STEAM version of Crysis 2 (I believe we also have the small ~600kb patch pre-installed.)
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) + SP1 + Latest Patcheroonies
i7 980X @ 4.250 GHz
EVGA E770 Classified 3
24 GB DDR3 @ 1920 MHz
2x PNY Geforce GTX 580 XLR8
Driver: Beta 267.59 + Modded INF <- Good Performance and a little flickering (very little)
Driver: WHQL 267.84 + Modded INF <- Better Performance and even less flickering.
DirectX: Latest
Loss of Interaction / Game Cannot Continue Bug:
For this particular bug I am located at the first alien crash site as you are on your way to extracting Mr. PhD. He of course is eagerly excited to have YOU go under ground to look for alien goo and risk YOUR life. Well I was scanning the biomass as instructed and he tells you just to get out of there because its human goo. I seemed to have triggered the "hold weapon" down safe mode, right before a cutscene, with no way to undo it.
Unable to select a weapon, can't see my hands or gun, or do anything but activate armor, stealth, and thermal vision. I am also no longer in binocular/visor mode. I can't tag anything or see details. Like I said, unable to interact with anything. Essentially I am trapped at the broken window and I am unable to climb up the radiator and out the window. I can't crouch, melee, just jump or stealth... or armor. Nothing really useful and none of the junk in the area is interactive, i.e. can't pick it up, can't kick it, and can't beat it.
The Cause:
As opposed to scanning the Alien drop pods for bio mass, quickly jump down the newly formed cave in the street, and this triggers a cut-scene moment/checkpoint. Its not supposed to happen yet. You are supposed to open up an elevator, fall into the shaft, and then enter the underground via a broken window, after checking the pods. Failing to scan the pods and triggering that checkpoint before jumping out the window, will permanently have you stuck down there in the sewer with invisible wall, and the script failing to load.
Just tried it again, it seems to be triggered by running jump towards the window while crouching. You lose 2/3rds of the upper Hud (crosshairs etc.) and your ability to interact with anything. Its easily reproducible and has nothing to do with visor mode or not.
Edit 2:
Reloading does nothing, unable to pass this point of the game, just crouch walking up the radiator causes the bug, and I am not able to get out of the window / invisible wall.
Edit 3:
I did find a workaround. Glitch seems prominent by going down into the street / parking garage before tagging both PODS. It automatically makes a checkpoint down there, but I assume you are supposed to come out of there afterwards, not before going down the elevator shaft. It does appear to be script related. I still lost all my weapons and HUD, but by not killing the chopper first or pick up the RPG, I was able to get out of the window. Upon touching / using the the RPG and ammo box, everything HUD-wise returned to normal. This will probably need to be addressed in a patch to prevent the checkpoint/script executing before going down that elevator shaft, and thus preventing players frustration being rapped.