrial/steam punk civilization. Lord Ashur however, keeps his raiders in check, and they are far more organized than their cousins in say, the Capital Wasteland. All in all however, it is not a place for the weak of heart or those with overly moral sentiments.
Views on Mutation:
Views on Slavery:

The Black Rock Republic


Faction name: The Black Rock Republic

Flag (optional): To be added later


Before the war Black Rock Intl. was an independent scientific group in the New York area. They worked mostly in the fields of bionics and robotics but also dealt in cryogenics and weapons development; although only as side projects to advance their main work. Most of their work only yielded half-functional prototypes or barely left the drawing board but their advances in implant technology had enough revenue to pay the bills. Military contracts had led to the creation of such battle enhancing implants like the PHOENIX Monocyte Breeder or artificial organs as a better alternative to organ transplants. Eventually it was time to expand; they purchased an abandoned rock quarry in New York State and set about building a facility to suit their needs.

Though major research centers like Big MT snatched up most of the contracts Black Rock had made enough to fund the creation of their new facility; it was complete with multiple robotics and genetics labs and housing for around 2,500 people; as employees and their families were required to live on site to lower the risk of any security leaks. When the facility was completed in 2073 it had almost all the amenities of a small city as well as state of the art research and development facilities. Seeing the success of the Vault projects it was decided to build hydroponics and small manufacturing facilities as well as nuclear hardening the entrance area.

When the Great War came the facility endured little more damage than cracked facades on some of the buildings in the promenade and a temporary power outage until the generators took over. The chaos that had broken out around the country was absent from the Black Rock facility; many feared for loved friends and family outside but soon came to terms with the fact that nothing could be done for them. In the years following the war Black Rock continued to make scientific advances and even traded slightly with the outside world. Power was a rare commodity in the Post-War world and Black Rock had plenty of it which they often traded for equipment or new test subjects. Soon a small town of scavengers began in the quarry outside the bunker's entrance; they would raid abandoned military or manufacturing facilities and trade their goods for either power or food from the hydroponics labs.

The facility's director during this time was Isaac Ahbram, he had been the un-official leader of the bunker since the time the bombs fell. It had been his idea to build the facilities necessary for life after the bombs and it was also his idea to open up trade with the outside world. He had negotiated several deals before the war as well, namely the purchase of a vat of FEV from a West Tek scientist. It was the corner stone of Black Rock research following the war, the goal was to create a race of servants and soldiers to fight when they eventually left the bunker. They came to be known as the "Morloi", a mix of the Morlocks and Eloi from H.G Wells Time Machine.

West Tek's approach to FEV engineering was to dunk humans in the vats and let the FEV do it's work, mutating and changing as it sees fit. Black Rock's methods was a brief submergence in the vats and then immediately prep the subject for surgery, by replacing key parts of the brain with implants they could create cold and calculating soldiers without the insanity or savagery that normally resulted from FEV exposure. From there it was just a matter of refining their craft, changing the code to create a soldier perfected for war or a slave perfected for servitude.

Fate had decreed the perfection of the Morloi to be Isaac’s last accomplishment, he was 83 and his body was beginning to fail him. Yet he had no intention of dying of old age like so many others, instead he chose to cryogenically freeze himself in what was to be the first test run of the technology he had helped to pioneer. Amid the many stacks of research papers and statistics in his living quarters was a leather bound book, hand written instructions for the future he believed he wouldn't see. The book was written sporadically, the margins filled in with figures and thoughts intertwining in between Isaac’s neat and articulate handwriting. The next facility director was Arthur Cannon, he followed the instructions set forth to honor Isaac’s wishes; the first paragraph mentioned the Foundation, a continuous buildup of the Morloi population and eventually trailed into the area marked Resurgence.

And so it was that the experiments continued, eventually yielded around 500 of the soldier caste of the Morloi; what Isaac’s book considered acceptable operating capacity. The next steps were already planned out, they attacked in the night; cutting power to the settlement they had helped to establish and opening the sealed bunker doors for the first time in a century.

The Morlio swarmed the town in the night and any who resisted were killed and the others were bound and brought back to the bunker to create more Morloi. The survivors numbered about 750; all went through the process and were sent back out to find more captives. Black Rock personnel began to venture out of the bunker, always appearing under the guise of friendship, seeking to trade supplies with those less fortunate than they. In reality they assessed a town's defenses then sent in the Morloi shortly after, occasionally suffering losses but always coming out on top.

It was around this time that the Black Rock facility was on its last legs, although it had been built to survive a nuclear war and beyond everything eventually winds down and the bunker was no different. By this time Isaac’s book had become a trusted advisor to the facility’s directors, he had already foreseen the current situation and planned accordingly. His diagrams revealed detailed plans for the conquest of New York City and the establishment of their new power base in the region. It also mentioned who would lead them, his son.

He was to be called Robert and to be born of neither man nor woman, instead to be a pure creation of science. Isaac’s plans for the future involved the attempted creation of a perfected human, building the perfect citizen to live in his perfect society. His son was to be a proof of concept, a trial run for the future of the human race. Hyper accelerated growth and learning potential grew Robert to the size of a full grown advlt in 12 years. A combination of implants and genetic tweaks expanded his potential for knowledge and calculations; he was learned in military tactics, scientific theories, and well rounded in the arts. On his 21 birthday he was presented with his father’s book, it had served two directors before him and now it was his.

Under the instructions of his father he commanded the assault on New York; the grueling two month campaign stamped out all resistance in the city but his task was not yet done. The surviving citizens were moved to a prison camp in what was once Central Park, from their work crews were planned and others were hauled off to Black Rock to create more Morloi. In fifteen years the first stage of the city was finished, Isaac’s defensive plans called for a bulwark to be built around the areas of the city to be inhabited by Black Rock personnel. In the decades following Robert supervised the construction of the city according to his father’s instructions; soon New York’s lights began to shine once more and the city became a beacon of civilization on the East Coast.

But it was paradise only for a privileged few, the descendants of the Black Rock facility’s staff lived like kings and queens; they lived in lavish apartments and town homes while Morloi servants protected them and catered to their every need. Life outside the city was far from picturesque, the common citizen wasn't concerned with outsiders and they lived a life of poverty on the outskirts, fighting for food and resources. The situation was not without its rewards as the wasteland rabble proved a healthy recruiting pool from which more Morloi could be created.

By this time Robert’s death was imminent, the hyper accelerated growth that had benefited him in his childhood became his undoing in his advlthood. The book called for Robert’s sole leadership of the nation until Isaac’s return; when the mantle was to be passed from son to father. Robert knew this was an impossibility; his death would leave the nation leaderless and open to turmoil so he took action. He had followed his father’s instructions for as long as he had lived and first act of defiance was on his deathbed. He created the modified U.S constitution that would became the basis for the Black Rock Republic but replaced the traditional Senate, Congress, and three branches of government with a six man council that made decisions and the director acting as the executive branch. It was the first deviation from Isaac’s book since it had been written.

The council ruled after Robert’s death, it was the director’s job to be the deciding vote and to give the book’s opinion on council decisions.

Isaac Ahbrams was awoken from his cryogenic sleep in 2269, the procedure had been a success but only partially, it had slowed but not completely stopped the aging process. It was here that he became the pioneer of not one but two experimental technologies, most of his body was replaced with artificial components and the in-organic half was pumped full of age deterring chemicals. His brain was removed but not permanently, previous experiments had shown the dangers of bio-gel. Instead they cracked into a local vault and selected a suitable candidate; his brain was removed and replaced with Ahbram's. His new body underwent a different procedure; it was to be the transmitter while the original body was to be the receiver. He saw, felt, and experienced everything in his old body while his new body and his brain were safely locked away.

Isaac Ahbram's return was celebrated throughout the city and he was declared director for life almost on the spot. In the people's eyes it had been him who brought them to where they are now and who better than him to lead them to an even more glorious future. And a glorious future it was, under Isaac’s command his Morloi armies swarmed across the Pre-War states of New York and Pennsylvania, taking control of military installations and infrastructure like power facilities and manufacturing plants. Wastelanders were put to work at the industrialized farming facilities that soon sprung up in Black Rock territory; with a bit of genetic modification fruits and vegetables could be grown almost anywhere and with a larger yield.

Soon Isaac withdrew from government life; leaving the republic in the capable hands of the council. He still acted as director and frequently appeared at their meetings via holo-screen but never any public appearances. He had retreated to the Black Rock facility; it was there that he and a small science team resumed his experiments on the perfect human. The mistake with Robert was the growth enhancement, they simply weren't ready for that stage yet and he did not intend to repeat his mistakes. The project yielded Isaac’s second child, his daughter Rebecca. Rebecca did not feature heavy genetic modification like her brother; she underwent the route of her father, implants and bionics but not as extreme. While Isaac’s body was almost completely replaced with cybernetics Rebecca only received implants and a slight amount of bionics.

After Rebecca was older the two departed the Black Rock facility and returned to New York. Isaac resumed his governmental duties and Rebecca acted as his advisor and was in charge of the government’s various research and development programs. It was Rebecca that discovered the Midwestern invitation and brought the message to the council. Although they were reluctant to accept the invitation of an unknown and foreign nation Isaac was able to convince them of the benefits of diplomatic relations and a plane was prepped and ready to depart.

Government Type: The Black Rock Republic’s government is partly democratic; council members are elected by vote and the council votes to elect the director although Isaac is now considered director for life votes for the director’s position are still held but only as a formality. Individual council members control their parts of the government while decisions that affect them all are handled by a group vote. The director’s position acts like a presidential spot, he ensures that the plans laid forth in the book are being followed and advises based on the book’s perspective. Isaac now fills the role of both the book and the director.

Location: New York state and parts of Pennsylvania

Economy: Free Market, besides its own purchases the government interferes in the economy to the least extent possible.

Culture: The Black Rock culture is one of elegance and luxury but that is also its greatest weakness, the Morloi handle most matters of war and wait on the citizens almost hand and foot. They prize aesthetics above everything in their architecture and their buildings and style of life reflect that, beauty is at the forefront of their society. They revere Isaac Ahbram and the book as almost god-like figures, the opinion of the common citizen is that without him none of this would be possible, in a sense they owe him their very lives.

Military: 630,000 – The Morloi are used as ground troops and handle all the grunt work while humans, generally with some degree of bionic or genetic modification, handle all command and logistics aspects. Napoleonic style officer’s uniforms are the standard attire for human military members in both dress and casual attire.

Army: 310,000
The strongest element of the Black Rock military, Morloi ground troops are equipped in standard issue combat armor and carry miniguns or other heavy assault weapons. Mobile artillery is heavily used in combat, repeated shelling of an area then sending in the troops is the standard tactic. The army typically uses transport trucks or ACP’s for troop transportation.

Navy: 160,000
The Black Rock Navy is mostly a coast guard force; as such they posses relatively few high powered naval vessels; mostly just smaller patrol craft with several cargo ships converted to hold artillery instead of cargo. A number of frigates are docked in the New York harbor and rarely used but still functional.

Air Force: 160,000
The Black Rock Air Force is used in a support role for the army, mostly transporting heavy equipment or bombing fortified locations. Since most of the aircraft at JFK Intl. had been looted for scrap following the war it was an easy matter to clear the runways and hangers out and repurpose the area for military craft.

3 B-21 Bombers
26 Jet fighters
Misc. Helicopters and transport planes

Views on Mutation: The Morloi are technically mutants so Black Rock society is tolerant and even depends on them.
Views on Slavery: The Morloi are also technically slaves so slavery is widely accepted.
Population: 2,100,000

The New England Commonwealth


Faction Name: The New England Commonwealth, or simply “The Commonwealth”.

Flag (optional): The American Flag of Old, with stars of twelve long-dead commonwealths and one which had been reborn. The N.E.C. does not claim ownership of it, but instead uses it as a source of new optimism.

Description/History: The Institute was once a facility shrouded in mystery. It was an interesting myth to the natives in the American northeast, specifically within a desolate stretch of America which spanned from the edge of New York to Maine. There were settlements strewn out, but there was very little optimism for a “good life”. It was a plot of land with a low life expectancy. People died, and people moved on. It hadn’t near-evaporated from existence like Bakersfield or the Divide, but nevertheless it was barren and lifeless.

In 2278, mysterious humanoids began to pour out of the Commonwealth like an endless ocean. They swarmed Massachusetts and pushed north. They were met with resistance, but these sentries had numbers and cutting-edge equipment, boasting arsenals of energy weapons. These raiders and bandits, over the years, had created an anarchic “survival of the fittest” way of life in these parts. It collapsed almost immediately, as they were overwhelmed by this mysterious military force. These troops drew the curiosity of the locals; they had noticeable gaps in their skin at their joints and other areas, through which one could see wiring and lights. Despite the fact that they had hesitated to buy into the myth, there was no doubt; the androids of the Institute had emerged.

After the fires of the north burned themselves out, there was silence for a few months. This swath of land had just endured an invasion which could have only been born from conflict, yet the army disappeared into thin air. It returned to the Institute, and the settlements were left wondering whether to fear or revere this attack. The androids had ruthlessly cut down thousands of bandits in the countryside, but for what?

Another month elapsed and the locals began to unburden themselves of their curiosity. They returned to their old lives, made easier by the sudden lack of violence in the countryside. This wasn’t long. The Institute opened its doors again, and androids poured out of it once more. However, this time, they did not travel as a unit. They split up into large groups and headed in different directions: Burlington, Montpelier, Concord, Augusta. Smaller groups splintered off and approached the smaller nearby settlements. However, their actions were almost immaculately similar: they approached a settlement (at least one soldier hoisting the old world flag) and brought it a message from Dr. Jordan Cardale, the supposed “Chief/Head Researcher of the Institute”.

It read: “To Whom It May Concern; these androids of mine have come to purify this desolate land and restore it to its former glory. You have probably witnessed firsthand what they can accomplish, and I assure you that there is no single entity within a thousand miles to challenge them. So! I give you an option: you may become part of what is happening here. You may become part of something greater than you know. If you oblige to our rule, then you will become safe. Secure. I can promise you that this dead stretch of America will live again, but you will only see it happen if you oblige. Regardless of your opinion, this land now belongs to the Institute. Weigh your options wisely.

Jordy Cardale, Chief Researcher of the Institute.”

Thousands upon thousands of copies of this bold letter circulated into the American northeast, and surprisingly, they were met with eventual support. Despite the fact that many settlements and tribes were hesitant to cooperate with an almost invisible power, they had little choice. The Commonwealth spread like a roaring fire for the next several years until almost every acre from Connecticut to Maine hoisted up the old world flag and pledged its loyalty to Dr. Cardale. It was aptly renamed “The New England Commonwealth”, and boasted that it was the first official part of pre-war America to exist since October 23, 2077. Over the next twenty years, it became extremely powerful and coherent. It became an optimistic and growing society. Rotted picket fences were repainted white. Old, ruined Levittown homes were renovated. Some roads were reborn in new asphalt. While it still had a long way to go before boasting a pre-war standard of living, it had begun the climb and had the technology and numbers to see it reach salvation.

Government Type: In terms of what the public sees, the N.E.C. is ruled by a council. It is composed of the N.E.C’s treasurer (self-explanatory), General (figurehead and strategic leader of the military forces), Boston’s Mayor, and Dr. Cardale. The council truly only meets to deliberate ideas and brief each other on what each facet of the Commonwealth is up to. In reality, the N.E.C. is ruled by the Commonwealth, its laws, and in specific, its Chief Researcher.

Economy: The Commonwealth’s working life almost resembles that of an old world wartime economy: work is abundant in newly-renovated factories. However, there are still many other pieces of work (education, construction, culinary, among other things). Its economy is mostly focused to the urban Boston lifestyle, although agriculture is slowly beginning to take root in the frontier of N.E.C. territory. The trade of technology, such as old variants of energy weapons, is a large source of the New England Commonwealth’s product.

Culture: It resembles the orderly 1950s American culture. It is cold and efficient with some signs of life underneath it. These people live in a science-driven silhouette of pre-war America, yet they have not come close to fully realizing this idea. The people of this technological empire revere the Institute, which is the fuel for this “grand society”, forged by the image of the scientists who created it. It is possibly their greatest experiment, and so far, it has been a success. The railroad ceased to be an active opposition to the android system once the Institute seized this much power, and has degenerated into a counterculture, demonstrating peaceful protest and occasional violence to be extinguished by android patrolmen. Its cultural centers lie in its largest cities: Boston and Burlington.

Military: The military forces of the Commonwealth, based on the last census, is composed of around 31,000 android soldiers and around 1,400 human volunteers, with assorted robots scattered throughout the ranks (Mr. Gutsy’s, Robobrains, Sentrybots, and experimental automatons). For the androids, standard issue armor is a black sort of synthetic, lightweight armor born from the commonwealth, with tesla coils attached in numerous places and robotic joints on the upper arms. A pre-war flag is etched colorlessly on the shoulderpads. Standard issue weaponry is the plasma rifle, although different from its pre-war variant. It is now darker-colored with several metal crescents at the end of the barrel, resembling that of a plasma caster. The androids are trained to recharge their microfusion cells, but often adopt conventional lead-spitting weapons if separated from the Institute for too long.

Of course, far more advanced military technologies exist within the Institute's arsenal, but the Chief has been reluctant to show his hand to the world, and thus it has yet to see the light of day.

Views on Mutation: The Institute reluctantly allows ghouls into its society, although it frequently tests them for disease and encourages them to wear covering clothing (scarfs, goggles, sunglasses, among other things). Super mutants are generally shot on sight, although word of the neighboring republic has raised a few eyebrows.

Views on Slavery: The Commonwealth hypocritically condemns it.

Technology: Very High, most of which is hidden inside the Institute and kept confidential.

Population: Urban/Suburban: 523,356. Rural: 156,678

I'll go through what Nation sheets were approved and add them here in a day or so.

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Post » Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:44 am

The Risen Republic of Minneapolis


Faction name: The Risen Republic of Minneapolis

Flag (optional):

Description/History: Minneapolis was one of the more progressive cities in America as regards Civil Rights before The War, and so its Vault, a vault whose name and number were lost to the times, was used as an experiment to see if people of different races can coexist in a cramped environment, or if they would destroy each other, the latter result which was expected by the people who were running the Vault project. And, needless to say, despite Minneapolis' previous progressivism, that prediction nearly came to pass...nearly. Disputes over past and present greivances, over conditions at the vault, over internal leadership, and, of course, about the inevitable mixed-race relations that ensued in the cramped quarters, all of them had a chance of plunging the vault into civil war.

But it didn't, purely because as part of the social experiment, the numbers of Whites and Blacks were equal, meaning that any war between them would be a stalemate. Not merely that, but the growing number of mixed-race people ensured that demographics would eventually side with the Nonwhites, as the mixed-races felt more comfortable with the Blacks. In fact, the election of a Mixed-Race Overseer, Jeffery Parks, was seen as the birth of the Republic, as it was this overseer who, after settling internal disputes in the Vault, finally led its inhabitants out into the world, onto the ruins of the once great city, once a centre of agriculture and industry, but now a blasted ruin, filled with tribals, ghouls, feral ghouls, and mutated wildlife.

Nevertheless, under the persisitent leadership of Jeffery, the buildings were cleared, old technology salvaged, non-feral ghouls inducted into the nation in exchange for help and support in recolonizing the city, and, although the new nation didn't have a GECK, restoring arable land through sheer improvisation and determination. However, this did not come without challenge.

For in the south of Minneapolis, in Minnesota and Montana, lay the territorries of various survivalist miltiias, most of whom were right-wing anarchists, who believed in white supremacy and 'rule of the strong, slavery for the weak'. These militias, upon noticing the rumors of the old city teeming with life again, descended upon the ruins in a disorganized horde, with the intent to massacre and enslave the inhabitants. Jeffery, however, stood firm, using the advanced technology and weapons of the Vault, as well as long-lost techniques of urban warfare and maneuver, as well as disputes among the Anarchists, in order to slowly rout the enemy and drive them out of the city, allowing him to finally consilidate and continue with the rebuilding of infrastructure and agriculture.

When Jeffery, who had been elected for six terms of four years each as Overseer, died, his successor, Bertha King, succeeded him as Overseer. Bertha was a believer in a modified version of Old World Values, such as Democracy and Rule of Law, but mixed it with Civil Rights for all, regardless of gender, race, creed, sixual orientation or degree of mutation. She was also a vicious warrior, weathering a larger, more organized attack from the Anarchist Militias, inflicting disproportionate casualties on the enemy, and finally driving them back. However, the attack had depleted many of the city's now-scarce resources, and Bertha knew that she would have to expand soon, or face destruction. However, there was the fact that they didn't have the numbers to do so, nor the right tactics.

And so, she devoted herself to books, books that were either in the Vault, or salvaged from the city, while, at the same time, accepting newcomers and immigrants into her nation, mostly tribals, scavengers and escaped slaves; this further strained resources, but the Risen Republic, with the office of 'Overseer' changed to 'President', needed the manpower. And it was the tribals and scavengers that would provide the saving grace of her nation.

For one of the tribes, the Dakota Sioux, were able to tame the mutated Black Bears, the Yao Guai, and turn them into cavalry. Not merely that, but several Scavengers had stumbled upon a similar form of domestication, and Bertha was able to get the services of both groups of people, promising them the one thing they craved the most: Land. Land that will be taken from the survivalist militias.

And so, the army was reorgainzed around the Yao Guai Calvalry, with said riders acting as shock troops and scouts, and Infantry being relegated into a support role except when encountering settlements and structures held by the Anarchists. Not merely that, but the many slaves held by the survivalists rebelled at the first sign of Bear Cavalry, swelling the numbers of the Minneapolitan ranks. The war was ugly, with both sides engaging in butchery and arson, but the main Minneapolitan troops, as opposed to the escaped slaves, at least made an effort to spare the children of the enemy so that they can be 're-educated' in Minneapolis itself.

And so, Minneapolis found itself, almost overnight, in possession of large tracts of land. But how to administer and defend it? Bertha's successor, Stewie Williams, found his answer in old books: a system of military districts populated by peasant smallholdings, each large enough to support one or two soldiers, but small enough to avoid being feudal estates, which Stewie wanted to avoid. The Yao Guai riders, however, were a special case, as they needed large tracts of land, larger than a horse and a person, in order to survive. And so tracts of forest were included in the smallholding system as well, along with a decree declaring that 5% of all produce would go to the Government, who would then maintain the Yao Guai legions.

And, a few decades later, in the administration of the current Callie Masters, is where we begin our story.

Government Type: The Government of Minneapolis is theoretically a Federal Republic, divided into several states filled with peasant smallholders and Yao Guai Ranches, most of whom are at the frontier so that if any expansion of the cavalry force would not impact the existing smallholdings. Aside from Minneapolis itself, the number of towns is low thanks to the depradations of the survivalist militias, and so few, if any, 'true civilians' exist, which is changing. Nevertheless, the point is that as the states double as military districts, and farmers/workers/merchants as soldiers, there is little separation between the martial and civilian aspects of life, although, again, that is changing. At present, though, many Congressmen and Governors are either generals or retired generals.

Economy: Minneapolis' economy is largely in agriculture and aquaculture, but Minneapolis itself is a centre of trade and industry, able to provide enough advancements for a mid-sized technological civilization. Minneapolis exports wheat, fish, and Yao Guai meat, fur, milk and cheese, although in the inner districts, Brahmin, acuired through trade, are entrenching themselves in the market, due to being more easily domesticable than Yao Guai (understatement). All manufactured goods, except in rare instances, are restricted to local consumption, although this is not followed in the border districts. Minneapolis also trades with the Midwestern Ecumene, serving as a source of fish to the latter, due to Minneapolis controlling more of the Great Lakes' coast than the ME.

In exchange, of course, they have more peacetime tech, which in turn is used to further improve and expand Minneapolis' economy and infrastructure.


Note: ((Deleted)).

Outisde the religious sphere, Minneapolis is a fairly secular society, dedicated to both martial and artistic pursits. Shooting, fencing, and hunting coexist side by side with poetry and music, the latter which is practiced even outside the towns.

Military: Minneapolis actually has two military systems existing in tandem; the Provincial Force, a mostly Militia army staffed by the smallholdings and Yao Guai ranches in the frontiers, and the Core Forces, an iron core of, well, professional troops composed of Minneapolis citizens, the 'spare' sons of smallholder families, and tribals and mercenaries seeking employment. The Provincial Force is the front line of both defense and expansion, who fight in combined-arms formations where Riders and Infantry coordinate for maximum efficiency. This efficiency is kept up through the use of regular exercises and reviews, where fighters engage in war games where the winners are awarded a bonus for all soldiers.

This creates a semi-professional force that is a match for any survivialist militia, and, in wars with other states, is backed up by the even more intensely trained Core Forces, who are composed of armored Yao Guai and heavily-equipped Infantry, as well as special forces.

Minneapolis also maintains a navy, composed of refurbished fishing boats, canoes, and, even, thanks to books, several Ships of the Line that, although they look as though they came out of the 18th Century, are equipped with advanced technology, such as vintage WWII and Chinese-American War Cannons and AA Guns.

Views on Mutation: Mutants are equal beings, and ghouls served as an important part of our founding, and will stay a crucial part of the state now.

Views on Slavery: No, never.

Technology: Medium, NCR-Level.

Population: 1 Million, with an army of 100,000

United Californian Republic



United Californian Republic


Estados República Californiana

Chinese Mandarin

Měiguó jiāzhōu gònghéguó
Flag (optional):
History (WIP)

Relationship with Other Nations

Jacques of Junktown

To the NCR, there were some tensions regarding the handle of technology but Tandi believed that through more discussion on it, they would reach an agreement over it. Tandi ordered an expedition east immediately, where the Brotherhood left to. Caravaneers, remembered seeing Brotherhood members on the roads near the Hub heading East last year when they left.

The Expedition group under the Command of Jacques Cervenka consisted of Rangers, who trekked through Arizona. They noted the constant warfare between towns, heavy raider presence, and the many tribes that inhabited the state. Cervenka group asked from settlement to settlement about any large group of people with Power Armor and Energy weapons. The inhabitants of Phoenix gave a detailed answer of people fitting the description who pointed them to Outpost 810, just North of Tucson.

Each question they got about the people in Power Armor and wielding Energy weapons led to many different places. After Tucson, they headed into Las Cruces Cervenka noted similarities between neighboring Arizona as both states had a heavy raider presence and tribes that inhabited the land..
The group then ended up at Texas, passing through El Paso and taking the I-10. During the journey, Cervenka lost more than four of his Rangers to raiders, and wildlife. He only had two left consisting of Clark Abel Hanlon who was only nineteen and Elise Adelyn Marie only twenty-one. Cervenka thought that they would not even survive this expedition due to their young age and lack of experience.

The expedition which only consisted arrived to Houston or Varset where they discovered the Brotherhood of Steel. There, Cervenka, noted the general feeling of animosity when they entered the city. The Brotherhood apparently did not like them at all within their city.

Cervenkas group then met with the Elders curious about their departure and the discussion didn’t go so well when Cervenka reiterated several time that the NCR did not drive out the Brotherhood. Eventually, the Elders kicked out the group of the city. Beforehand, Cervenka uttered to the people of the Brotherhood that saw their departure. It was your choice to leave California, and what you say of the Republic driving you out of our nation is a total lie!

Cervenka, Hanlon and Elise, returned to Shady Sands with the location of the Brotherhood now in Texas and also a large Super Mutant Army in Texas. When he spoke on radio about the Brotherhood blaming the Republic for driving them out, it made the nation furious. Tandi was angered condemning the Brotherhood and calling it deceitful. The anger reached to a point that the state of Maxson was renamed after the founder of the Republic, Aradesh and Lost Hills, renamed to Las Colinas Perdidas literally translating to Lost Hills.

It dissipated rather quickly though it never left the minds of Californians and the Brotherhood was regarded as the liars.
Cervenka, later led a government expedition east to the Midwest, were he discovered Brotherhood of Steel present though their circumstance for being in the Midwest was much different than what he originally thought. He thought this was another part of the Brotherhood that left too because of the Republic but in fact found out this Brotherhood had been present in the Midwest since 2198.

Though the expedition under Cervenka died from a plague, stricken the Midwest, and the Midwest Brotherhood was saddened by it so much they sent a small group to bring back all the info he accounted of which consisted of details about the Midwest and the Brotherhood present there.

They arrived in Shady Sands a month later, with his log accounts. The NCR government was grateful for this but was also sympathetic to their loss from an unknown plague rauaging their lands.
The Rise of Two Nations

After the defeat of the Master, a new political entity would be born in the wasteland. The New California Republic was birthed into existence on 2186 in the town of Shady Sands and three years later, the Republic consisted of five states known as Shady Sands, New Angels, the Hub, Maxson, and New San Diego.
The Republic expanded throughout California and by 2211, had half of Central California. This year was when many of its citizens began venturing farther up North in search of new settlements, and trade routes.

The journey logs (date 2289) of Elias of Angels also described a land, a nation from the Bay Area who described it as a land ruled by as he quotes Monarchs who outright called themselves the eternal shadow of god sat upon a hill overlooking the Bay and the Sea, and was a shining light to their microcosmic, and isolated from the world.

Elias also gave description of Central and North California as he quoted didn’t have the microcosm of the Bay. It was known as Zhongyangu (Central Valley) to the inhabitants back in the Bay. Then to the North of what was once the Coastal Range was Kuankuo (Expanse), the former Northwest California that was so far from god, it was made up of tribals, and isolated settlements, plagued by warring tribes, raiders, and slavers from a settlement known as the Den or to the Bay as Shufang. The nation that ruled them was known in several names such as the Shi, Diguo (Empire) and, Haiwan (Bay).

Northern Central Valley would receive a larger traffic of NCR citizens or Gònghéguórén to the people of the Bay. In response, the monarchs of the Bay sent out their armies to establish formal control over the region and began sending in their settlers to establish formal control over Zhongyangu.

There was a reactionary current afterwards. The NCR claimed the Central Valley and sent its armies because of its importance to trade because its routes reached to Northern California and to Western Nevada. More so, the region was a revenue maker due to trade flowing from Western Nevada and Northern California.
There was an immediate tense standoff within the region though it quickly dissipated when the 1st Corps saw at sight, the technological superior army of the Bay, the Junshen (Army of God). Tandi fearing defeat against a superior nation decided to pull back the 1st Corps.

Haiwan afterwards demanded that the NCR end territorial claims to Zhongyangu and that all NCR settlers leave the region. If they didn’t, they would disallow any kind of NCR economic activity with the country and enslave their citizens.

The NCR needed the Central Valley for trade as it was vital to the nation and agreed to Haiwan’s demand. While it did discredit NCR power, the entire nation saw it as important to agree with Haiwan as the benefits weighed more that little pride lost.

Afterwards NCR economic activity began in Zhongyangu alongside Haiwanese traders but the NCR were was restricted into the core land of Haiwan. Instead, NCR traders had to trade in Zhongyangu or at one of the gateways to the Bay.

The reason was unknown to the NCR public but Haiwan felt that the NCR was not ready for them and waited for ten years once more the tales of the Bay flowed into the curious minds of the Republic.

On 2221, January 1 the Bay was opened up to the NCR and the Republic was shocked by the core land of Haiwan. The tales of a clean, technological, autocratic but fair society were all true but what the people of Haiwan did not tell was that their massive empire was built through slavery and partook in it. The conditions were appalling. Slaves toiled the fields, and worked in manufactory complexes.

While that the Haiwanese Guìzú (nobility) and Rén (people) composed of a multiethnic polity dominated the nation while the Yǐngshén (shadow of God) sat on top of the pyramid. Unlike the slaves poor living conditions, they lived a clean an idyllic society that was coveted by many of the NCR citizens. San Francisco, the capital of the Haiwanese Empire was so clean, and maintained it resembled closely a pre-war modern city.

From 2221, the Republic had a cordial relationship with Haiwan, dominating Southern California while the Empire dominated Northern California. Though ideological differences between the nations, and the Empires domination of Northern trading routes would result in slow decline of relationship between the two to by 2236, they tolerated each other.

On that year, the secret society Libertas, a group of Guìzú and Rén who wanted emancipation of the slaves, and greater amount of freedom in their society launched a massive revolt against their nation. It ignited the Bay and its cities were swarmed by slaves armed with Haiwans own Energy weapons cauasing havoc and mayhem and against the state that enslaved them since the end of nuclear fire

It took four years just for Haiwan to quell the rebellion but in the end, its society, economy, and military were weakened by it. This marked the domination of the Republic of the Empire as it lost control over Zhongyangu (Central Valley) and Kuankuo (Northwest California) became its own nation under the slave lord Metzger.

While that the Republic took advantage of Haiwans weakening. Its intact industry and military allowed them to slowly annex Zhongyangu while Haiwan sat back and watch it fall under their control and lose the central trading routes. By 2245, the entire Central Valley was under NCR spheres. They were too busy dealing with civil disobedience and the guerrilla warfare being waged by remnants of Libertas. This was the beginning of the decline of the Haiwan Empire. A nation that was prideful and arrogant that assured itself it would dominate the world, was crumbling…

Interestingly enough, the downfall of the Empire early on was prevented by the Chosen One who prevented the missiles of Bradley Hercules targeting the Bay due to that Enclave saw that Haiwan was a nation ruled by pre-war Chinese agents. He prevented it because he did not want nuclear fire to erupt again and stole the Vertibird schematics from Navarro and gave them to the nation. He also prevented the genocide the Enclave was going to commit and destroyed the Oil Rig.

On 2250, the NCR declared war on Haiwan under the pretext of liberty. The NCR was string and had massive amounts of manpower to spare while Haiwan still had its technological force, its industry was destroyed and its morale of its people was low. Haiwan adopted a defensive strategy, running a war of attrition against the UCR and key entry points into the Bay hoping to starve the enemy out and force them to the peace table.

While that, the Empire special force troopers the Black Ghosts (Angui) soldiers armed with energy weapons and chinese stealth suits would raid enemy lines, sabotage enemy equipment and bases, and pillage supplies for the war effort.

It was successful early in the war but Haiwan relied on Southern California produce for their food as their farms and their industry of products. In two years, the Republic massive amount of troops pushed back the Empire small meager force of technologically advanced troopers and poorly equipped militias leading to the final battle of the Republican-Empire war at their capital, San Francisco.

On 2253, Haiwan surrendered coming under military control. Afterwards a violent revolution against the monarchy occurred. More than thousands of loyalists Ren were massacred and several Guizu family were eliminated brutally by Libertas and many fled to Shufang to flee the violence but afterwards, Kuankuo would be annexed by the NCR and Metzger was assassinated by Republic agents.

After the annexation of Kuankuo, the Republic carried the title of Magister California (Master of California) as it conquered the entire Golden state.
Yet 2274 would result in transformation in NCR society and decline of the nation. Kimball overturned the protectionist policies that Tandi used to prevent the power of monopolies growing that was eroding since 2248. In effect this allowed monopolies grow within the country, dividing the country, creating class struggle among the populace and recreating wage labor. It also allowed the rebirth of a number of cottage industries from the production of luxury goods to journalism.

In response, a revolutionary front known as Voxcivium (The Peoples Voice (Vox-Voice, Civium-Citizen)) rose within NCR society made up disgruntled low-class working citizens, students from the different NCR universities, several politicians and business leaders who wanted uplift and unify the nation.
Voxcivium proposed in the book Dogma Autem Relicuum (Doctrine of the Future), of ending the liberalism of free-market economics in favor of State Capitalism with the nation economy under the control of government would end class struggle and eliminate the social economic conflict between the rich and the poor, ending the struggle between state and the national government by allowing the national government to Oversee foreign and interstate trade and foreign relations.

It also espoused the state as responsible for upholding equality between Humans and mutants. Though in the book, mutants were considered humans except mutated and not considered a different race but part of Humanity. The book compared how mutants were the same with un-mutated humans except with differences such as the Super Mutants with their large size or Ghouls with their ability to live longer age though still retaining human characteristics. The book also classified Ghouls and Necromaninums (necromantic human (necromanticis hominum)) and Super Mutants as Magnominums (Great Human (magnus hominum))

Voxcivium was denounced as a Communist movement most of the population feared communism due to old world history of communist movements becoming violent. On 2281, Voxcivium members Darric Aiden-Acker Ganbaatar a Super Mutant and Jia Caixia Zhu Jin were arrested as they were the leaders of the movement and jailed.

Major riots occurred afterwards in the metropolitan areas that were of New Angels, San Francisco, and Shady Sands resulting in the deaths of more than 10,000 people combined.

With the leaders of Vox imprisoned, three men rose to take up were they left off. Clark Abel Hanlon, the leader of the Rangers. Aidan Cole, the son of the esteemed Chosen One and Thomas Hildern, former director of OSI East. These three men did not want this nation to fail and acted, reading Dogma Autem Relicuum realizing it was the solution to the NCR problems and the way of the future for the nation.

Kimball immediately he ordered Crocker to draft a treaty which became known as the 2nd New Vegas Treaty that allowed the NCR to maintain garrisons in Golf, Hoover Dam, and maintain their embassy and in exchange allow the NCR continued water and electricity access.
December 15, 2281, Californian Congress recognized the 2nd Treaty of Vegas.

Kimball continued to rule the Republic after the 2nd Treaty of Vegas and defeated Senator Katherine Jackstadt from the state of New Tahoe with average popular standing who saw him as the Commie smasher for quelling the Riots of 2281 severely and imprisoning the two main leaders of Voxcivium.
Under his tenure, many citizens moved down Southwards to the Baja and to Mexico through Puerto Vallarta and up North to Oregon to seek new fortunes and opportunities eventually culminating to official contact with the nation known as Cascadia on 2283 which was first accounted by an Californian explorer in the early 2200s and the annexation of Western Oregon.

The two nations signed an agreement that became known as the Oregon Treaty on 2283 establishing the borders between the two nations.
Yet there were many problems Kimball had during his presidency such as Voxcivium gaining more and more support. Kimball and his associates such as the the agricultural barons, caravan companies, liberty-loving politicians who scorned Voxcivium ideology promoted anti-communist propaganda and used hired agents to disrupt Voxcivium events.

Even then, Kimball ignored the problems within the Republic. Economic inequality was rising while the states continued fighting like children over their goals. On 2284, the worst happened when the Van Graffs proclaimed the creation of the Kingdom of Oregon and seceded from the Republic.

Kimball sent the 1st and 2nd Division of the 1st Corps to combat the Van Graffs up North. On 2285, the Khans laid siege to New Reno, a region while not directly under the authority of the NCR; it was within their sphere of influence. At the same Kimball sent the 4th Division from the 1st Corps to seize New Reno. He saw that if he could take New Reno, it could be a boost to nationalism, attain support from politically neutral citizens and allow him and his associates to stay in power while they try to find solutions to end Voxcivium.

The two nations collided as unbeknownst the NCR; Vegas tried to assert its authority over Reno. Vegas backed down as most of the region became the state of New Tahoe. While that, on the Shared Territory Act of 2285 passed as civilians from the Vegas could freely move, travel, and trade on and between the Carson Strip and the Northern territories of Vegas while New Tahoe was under rule from the NCR.

Yet even when he helped create the state of New Tahoe, presidential elections were this year. Thomas Hildern, was his opponent and he wasn’t that easy of one. With his popularity slipping while Hildern’s rose, he was desperate to survive as president. Thoughts about assassinating Hildern were planned out but his associates believed that if He were to die, supporters would immediately shift the cause of death to Kimball and his associates, who had a deep mistrust for them.

Hildern in the end defeated Kimball at the 2285 elections and became the 6th president of the Republic. Hildern was optimistic for transformation of NCR society, and government into the on, envisioned in Dogma Autem Relicuum yet for the next year he would have to fight against the establishment who opposed the ideas of Voxcivium.

In the end, Kimball continued to be a staunch opponent of Vox Civium and Hildern’s presidency. At the end of his presidency, he supported the FarGo Company in their colony of the Marias Island and Puerto Vallarta by sending a battalion of troops to assist mercenaries in guarding trade coming into Vallarta.

Kimball also proposed annexation of the Sonoran Coast. He saw it as a perfect geostrategic move that would turn the Gulf of California into a “Republican Lake” though was supported by his supporters but actively opposed by others due to fears of overstretching the country current limits especially due to the continued threat of the Legion at their southern border and the war against the Van Graffs up North.

Though he did not give notice to the peoples woes. This stemmed from the lack of action to reduce economic inequality, the squabbling of states In the end, Kimball was ranked as one of the worst presidents of the nation.
Under Hildern returned the restrictions placed on cattle head and acreage of land, angering the Agri-Barons and Brahmin Barons while receiving the cheers from small ranchers and farms.
President Hildern, the Reformer

Many supporters of Henderton, who called him a “realist” thought he would win but Hildern became president much to the shock of SoCal and to the cheers CenCal.

Hildern proposed laws of centralizing the nation, calling a national convention to reform states, and progressive reforms similar to the progressive era of Pre-War United States but was ignored when the Legion invaded California through the Sonora Desert at the beginning of December.

Unity through War

The Legion advanced through the I-8, a part of Sonora that was the weakest in terms of NCR defenses and manpower. Lightly manned, the Legion attacked Yuma and razed the town to the ground advancing along the I-8 razing towns and pillaging them for additional supplies.

Hildern saw this as a perfect opportunity to unite the nation in its national struggle against the Legion calling for “Unity” and the defense of the “Patria” (Fatherland for Latin).

The 9th division or Division Theta Chrysafenios under the command of Hideaki Xing (“Chrysos” means Golden) stationed near San Diego was present and mobilized. Hildern was confident that a division made up of officers who fought in the war against the now defunct imperium would crush the Legions of Caesar but was skeptical of the 14th Division present in the region.

Chrysos had the best and most maintained equipment and most experienced soldiers. It had Soldiers that fought the Legion, and the Imperium. It even had soldiers that have never fought against an army, but against raiders at the frontier.

The 14th on other hand was a division only recently created but army. It was created on 2286 to help defend the Baja frontier and when the Legion attacked, the division only had 8,000 with troopers with poorly maintained equipment. Many soldiers were poor citizens, former prisoners, tribals and Mexican immigrants. The division lacked cohesion, discipline and equipment though Antonio Gotiangco, the Commander had battle experience against the Van Graffs.

Most of the NCR divisions were not mobilized. Only the 6th and the 7th division were active but present in the Mojave and military command did not want to pull them back as intelligence reports by Rangers at the outbreak of the invasion gave estimates of more than 7 legions camped just miles.
8th division was stationed at Lake Havasu but command feared pulling them back to support Chrysos and the 14th due to fears of the Legion invading through Bullhead City, and New Blythe.

As for the other divisions, the 1st through 4th were present in Oregon, fighting against the Van Graffs . It would take time to call upon all inactive men and women from other divisions not mobilized. The 11th division was stationed in Oregon to keep the colony safe while the 13th was also not mobilized. Only the 12th, located in Western Nevada with active troops keeping the frontier safe was sent south but would take several days to reach Chrysos and the 14th by railroad.

Chrysos immediately went into battle with the Legio VII (7th) Oklahoma, Caesars old veterans, Legio XVI (16th) and Legio XVII (17th) around Mexicapolis (Mexicali). During the Siege of Mexicapolis, Chrysafenios was encircled by the 7th, the 16th, and the 17th in Mexicapolis.

Legio XVIII (18th), XIX (19th), and XX (20th) flanked Chrysos and advanced along Highway 2 and pillaged the town of La Rumorosa and massacred more than 5,000 NCR citizens. Their objective was simple, sack New San Diego.

The Siege of Tecate

The 14th was stationed at Ensenada with 5,000 troops stationed in the city while the other 1,000 of them were stationed in Central Baja, and the 2,000 stationed at the tip of the Baja in Cabo. Gotiangco called for a return order for all troops to return to Ensenada to fight against three Legions advancing towards San Diego and reached Teacate a day before the battle. A survivor of the Rumorosa massacre told the information personally to Gotiangco.

Gotiangco had to prevent the Legion from reaching New San Diego. He sent his forces to Tecate, a small town close to the outskirts of neighborhood New Tijuana and evacuated the townsfolk to form defenses around the city.

He then made a public broadcast on TV asking for support from the citizens of New San Diego warning them of Legions advancing towards New San Diego. In response more than 10 militia groups were formed by the people, each numbering to a total of 1,000 armed citizens. The New San Diego Police Department sent their SWAT team numbering around 100 men which had better equipment than the entire division to support the defenses at Tecate.

Gotiangco divided up the SWAT teams into ten members to support different defense sectors he created in Tecate along with the Militia groups.
The equipment Gotiangco had was indeed poor. He had a few M116 howitzers and M2 Mortars which were in poor maintenance and had a total.
Infantry equipment for the 14th was low grade which were Repeaters, Hunting Rifles using .32 caliber 9mm pistol, and combat knife.

What he did have that was not poor were several quad mounted M2 Browning’s on trucks. Several mounted Mini Guns M11919 Browning’s. Gotiangco placed the quad mounts in camouflaged defensive positions to llok like abandoned trucks and the M2 Browning’s at mid-sized commercial buildings. M11919 were placed in the trenches with troopers.

The XVII, XIX, and XX had the best equipment that Caesar could equip them with. The three legions wee with Assault Rifles, to Miniguns and flamethrowers. Some Legionaries even had energy weapons. The Legion also had howitzer transported by horses and infantry mortars.

The Legions attacked Tecate on December 14 and the battle ended on Christmas Day as a Pyrrhic victory for the Tecate defenders. In total the Legion lost over 50 percent of its troops (9000) while the 14th lost more than 80 percent (3200) of its troopers. The militias lost 90 percent of its men in total (100) while the NSDP lost their entire SWAT team.

Commander Gotiangco was critically injured after righting a melee duel in the trenches against XVII Legate Domitious of the Dead Sea. Gotiangco was successful in the end, chopping the head of Domitious with a Bolo (Machete) but suffered bullet wounds that hit crucial parts of his body.

The only thing that could save him was an Auto-Doc in a San Diego Hospital but could not reach it in time. He died on Christmas Day with his troops in Tecate, and command of the 12th passed onto Colonel Ava Archer, 2nd highest in command.

War’s End

After the Siege of Tecate the retreating XVII, XIX, and XX were wiped out by the 14th Division after defeating VII, XVI, and XVII, at Mexicapolis. Division Chrysos came out battered after Mexicapolis losing more than 50 percent of its soldiers in the process.

After Tecate, the war only intensified as the Legion launched an invasion into Nevada and Southern California. While they were repelled by the mobilized the divisions, the conflict turned in desert trench warfare, very similar to the North Africa campaign of WW2 except with horse cavalry. Though there were early uses of Air and vehicle units in small numbers between the NCR and the Legion.

The war lasted for four years ending on Christmas Day with the NCR annexing a part of the Legion and ending with cease fire between both sides. It was the bloodiest conflict the NCR ever fought and more than 59,000 Californian lives were lost. Casualties of the Legion were similar to the NCR.

Van Graff too was defeated but the 1st Corps took heavy casualties from fighting against the Van Graff secessionist state. Afterwards, Van Graff assets were seized by the state, including their stockpiles of energy weapons, vast currency of caps, and the family, which were the conspiring men and women of the family arrested and sent to a penal colony of Guadalupe Island.
Reform and “the Rebirth.”

The invasion of California and Nevada united the entire Republic and also allowed Hildern to push for his reforms of centralization of the nation, reorganization of the states, and progressive reforms.

Even after the war, “politics was usual” though many politicians began coming to their senses about the ideas of Dogma Autem Relicuum. Many saw that subdivisions that did try to follow their own direction instead of collective direction impeded the efforts of a nation resulting in the centralization of the states.
Second was the creation of several state linked corporations. One thing though was that the independent corporations such as Crimson or Far Go where not seized by the government but instead, many continued to encourage the close cooperation between business and state to allow steady progress of the nation.
While it did not occur during his tenure, his successor Daniel Ricardo Martinez-Aquino formed the United California Republic on 2291; a year after Aquino succeeded Sanjeev.

At the last half of his presidency, his presided over the “Rebirth” were technological manufacturing, and research reached to pre-war levels and the Colony of Western Mexico expanded to take half of Jalisco and Michoacán and added Colima to the Colony.

Aquino created the National Democratic Party to serve the people (N.D.P) which became the largest and most popular party in the UCR and instituted many reforms to regulating large corporations, to improving the life conditions of the people.

Aquino and his VP Anthony Jorge Gutierrez-Lim were eventually replaced by Darric Aiden Acker-Ganbaatar and Jia Caixia Zhu-Jin (Known as Ganbaatar and Zhujin in Californian society) on 2301.

Government and Politics (WIP)
Authoritarian Democracy

National Democratic Party (Partido Nacional Democrático, Mínzú mínzhǔdǎng)

The country is governed by the Californian Democratic Party which is Equality, Loyalty, Nationalism and Welfare. It is also the only political party. The government is the responsibly for upholding equality, strengthening/solidifying Nationalism and upholding the welfare of the people while in exchange the people swear loyalty to the government.

Liberty itself is a part of the California ideology. In fact, the general populace enjoys a high degree of liberty so long their goals don’t interfere with national policy.

The government is composed of the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.

National Intelligence Directorate

Dogma Autem Relicuum (Doctrine of the Future)

Economy (WIP)

The UCR economy is a mixed economy. The government own several corporations involved in heavy industry such as aerospace and shipbuilding while other industries involved with luxury and light manufacturing are left to the people. The UCR only controls specific economic sectors that are important to be in government control.
List of Corporations

Crimson Corporation

Van Graff Conglomerate

The FarGo Company

New Angels Armament Corporation

Culture/Society (WIP)

Culture and society of the Republic vastly changed during the NCR to transforming to one that is highly similar to pre-war American society. The Urbanite culture was revived in the 2290s though was already present in San Francisco before coming under the control of the NCR. Citizens living in the cities live apartments or suburbs that are idyllic and very similar to the pre-war America.

Consumerism is part of mainstream culture as Citizens buy the newest fashion from department stores to new appliances. “Ma and Pop” stores are under pressure from massive retail chains in the cities but have much easier time surviving in small towns or cities such as in the state’s High Desert or New Tahoe were the urbanite culture has miniscule influence there.

Education has been requirement in the country since 2290 under the Bill of Human Rights. Children are schooled from preschool to eighth grade. Afterwards they advance onto high school while working in one of the several different trades available to them. At the end of it, they could start working, join the military or go to College.

The Literary rates are quite high in the nation. The entire nation over the age of eighteen can read and write efficiently.

Popular music has been revived in the country. Traditional Pop Music which was America’s popular form of music is the most popular in the UCR with new post-war artists from California along with Jazz, and Rock n Roll.

Heavy Metal Music, Electronic dance music, psychedelic music have also been revived and is a part of the Counterculture and several other music styles have been revived in the last 10 years to but Traditional Pop Music is the master of popular music in the country.

Despite how UCR society may look like an old-world repeat, going deeper into its culture reveals one that isn’t a rehash of old-world America.

Despite the significant transformation Californian society experienced, they never forgot how they lived before. UCR Society reveres their people as strong, persevering powerful people who braved a dark world before the formation of the NCR to persist in a world where nuclear fire destroyed the world.
The Imperium, a nation that the NCR conquered is idolized specifically for its technological advancements. It was through their researchers that allowed Californian to achieve a society and level of technology similar to the old-world.

Living in the wastes were you have to fight to survive and communally communicate with others to survive and obtain what you need to survive is idealized and is passed down in society.

A Core group that strengthens this ideal is the Followers of the Apocalypse who believe that the people living in the wastes have the right to self-determination. They have the spirit of adventure to go to other mysterious lands such as Mexico. Going out into the wastes alone and surviving is a great pride to have to experience how their ancestors lived in the wastes. It known as an Exodus and is unofficially a rite of passage for young advlts.

Militarism is deeply ingrained within the culture of California though this is only a recent occurrence due the Legions invasion of California years ago. It’s common to find many civilians in society, to have military service. Society itself glorifies those that served and many members of the government served formerly in the military.

Naming of people in UCR follows first with a First name, middle name, and two surnames. On documentation, a person name would appear as John David Wilson-Jackson. A person is still referred to by his first name. This directly came from Imperium naming customs and continued unofficially in the Bay after its conquest but grew to a large influence to 2300 were the entire nation follows it.

Imperium naming customs itself did not follow the Chinese naming customs but the way of Western naming customs.

The names of people in the nation are very diverse. This due to the fact that in the post war world, the notion of different races died out by 2100. Californians simply saw themselves as Humans with different cultures. This allowed breeding within different cultures amongst people forming a distinct Californian culture. More than 45% of the population is multi-racial and this is shown with the names Californians have.

Books and movies have idealized the Old Days such as stories about the NCR Rangers or the defeat of the Master to fictional books on the Enclave.
The Californians have much admiration for equality as this is evidenced in Super Mutants (Magnominums) and Ghouls (Necromaninums) living in harmony. Ghouls by far are the most respected due to some living to old ages are revered by the state due to being a living heritage of the old world. Mariposans are respected in military for their fighting prowess and in their civilian society their hard work.

They are also considered Humans, but sub-types due to their biological differences.

Within the society of California, the average humans you would encounter in the wasteland is the representation of the entire nation due to the small number of mutants or sub-types within the country.

The country also has a lingua-franca, which is Spanish due to their proximity with Mexico. Many Californians trace descendant back to Mexico or one of the Central American states. This was due to the influx Mexican and Central American refugee’s days after the bombs fell. This similar to many East Asians/Southeast Asian whose descendant came as China encroached upon their nations or others who trace back their ancestry from Europe.
While English is the most commonly spoken language, Spanish and Mandarin are the two most widely spoken minority languages. Mandarin was the official language of the Californian Imperium before its conquest from the Republic and widely spoken throughout the Bay Area.

Spanish is widely spoken in the Baja and San Diego due the highly profitable trade occurring between the Mexican states which required NCR traders to learn the language to transact with Mexican traders.

A small portion of Californians are of Enclave or Enclave descent. A controversial pardon in the early 2280s of all Enclave members and their descendant allowed them to integrate openly within Californian society. They no longer hold the hold their old beliefs and are successful in the Republic.
Slavery is officially abolished in the nation.

The nation is highly well maintained. Power is provided through several source, they use trains, have internet.

Geography (WIP)





Western Nevada


Western Mexico

Geography Importance to California

The geography of California makes very easy for the UCM to hold down a war of attrition against its enemies. The Sierra Nevada is the Ural Mountains of the Republic blocking any army coming westward with forts and radar stations

Another place that renders armies hard to pass through is the Sonoran Desert where the UCR maintains defensive fortifications facing towards the Legion and a large military presence. Sandstorms and the heat itself are a major problem for any army trying to pass through Sonora or the Mojave Desert.

The Coastal Ranges such as the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges protect New Angels and New San Diego. The Great Valley is protected by the ranges, mountains and a desert with the only flatland entry point is through Fairfield. The Cascade Ranges protect the UCR Northeastern flank and itself was the enemy of the UCR during the Oregon War.

In total California is fortress that is tough to invade with the Sierra Nevada, Cascades, the Pacific, and the Deserts to the South protecting it.
United Californian Military Forces (WIP)

The United California Military Forces is a highly trained armed forces charged with defending the Republics integrity and sovereignty. The UCM total number of members is 270,000 (%10). Many UCR citizens have experience in warfare through the Combat Readiness Program (C.R.P).

As of 2290, the military after the war underwent a massive reorganization. A ten year goal was set to upgrade air, navy, and army equipment by 2300. And it did.
United Californian Army

The Californian Army is the oldest military branch in the Republic. The army of the United Republic has a total 160,000 service member with over 100,000 in active duty service and 60,000 service members in reserve.

Tracing its roots back to the first members in leather armor back in Shady Sands, the Army has fought against many enemies against the Republic such as The Khans, the Imperium, and the Legion. Through victory, and defeat, the Californian has been the representation of the Bear’s power.
Since the Ceasefire of 2290, the New California Army was revamped into the United California Army. Since 2290, the Army has been equipped with new technology and equipment that makes it a deadly foe.

Organization of the UCA

All land based units are coordinated through the Republican Army Command (RARC)
Alpha Corps
Division Enas “Palia” (Old One)
Division Dyo
Division Tria
Division Tessera “Chalyvas” (Steel)
General: Jeremy Roger Kistner-Santana
Lt. General: Charis Grace Clacher-King
Beta Corps
Division Pente “Epifaní?s” (Illustrious)
General: James Noah Carson-Favreau
Lt. General:
Division Exi Amyntikós (Defender)
General: James Mason Kawa-Hsu
Division Epta “Spathi” (Sword)
General: Cassandra Moore
Lt. General: Shiro Bora Hwang-Mura
Division Okto “Dory” (Spear)
General: Joseph Polatli
Gamma Corps
Division Ennea “Chrysamenios” (Golden)
General: Qiang Sheng Bai-Jin (Qiangjin)
Lt. General: Cristian Lucas Martinez-Orlov
Division Deka
Division Enteka
Division Dwdeka
Delta Corps
Division Dekatria
General: Dhatri
Division Dekatessera “Aegis” (Shield)
General: Ava Courtney Baker-Archer
Lt. General: Xander Ethan Smith-Falkenrath
Western Mexico Infantry Brigade (Brigada de Infantería de México Occidental)
Known as B.I.M.O for short, the Western Mexico Infantry Brigade is a colonial brigade and the only one of its kind in the UCR right now. Soldiers consist of aspiring immigrants from the region, who want to become citizens. Officers are from California and lead the soldiers.
Division Dekapente
Division Dekaeksi
Military Intelligence Directorate

The Angels (Angeli)

Director: Aisa Eralyn Diwa-Valarao
The standard equipment a UCA infantryman carries is a SR-98 Assault Rifle, SP-02 Pistol, and other equipment that a soldier carries such as grenades, knife etc. The armor infantrymen wears is the Mark 1 Combat Armor made in the hard 80s.

The Rangers are the most feared and respected unit in the Army as utilized as shock troops and frontier units. Rangers wear the distinct Angel Armor. Those serving alongside troopers were it without the coat while frontier Rangers still wears the coat. Rangers use both Energy Weapons and Conventional weapons though some Rangers might opt out to use Energy weapons or conventional weapons for uniformity.

The UCR utilizes prewar US vehicle designs.


United Californian Navy

The Navy was founded in response to growing naval power of Cascadia. Shipbuilding was revived in the nation took but was slowed for four years when the Legion invaded through Sonora as resources were focused on land based armaments. After the war, shipbuilding continued to match to Cascadian Navy.


United Californian Air force


The air force was originally a part of the Army during the early years of the 3rd Republic. Soldiers who could fly an airplane were part of the Air Wing and planes consisted of old crop dusters and a few ww2 era fighters. The UCAF utilized F-4 Phantoms and other prewar US aircraft designs.

Population (WIP)

The Californian population is entirely human within their definition. Super Mutants (Magnominums) and Ghouls (Necromaninums) are classified as sub-humans due to their similarities with the average stock of humanity.

If one were to classify races within the average notion of Humans and Mutants, the population of California consists entirely of humans at the ninety-percent level while mutants only makeup ten percent of the population.


Iron Cross Army of America (ICAA)


Faction name: Iron Cross Army of America (ICAA)


Government type: Dictatorship/military controlled

The Iron Cross of America wasn't formed through a friendship or a small group of guys that agreed on a set of rules. This was a different kind of nation. After the bombs fell and mutation took over the land of Hawaii the people that didn't live within a vault either turned into mutants or died off. Buried in the side of a mountain was the hallways of Vault 33 lived a man named Oscar Hermitt. He wanted to try and create a land that was once was before the bombs fell. When the doors opened and the citizens of Vault 33 scattered Oscar saw what the land has become. It was a barren wasteland with minimal life to be seen. Mutated creatures walked the same roads they did. Oscar knew he could not stand alone.

Oscar soon gathered a few people from different towns around the island, one of which being Jason Lord. Jason had his own motives but Oscar wanted people to follow his own way. Over the years Oscar rallied people to help clean up the land. This meant repairing buildings, fighting off creatures, trying to find fertile soil again. However as time went by people started to lose hope and give up. Oscar tried to use motivation to try and keep people together but it was no use. John however had his own methods.

In the Vault John read many books about an army that fought in World War II. It was controlled under a dictatorship by one man. He learned about their tactics, laws, what life was like, and even some of the accomplishments. They used military and propaganda to gain the trust of the citizens. John then went to Oscar and told him how he should be ruling but Oscar didn’t care. He threw John to the curb and left him while he did his own thing. John went to each town talking to people how Ghouls and mutants are the reason why the world is radiated; he gathered people and followers to have his back. John walked into Honolulu with an army at his side. John overtook everything in Honolulu and found Oscar. John ended up publicly executing Oscar and making people believe that his methods made things worse and that if people stood by John then everything will be fine. John then declared that Hawaii was now under control of the Iron Cross Army of America. 5 years later this is what it has become.

A vast quantity and livestock keep the people of the ICAA alive and well. Most of the agriculture takes place on the Island of Hawaii where most of the military occupants have taken control and occupy their presence in the Iron Cross City(Honolulu). Caps are not permitted within the borders of the Iron Cross Army. Caps are confiscated on the boats bringing in people from California. Anyone caps that are found should be given to local military, which then bring it to be stored in the Nation’s Vault. The vault is used by soldiers that have to go to America to gather any possible supplies and people that want to live in the borders of the ICAA.

With most of the natives to Hawaii wiped out, its culture is very limited. People are either born on the Islands or brought in by a ship every other month. People follow a strict schedule within their lives. Citizens are required to put in at least 3 hours every day to cleaning the streets or area in which they live. This means that any dying plants, mutated animals, or anything giving off radiation must be exposed of. Citizens are required to work at least 6 hours every day with the job that is tattooed on their forearm. This is given by taking the Iron Cross Placement Test(ICPT). The test is given to anyone that is over 18 years old or is coming by boat to the lands. Anyone under 18 must attend a school rather than work. On the wrist of every citizen is a tattoo of a colored stripe this helps determine where you are allowed to live and shop. This makes up the Nation’s currency. Colors are determined by the occupation you have.

Black- Military, leaders
Red- Doctors, medics, teachers
White- mechanics, factory workers, Farmer, Construction
Grey- any other occupation

People with Black stripes are permitted to live and shop anywhere. People with Red stripes can only live and shop in buildings with red, white, grey stripes. People with white stripes can only go to places with white and grey stripes. People with Grey stripes can only go to places with grey stripes. It is required that below the numbers of each building a colored stripe is painted under it. Citizens are not permitted to be on the streets from 12am-6am anyone found on the streets considered a threat and lethal force is authorized. Families are also required to have at least 1 girl and 1 boy or have no more than 5 members per household.

Any citizen that turns 18 and after taking the ICPT is then given a full physical by a doctor who checks for any conditions that could keep them from joining the military at all, (missing limbs, asthma, psychological issues) If citizens are cleared to move on they head to the Iron Cross City to go through a 2 week training course. Here the Military will push any citizen male or female to their breaking point. Anyone that shows they are not giving it 100% is thrown into a lock down for 1 week and then has to start again. If they don’t put effort in again then the citizen will be executed. Citizens that pass the training course stay within the city to go through a 14 week basic training course to be part of the full military. Once passed Citizens become soldiers and are given their uniform, standard assault rifle, and a red arm band that has an Iron cross stitched into it. At the end of Basic training soldiers are tested to see if they will go through a course to train them in land, sea, or air, all of which take about 10 weeks to complete.

Iron Cross foot soldiers- Foot soldiers wear standard black combat armor and carry M4 carbines. Every soldier is placed into a squad of at least 7 men and a squad leader. Squad leaders are identified by the cross marked over their heart on the armor. 6 months of the year foot soldiers will be on the islands patrolling certain areas to maintain order; these are the “police” of the island. The other 6 months will be spent on aboard one of the ships that will be out at sea. Here foot soldiers will be ready to strike at a moment’s notice if need be.

Iron Cross Navy- The navy consists of 2 aircraft carriers, 4 battleships, 3 cruisers and 2 subs. Ships will either be at port where they will arm, refuel and be inspected for any damages. Once fully ready a ship will sail off to the area designated usually 35-50 miles off the West Coastline of America. Once returned back to port another ship will leave immediately to keep a flow of ships out in the water.

Iron Cross Air force- During the great war most of the aircraft was sent out to battle. However documents on the aircraft have been found within the naval base. This allowed the ICAA to reconstruct and repair many aircraft.The Air force consists mainly of black hawk style helicopters, used mostly for transportation. Each black hawk is equiped with a minigun on each side. There are also 3 inactive Osprey gunships that need parts from vertibirds before they can be flown. Black hawks also patrol the skies with search lights for night time surveillance. The air force is also working on fully repairing a B2 bomber locked away in a hanger.

Views on mutation- If it looks radioactive in anyway destroy it.

Views on slavery- Slavery is not permitted within the borders of the ICAA

Population: About 500,000
200,000 are in the military

The Evergreen Kingdom

Nation Name: The Evergreen Kingdom
Flag: A single evergreen encircled by leaves on a field of green.
Description/History: Decades ago, a lone man lurched across the wastes of a destroyed world. One barren, desolate, devoid of any sort of good, honorable life. He had raven black hair, a strong frame with wide shoulders, and more scars upon his body than any man ever should have. He trudged, exhausted, through the wastes, trying desperately to hide from those monsters chasing him, with their whooping and hollering, their ungodly blood-lust.
The man eventually looked up to find himself awash with green. In the air, in the sky, in the ground. He'd collapsed in a lush, overgrown forest. He'd never seen such untouched beauty before in his life. The serenity he found himself basking in soon vanished, as he heard the roar of engines behind him. Soon, the devils came. With their rotten teeth and their grotesque blades, they raced toward him, slavering. They were demons, those men. Mounted atop their motor-bikes, they fell upon him. The man curled upon himself, seeking to numb the pain, to escape the torturous fate that waited him. But, their blades never found his flesh. Never maimed him, like they had before. Whistling wind drifted past his ears, sending some of the demons sprawling toward the forest floor, shafts of wood buried deep in their chests. The second bike fell into a pit filled with sharpened wood and razor thorns, disappearing into the earth. Not a moment sooner did a great beast drop from the trees, landing atop of the last bike, crushing it and sending the riders howling to hell all rather unceremoniously.
The man lay still, unwilling to open his eyes, wishing that if death were to come, that it would finally claim him. It didn't though. Not then. Instead, a hand touched him. Instinctively, he reeled, hurling himself back. His effort was for naught, as he was pulled from the dirt. His eyes shot from form to form, fear and hatred apparent. Sat upon his feet, he peered into the faces that met him. They were serious, yet soft. Rigid, yet oddly kind. Their demeanor bespoke wisdom and somehow, the man felt at ease. A smaller man began to speak to him, using an accented, heavy sort of English. He inquired as to why those monsters had given chase. The man saw no use in lying, so he began to try to relay what had happened. Telling them of how he'd been captured, enslaved, and tortured by those demons, he saw the faces of these new people contort into disgust. The smaller man offered his sympathies, placing his hand over his heart, and asked if he'd like to come with them, to their home. The man decided that if they meant to kill him, they would have, and if it was a ploy, he'd at least have outlived some of the devils that tormented him for so long.
Brought to a large village hidden deep within the wood, he met the women and children of these odd new people. They gave him food, shelter, and new clothes. Not rags, but soft cloaks woven in the finest material he'd ever felt. They asked his name, and he replied with a rather proud look, that his name was Jonas Reed. They dubbed him Wild Bear, though for the fierceness in his eyes. He liked it, though he resolved to go by his own name, if he should need. All of this and they did not kill him. They helped him. And thus, he owed them a debt that he knew only his life could repay. No love was in him for the place he once knew, but he did find a deep love of the freedom he saw within the wood. He noticed that they were all different, too. Their skin varied, their dress was hardly uniform (though it was similar), and their languages were hardly the same. Great beasts, large, fearsome cats, the size of elk trod about, ushered on by those bonded to them. The sheer difference was astounding, that even man and beast cooperated. Yet, these people worked together, they were one large family. After a time, more of Bear's wits came about him. Bear felt the love in him grow. He decided that he would give his life to this place. He was a rather smart man, resilient, and he knew how fight. He could pass on some of what he knew, he managed to steal back a few of his books, too. The raiders wouldn't need them.
When the first calls came from those in the trees, he felt the dread well in him; more were coming to find their lost brothers. His pride grew too though, his anger, his love. With these emotions deep within his chest, he pledged himself to the fight. Reed told the people what he knew of the monsters and suggested more pits be dug and small walls erected from the strong wood of the trees, he pointed out what spots the great-cats could ambush from. Some, he said, could be let into the village, with the noncombatants hidden in their huts. Before too many came in though, the cats could ambush them inside the village and by then, some would have fallen into the pits. Once that had happened, the remainder could be driven into the walls, and broken upon them like waves upon a ragged shore. Some of these tactics were new to the forest-people and they welcomed a chance to learn. They readied their attack, digging quick pits, erecting quick walls, and finding their positions. Reed took position beside the forest-lions and their riders, ready to charge with spear. The wait began.
It went according to plan, oddly enough. Some managed to get past the walls without slamming into them, falling in the middle of the village. The others outside fell into the holes that had been dug and covered by brush, landing on the stakes left to meet them. Those inside the village fell when the great-cats came, their riders hurling spears and flinging arrows, those without mounts, Reed among them, charged into the startled invaders. Those inside were cut to ribbons just as those outside were driven against the wall and broken. Some fled, then. They were all hunted down, some died with arrows in their backs, the rest were ridden down. Thanks to some of the advice given by their new friend, the people of the forest emerged relatively unscathed. They didn't have to worry of reprisals either, as Reed told them, these losses would have shattered any resolve they might have held onto.
And so they celebrated him. They hailed Reed, their Wild Bear, as a hero and welcome friend. He saw strength in them. He saw people that he could live among. A feast was held and that night, he was introduced to an old man, their elder. The elder gave Reed his blessing and told him of the region, the history. That some were descended from Native Americans and that they had a special link to the beasts of the wood and the land itself. Those descendants aside, plenty other types had joined the fold. They'd come from far, they'd come from near. The shock came when the elder revealed that this village was but one of many, many others and that there were huge tribes that lived in the wood and beyond. Some were kind and agreeable, others were prickly, hostile, and others ambivalent. He called some rather barbaric, but a select few such as his own, enjoyed a bond with their animals. One tribe could work beside bears, while its neighbor could link to their stags, several times larger than any deer known before the war. All great beasts. These tribes rarely saw any cooperation though, and Reed noted the wasted potential. He didn't like the sound of things, when the elder spoke grimly of how certain tribes openly warred, for trophies, for sport.
Reed decided that something had to be done to foster cooperation between the many different tribes, a few months later. If the region could be united, then they could protect themselves and the unabashed freedom could live on. The idea that freedom could be protected somewhere, made all the difference to him. He would unite them. He would make it his mission. The Wild Bear set out, one by one, he went to the various tribes. Some, he could persuade peacefully and give them gifts. Others, he had to prove that he wasn't to be trifled with, he gave them no option. Those tribes respected his gall and once he proved that he was more than just talk, by some trial or another, they swore to him. At first, he did not mean to lead them. Eventually though, he took to it. He made each tribe he came upon swear oaths of fealty to him. They did. He appealed to each in different ways. Reed's influence grew and after a time, he had complete control of the region. Many tribes had come under his banner, he had one made, in fact. An evergreen tree, to symbolize the lands that his tribes lived on. Reed headquartered himself in the first village he'd come to. He felt he needed a title, one that all his tribes would know him by. He had a crown fashioned from the wood, one strong, with leaves about it. He crowned himself King of the Ever and named those tribes and those lands they controlled as his own kingdom; The Evergreen Kingdom, his domain. The Bear made it known that he would lead and his subjects cheered him. The writings he distributed among his people laid forth his laws, that which would be expected in his lands.
Word spread and not long after, his kingdom began to grow. More came under his banner, swearing utter loyalty to the crown. The lands were unified and prosperity was abound. The tribes worked in unison to fortify their lands, harvest all they could, and share the knowledge they had. Collectively, they were truly a wonder. They were strong, they were wise, they were kind. Their kindness was taken for weakness, however, and those that did seek to abuse it were dealt with. Outsiders were welcomed into the fold, and any that sought to oppress were dealt with swiftly. Decades went on such as this and eventually, the lands under the Green King, as some called him, came to stretch from what had been the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the east, down to Wisconsin, back to eastern Montana. Many different people came to know his banner, to become his subjects. Cities were claimed once more in his name and an army raised. The King of the Ever became something of a living legend, with his great holdings and his vast armies. Eventually, as the years went, the kingdom grew from a tribal horde into an actual nation, with many cities and settlements, with commerce and trade, farming and medicine.
However, dark whispers have come from the south, of hulking terrors in armors of steel, as of late. And, not long ago, word came that some sort of summit of nations was being held. The Green King decided that it would be wise to attend such a meeting, to gauge these other lands in their character and their intentions. He wanted, truly, to see the south of all things. To know if the steel horrors were real, and not just foul gossip. He hoped other nations, other rulers would see that freedom was preserved and that all were accepted. The King, now a man of age and experience, gathered those he needed and set off.
Government Type: An absolute monarchy, one that protects its people and does not abuse them. There has been only one King of the Ever but should he die, his place is to be taken by a strong, wise leader, not by whatever children he may have. The King has the final say in all matters and is advised by those he chooses, no power can override him. Each tribe has their own holding that they govern by the King's decree, their lands are his and they see to those that he does not have time for. Those that rule in his name for each tribe do vary, one may be a wise elder, another may be a war-chief that was brought to heel in some fashion or another.
Economy: The economy of the kingdom is maintained through the trade of agricultural products, anything that can be grown and eaten is sold such as the huge wild fruits only to be found in the forests of the Ever. The famously potent poultices and healing powders that the people of the kingdom can produce are traded along as well, working better than scavenged stimpaks in most cases. The salvage brought in from scouting parties go for quite price as well, among the supplies are firearms, ammunition, building materials such as scrap metals and rock.
The great lake called Superior is also used extensively for the fish within its waters and the fresh water left within. Very limited, basic purification has begun and the water is brought, by stag, across the kingdom to those without a sure water supply and to those nearby for trade, along with whatever large fish that have been dredged from below.
Mining has resumed in some areas as well, hauling in ore and other precious minerals. There is a limited smattering of machinery that has been been salvaged and made usable again, after great effort. With these both available, the great ironbark armor that was once only used by the most skilled of warriors, can be produced more widely.
Culture: The culture of the Ever is focused almost solely on freedom of the individual. This may come as odd, in an absolute monarchy, but each and every man that follows the Green King follows of their own will. Freedom is coveted, celebrated.
Though they are apart of a collective, each tribe in the kingdom is unique. Some worship the trees, some worship the King himself, some worship their greatwolf mounts as godlike spirits and protectors, and some don't worship at all. Some may be kind, devoted to others, some may be prone to selfishness and hostility, but all do their duty to the kingdom, which means doing whatever is asked of them.
Animals, in most all cases, see great adoration. Among them, the direbear, a hulking beast of unnatural power, greatwolves twice the size of their prewar counterparts, the huge birds of the sky and the strong stags capable of running for nigh on days without tire.
Military: Boasting a loyal army of 270,000 men and women, bolstered by 20,000 mutated stags, bears, wolves, and mountain lions, the host of the Green King isn't one to trifle with. At the bottom rung sits the foot soldier, armed with a strong blade, and a sidearm, clad in durable ironbark armor, colored green, complete with a cloak. As one goes further up the line, one begins to see the armament become more impressive. Rifles, automatic weapons begin to see use and the armor becomes more fearsome. Large bows are used by specially trained men, as some favor them over firearms, and their accuracy is peerless. Custom-made mechanical-hatchets see implementation, ones that spin like Rippers, and can carve through most armors without incident. The bows become more impressive, too. Some have been modified with certain machinery to be drawn more quickly, and fired with more punch. Soldiers of the Green King are well-versed in unconventional tactics such as ambush, guerrilla warfare, and setting traps. However, they can also use their numbers as their chief advantage and mount a great charge.
Soldiers advance by survival, by proving themselves, and each is disciplined and skilled. What they lack in technical aptitude, they more than make up for in training and hardiness.
20,000 men are mounted on one of the mighty animals that inhabit the kingdom. Broken into 5 contingents of 4,000 riders apiece, they are foes that are not easily dealt with. The animals alone can tear a man in half without much effort, but mounted with a raider bearing a greatbow or a machine gun, and they become the stuff of nightmares.
Views on Mutation: Mutates are very welcome in the King of the Ever's domain, they are treated as any other living creature. If they behave as his other subjects, he treats them as his own. Few ghouls live in the kingdom, the vast majority of mutates come in the form of the mounts employed the Green King's armies. Nonetheless, mutates can seek refuge within the walls of the Ever and be safer for it.
Views on Slavery: Slavery is outlawed and punishable by death. The King detests any obstruction of freedom and will strike down any such injustices with extreme prejudice. Any nations that practice it will likely be held at arm's-length and will never be counted as friends of the realm.
Tech Level: Tier 4, Low
Population: 4,200,000

Edit: Put the tech level in, so they're about the same level as the Legion.

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Post » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:45 am

Since I don't have any significant relations right now, I'll try and get out definitive faction sheet Vatrou.
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