[PC + 2 360 Bugs :D] Ammo Bug, Game Breaking Bugs, and More!

Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:33 pm

CRYSIS 2 PC Bugs & Glitches :D

STEAM version of Crysis 2 (I believe we also have the small ~600kb patch pre-installed.)

Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) + SP1 + Latest Patcheroonies

i7 980X @ 4.250 GHz
EVGA E770 Classified 3
24 GB DDR3 @ 1920 MHz
2x PNY Geforce GTX 580 XLR8

Driver: Beta 267.59 + Modded INF <- Good Performance and a little flickering (very little)
Driver: WHQL 267.84 + Modded INF <- Better Performance and even less flickering.
DirectX: Latest


Loss of Interaction / Game Cannot Continue Bug:
For this particular bug I am located at the first alien crash site as you are on your way to extracting Mr. PhD. He of course is eagerly excited to have YOU go under ground to look for alien goo and risk YOUR life. Well I was scanning the biomass as instructed and he tells you just to get out of there because its human goo. I seemed to have triggered the "hold weapon" down safe mode, right before a cutscene, with no way to undo it.

Unable to select a weapon, can't see my hands or gun, or do anything but activate armor, stealth, and thermal vision. I am also no longer in binocular/visor mode. I can't tag anything or see details. Like I said, unable to interact with anything. Essentially I am trapped at the broken window and I am unable to climb up the radiator and out the window. I can't crouch, melee, just jump or stealth... or armor. Nothing really useful and none of the junk in the area is interactive, i.e. can't pick it up, can't kick it, and can't beat it.

The Cause:
As opposed to scanning the Alien drop pods for bio mass, quickly jump down the newly formed cave in the street, and this triggers a cut-scene moment/checkpoint. Its not supposed to happen yet. You are supposed to open up an elevator, fall into the shaft, and then enter the underground via a broken window, after checking the pods. Failing to scan the pods and triggering that checkpoint before jumping out the window, will permanently have you stuck down there in the sewer with invisible wall, and the script failing to load.

Just tried it again, it seems to be triggered by running jump towards the window while crouching. You lose 2/3rds of the upper Hud (crosshairs etc.) and your ability to interact with anything. Its easily reproducible and has nothing to do with visor mode or not.

Edit 2:
Reloading does nothing, unable to pass this point of the game, just crouch walking up the radiator causes the bug, and I am not able to get out of the window / invisible wall.

Edit 3:
I did find a workaround. Glitch seems prominent by going down into the street / parking garage before tagging both PODS. It automatically makes a checkpoint down there, but I assume you are supposed to come out of there afterwards, not before going down the elevator shaft. It does appear to be script related. I still lost all my weapons and HUD, but by not killing the chopper first or pick up the RPG, I was able to get out of the window. Upon touching / using the the RPG and ammo box, everything HUD-wise returned to normal. This will probably need to be addressed in a patch to prevent the checkpoint/script executing before going down that elevator shaft, and thus preventing players frustration being rapped.

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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:34 am

Suicidal Chopper Gunners

Found another, not too disruptive glitch.


During ROAD RAGE, you begin your ascent on the FDR highway, just after the cars roll towards you, a chopper flies over head signaling a script and some radio pvssyr. On two separate occasions people fell out of the heli (before I had a chance to add bullets to the equation) and then froze in mid air. Included a screenshot.


Edit: I have seen this on other levels, as where you breaking into Cry headquarters to get your suit scanned. I just watched the helicopter as it flew it off, and as it got a block or two away, two passengers just drop through the helo, then it just disappears. It happened when you are attacked on crosswalk by another Heli with gunners in it. After I killed the gunners this time, the chopper flies off with the dead bodies. I am assuming that the chopper is programmed to leave the level, (hence disappear) but the soldiers/bodies are not accounted for and left to fly through the air dead or alive (soon to be dead.) I noticed this is instant death for Cell soldiers even if you just throw them a foot in the air.... or perhaps their necks are crushed and then tossed... that could be a possibility.

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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:14 am

Ammo Full Glitch, apparently you can get a situation where you can't refill your ammo in the SCAR, for no apparent reason. Nothing special was done, just won't pick up or refill ammo. It also doesn't reload. So despite it saying full ammo, there is no way to use the SCAR again in this level/game. The glitch is permanent whether you have a gun or not, swap it out, use all the ammo and find a new one.

I started this level with a SCAR and used all the ammo before switching to shotgun. Once you get this glitch, there is no getting rid of it for THAT type of weapon. It can occur in other guns, I just haven't found what reproduces it.

The SCAR is completely unusable (or extremely diminished) after the glitch occurs, even if you change SCARS all you get is whats in the first magazine.


Edit: I have restarted since checkpoint, bug is still there. If I could go back earlier, it might possibly undo whatever it is that I did, but the checkpoint had use of the weapon prior to it, so I am assuming that it might be permanent or even transferring back to the checkpoint..

Edit 2: It is still there despite shutting down the game and starting it back up, so the glitch is essentially "saved" to my play through. X(

Edit 3: Swapping the guns back and forth eventually led to INFINITE ammo. o.O

Edit 4: Swapping the guns more, makes the infinite ammo gun disappear, and some how Omega squared = -10 (Discrete Mathematics joke)?

Edit 5: Managed to get it re-occur one more time, by reloading the weapon after firing it, and using an ammo refill box to increase my ammo count at the same time. It could only make it happen one time. It seems to be a combination of reloading, firing, and refilling ammo, that triggers the ammo glitch.

Edit 6: After the cutscene and during the mission where you start Assist Delta team, the SCAR usage has repaired and the ammo/counter/reload function with no infinite ammo works again.

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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:08 pm

Buggy AI pathway & Hummer Driver/Passenger Responseless

Also occurs when the AI is physically unable to search the location of your gunshots, as if it is an isolated balcony with no way up. The AI just doesn't have a way to handle it.

Here are a couple of examples, take note, that these guys were sitting there for lengthy periods of time (minutes) repeatedly trying to walk through things over and over and over. The three guys on the stairs were stuck together for ever till I fixed them.


One guy walked to the corner and just stopped, even when I was shooting at him, he didn't really respond. The darker armored guy on the right, sprinted in the corner for a few minutes, while I took out his compadres.

The Hummer boys on more than one occasion, just sit in the Hummer despite being fired upon, I fired 3 DSG-1 clips into it and got no response from them to get out. So, I took steps.


When Picking Up the Transmitter on Defend the Perimeter Level, alien AI keeps going to this one spot and just running into the wall or just spinning around doing nothing.

The Cell AI at it again, this time on PRISM level, just entering the full ruins. This guy spent so much time trying to walk through that wall, I almost felt bad stabbing him in the chest like that.

Now here we see super AI. I killed one of three men from the other room. The room is pitch black and full of generators. I hear, over the generators, a cell soldier scream SNIPER. Now its true, I was sniping with a silent DSG-1. But there is no way they could of even saw that. Further more they didn't investigate it, had they venture in my sights, they would surely have not lived much longer. Whats crazy now is two things, apparently the AI has night vision goggles. They can't have thermal vision as they can't see invisible. I chalk this up to oversight. AI sees me clear as if it were day and immediately began firing on me after dropping stealth. Keep in mind in this picture, the alert status was nill, and this was half a second later.


Another thing about that bothers me is that I can still see my weapon. I thought hell, I must of de-stealthed in a light source! Nope, there isn't a shred of light anywhere, and the same happens in any dark corner in that room. Its as if there is magic ambient light I am giving off my body. I also think that is just a small oversight.

SO, the enemy has night vision, super hearing, and refusing to walk towards a snipers LoS. Sounds pretty good so far :D

Gave Stealth + Sound Muffling its own post.

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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:09 pm

Wall Floor Contact Issue & Some Decal Issues & Ragdoll/Physics Askew:

Enroute on Assaulting the Hive and you are given 3 tactical options, just inside the tactical option #1, the wall doesn't come all the way down to the floor (you can tell by light coming through it.)


I don't think I have an image of it, but in the warehouse first floor of Ghould's Lab, the rats are all hovering half a foot off the floor as they scurry out. I will get that on play through #2 !

Here in the Spore Conduit about 14.0m north of Tactical Option 1 Resupply on the railing there are a whole group of blood decals and trash that are floating half a foot off the floor and disappear depending on height. Here is an example of that. Those blood decals that appear are in the air, the static images have a hard way of showing height dimension.

This is me ducking. Notice the hovering bottle?

This is me standing. Bottle still there! Now with 100% more blood!

I have seen this once or twice in the game.

I did notice this early on with flickering textures... but the strange thing is, they weren't flickering, they were switching between high and low resolution in game by me just barely moving. Wasn't sure if this was a driver issue or a game issue but I think it was drivers, they are betas. I didn't get any screenshots of it as it was flickering too fast for me to catch and I gave up. Its only car windows and street / tarmac textures that flicker... and not many of them do it.

Here we have an example of some of the Ragdoll/body physics not working correctly, some times corpses remain suspended in air.

Sometimes the physics isn't working at all?

Can you guess what I tried next? I tried building a rocket launcher platform using 3 available RPGs. I succeeded, but when I jumped off of it, I knocked it over. Should of got a screenshot first... I will try it again later on, I am rocketed out now. I am assuming that this could be something exploitable in Multiplayer by allowing characters a higher vantage point over other players or access to areas of the levels unintended by developers.

On The Topic Of Physics, swinging lights, another over looked feature in most games. However the lights swing but have a time delayed stop forcing, so whatever position they are in, they freeze after x seconds. So I can get images like this :D


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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:51 pm

Unable to Pick Up C4

Unable to pick up the C4 next to the dead marine at the bus station, after leaving Delta team on Assist Delta Team, and after defeating super alien and his squad, with a yellow taxi and 3x C4 no less... which is why I wanted more... quite handy stuff :(

As you can see, I am only carrying 2, and I am unable to pick more up. I also don't have any C4 laying out and about unexploded, in case that C4 is still considered in your possession (i.e. counting them in your ammo counter.) Just a small bug preventing pickup. Also doesn't say Ammo Full either, preventing me picking up that way.


There have been quite a few item pickup glitches over the game, this is just one I was able to get a screenshot of.

According to 0009000003ec490e, an XBOX 360 USER, he has a similar bug where he can and can't pick it up AND the counter has gone negative, so the Ammo Counter Bug is there on the 360.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:47 pm

On Joining the Perimeter Defense, two quick bugs.

This guy is is standing either 3 or 4 inches into the platform, or its having decal stains hovering over the floor, at first I thought it was water but I realized the floor is solid and flat and the decal isn't water.

This guy is hovering off the floor :D He is attending a wounded soldier just after the start of the level and jumping on the platform.


Looking at those shots I took, I realize the wounded shoulder is also half a foot off the ground too... notice his shadow isn't there? Its because its behind him by 3 feet.

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Tamika Jett
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:12 pm

Adding this one brought to my attention by pyide_maybe, thanks to him.

Nano Catalyst - Being Lost

I haven't experienced this one myself, so hopefully someone out there getting this bug, can provide evidence of this happening, i.e. something like being at a certain point of the game where you should have dust + powers, yet you have neither would be fairly decent evidence. Feel free to either PM me or post in this thread, would be awesome.

I will add the screenies to the post.

A couple of users have broken melee after death, I am sure thats reproducible and not really screenshotable, hopefully someone will make a Youtube video of this.

I just blew myself up, and its true you are unable to melee for a while, even changing the melee controls. You are also unable to charge it and release uber attack. You are still able to interact with things needing the melee feature.

Edit 2:
Just got it working again, I walked up to an object in which I can use the melee key held down to power kick or stealth kill. After the 2nd or 3rd time (took 3 stealth kills, or 2 power kicks on a Taxi) I had the ability to melee again.

Edit 3:
User void666 says his Nano Catalyst glitch occurred in "Gate Keepers." Suspect its a computational counter bug, similar to the SCAR ammo full bug / infinite ammo glitch.

Edit 4:
User FullMetalPanicNL says he has the disappearing alien goo showing up on Xbox 360, so its fairly possible to also be on the PS3.

Commenting on the HUD being permanently tilted, I have had an issue like this triggered primarily by trying to interact do something at the exact same time the game is taking over control of my character or switching me in "safe" mode, where holding down the gun is mandatory etc.


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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:39 pm

Not sure if this was an nVidia bug (highly likely) but I found some flickering on the level where you Defend the Airlift Evac sites. Just as you start the level its night time, and raining, and despite nothing changing (lighting sources OR lightning / explosions) the reflections are turning off and on.


Took me forever to catch it at 188 fps.

Further more, in the turnstiles entering this level, shooting the floodlights aimed at the ground, turns them off... except on occasion. In about 90% of video games, shooting a light bulb does nothing. I was happy to see non static lighting and its ability to be destroyed.

The light on the ground is from the floodlights shot up above. These are the same turnstile lights on aisle to the left which did turn off after being shot.

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casey macmillan
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:02 pm

Lost Nano Catalyst

I was in "gate keepers", had around 1700 catalyst, then quit. When i came back i had zero catalyst. And i couldn't gather more. It stays at zero. Tried loading previous saves but it didn't work.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:14 pm

I wonder if this is in relation to the Ammo counter bug I had, perhaps there is a simple computational error. Although I don't know what the actually ceiling amount for alien spore is (maximum you can carry, I know its quite large as I have had 21k earlier this evening) however if it is the same as the ammo glitch, it would think you are full when you are not really, thus not allowing more.

I am not sure that is fixable as I can just drop the gun, or have it fixed further in the game. I do know after meeting up with Delta team, a few of my gun ammo counters were fixed, let me know how it goes when you get to this point. I will add the info to my post on the subject.

If you could stand on top of nano catalyst and show that its not picking up OR show you picking some up, and your total is still zero afterwards (with two screenshots obviously) that would help.

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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:10 pm

I just started using the shotgun and I usually am not paying attention to this particular weapon because if I am using a shotgun, its because I ran out of ammo and a nasty Ceth is in my face.

The shotgun firing animation or reload animation is very jerky and stuttering. I haven't seen this in any other gun but the shotgun specifically.

Despite purposely putting myself in a spot where I get above 120 fps on a 120 Hz monitor, it feels like the animation is running at 30 / 15 fps. Is there anyway we could get a fix for this maybe set it to Enthusiast graphics settings? I even tried it with Vsync On @ 120, and the same thing. I anticipate this is bug because all the others (I think, I will watch for it now) seem to be smooth, but I don't mean to criticize your game design if its intended that way.

Will try and add a simple video later of this with FPS counter.
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:22 am

STEAM Overlay Bug

First STEAM Specific bug, I found that after ALT+Tabbing out of the game (between editing posts it seems) when I jump back in game, Sprint + Forward Movement (Shift + W) for some fantastic reason activates the STEAM overlay... fairly bad if you are in combat! Thought I would mention it. Seems to work normal after that until its left idle while ALT+Tabbed out of game again.

Shift + Tab is supposed to bring about the STEAM overlay, FYI.

Only a minor thing.

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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:06 pm

Also there is a bug that when you die for me anyway my melee stops working and forces me to restart to fix it no matter what i have to restart the game for melee to work again.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:14 pm

Already included in one of my posts. Mentioned in the same one as Nano Catalyst, as I saw those in an other bug thread.

I have witnessed this bug myself, and have since been able to replicated (by dying), and to fix it after x power kicks of an object, or y stealth kills.

Restarting the game is too long, so I just keep spamming V till after doing one of the above, until it works.

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josie treuberg
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:01 pm

Apparently C4/Ammo Counter bug can be reproduced on the 360, making also the PS3 susceptible to the same thing. I have edited the C4 post to add this helpful information.

Thanks 0009000003ec490e, for pointing it out!
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:00 pm

Noticed switching to stealth muffles the sound of the generators to about 30% volume in the Dark room after power shut down.

I do not know why, but stealth hasn't interfered with any other sounds that I can tell but now I am on the look out... or ear out. Its almost like they are put into slow motion sound effects.

Just noticed the proximity alarm and its uncanny ability to be muffled by just being in Stealth mode. Has over a 50% volume increase just switching to stealth.

Edit 2:
Electric fence sounds like it went into slow mode as well, gun fire and voices seem unaffected by it. Footsteps are noticeably louder (without the quiet footsteps perk) activated as opposed to in stealth.

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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:24 am

During the Tank mission on reaching the Ceph at Central Park. The enemy Ceph are all indestructible if I use the canon, I can't kill a single one of them, including the Pinger who drops a bus on you, regular Ceph taking 3-5 Tank shells and are still standing, I managed to kill 2 regular Ceph with the tank cannon at one point before dying. Missiles are almost instant kill if not big time damage, yet a shell is useless this surely must be a mistake.

Tank does virtually no damage with the main cannon.

Also note, drop ship (I understand if its meant to be un-blow-up-able) but don't let the rockets just fly right through this thing without exploding.


Same thing for road signs. Missiles fly right through road signs, yet do physically knock them down but do not explode.

Alot of the dialogue seems to be getting cut off from Stickland and Ghould, in this level as you get separated, and it seems to be not on purpose.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:48 pm

So you are sending me to go to the Ceph headquarters floating above Central Park, with no Guns? Thats pretty ballsy.


Took 3 restarts to get guns.
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:26 am

Okay sorry for my absence, I have been spending time with the significant other... the one thats not Crysis 2 obviously.

I am still on Ceph in Central Park.

Noticed two things. I have confirmed for myself Nano Catalyst counter has gotten jacked up. Killed all the Ceph at the first ambush point, and the patrol before that. Some how managed to get 320 catalyst? Now, I could claim that the non-evenly rounded by 100 number is a glitch but I know the little scarabs do indeed drop star dust at the 20 quantity, but I was on the even 100s at the start of the level, about 5k actually. After I picked up everything here, I was getting ready to level up a power. I know its not much proof because I could have spent it, but I HAVE KILLED every Ceph on every level (even the ones that respawn 4 or 5 times) and collected about 80-90% of all nano catalyst before it disappears. Should have enough for all the suit mods easily.


Also in Ceph in Central Park, I looked over the side to see how high I was... and to kick a taxi off the side and I noticed a floating boulder on the left hand side right at the point where Ghould informs you there is a "seismic activity".


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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:11 pm

I noticed an AI glitch, video here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSczLHltybw
Sometimes when loading the saved game, the car drives down and a soldier jumps out and starts talking, other times it doesn't drive down and results in the above video.
Only after popping the second tyre do the soldiers jump out of the car!

Hopefully Crytek will be able to fix all of the bugs in their patches :D
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louise hamilton
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:56 pm

PC game
The not being able to melee after dieing is seriously annoying. I can hear the little error ding but can't do anything except die again. Which doesn't clear the bug. Think I'm going to stop playing until this and the login bugs are fixed, way too frustrating. All I can do is wait since the [SelfEdited] got my money already.

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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:56 pm

Thanks for your responses dooglesmile and NotMyRealNick, but Nick please keep it clean in this thread. From my experience you have a higher probability to be taken seriously not calling dev bastards.

I do have a silly bug, but more like a change request.

Throwing your last C4 forces me sometimes to change weapons if I accidentally mouse click the the C4 to throw more when I have none, when I was trying to detonate it.

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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:25 pm

Duly noted and changed on the insult. I can understand you really want the game to work and so do I! I also respect your posts very much, this is a gold mine for the devs if they are paying attention to the thread. I vote for this to be stickied.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:55 pm

You hit the the nail right on the head. I do want this game to succeed, because honestly, there is no competition right now for Crysis 2 in my opinion :D.

RagingCain is a huge Cry2 fanboy :D

For my second run through (starting tomorrow if the patch rumors are true, going to start recording videos so it helps.)

Thank you so much Nick :D
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