Hi everyone!!
I was wondering if someone could explain the ammo crafting process to me...
I had a look at it and i messed around and ended up with 3000 lead, with a value of nothing.
I dont know what to do with the lead.
or anything else to do with crafting to be honest.
I figured the drained energy cells and the 5.56 cases and what not are used for this, but i just cant figure out how!!
any help appriciated!

I know theres another post about this recently, but i'm more specifically wanting a description of how it works and also what 'components' i need to make specific ammo.

I wish I had a dollar every time this has been asked and answered.
In case the second response was not clear enough, let me explain further.
To make 9MM you need
1 9MM casing
X Powder
X Lead
1 Small pistol primer
You CAN NOT make AP ammo, you can make JHP, JSP, SWC and for shotguns. Slugs, Magnum and coin shot as well are normal shot.
JHP = Jacked Hollow point. Its a hollow point bulet with a jacketed casing.
These rounds are good for punching through light armor (jacked) and killing whats inside it (hollow point)
JSP= Jacked soft point is similar to JHP
SWC= Semi wad cutter. Functions like a JHP round AFAIK.
AP Armor piercing, more armor (DT) mitigation, less damage.
Incendiary, Sets things on fire. .50 only.
12/20 G Slug. A sold shot from a shot gun, considering that 12 guage is pretty large, thats about like a .50 from a shot gun.
Magnum, more powder, same shot. Longer range + more damage.
Coin shot, Uses coins. (never used before personally)