Ammo questions

Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:28 am

1. If I give Boone the Sniper/Gobi rifle together with .308 JSP and .308 AP, will he switch ammo to AP if we encounter, say, a deathclaw?

2. If I can make .308 JSP rounds, do I need the .308 HP round or is it simply for people who don't take the Hand Loader perk?

3. Little confused about shotgun ammo, in what circumstances do you use magnum and slug variants? I've noticed against armoured foes the slug seems to work better. Is it simply use slugs against armoured foes and magnum against unarmoured foes or is there more to it than that?

4. For the slug ammo the description says 'gun spread x0.35'. In the Wiki the Hunting Shotgun, for example, has a spread of 1.5 so does it mean the spread is reduced by 0.35?

Thanks in advance.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:47 pm

Hey, this is dlc discussion ... You may want to ask a mod to move this to nv general or nv hints cheats and spoilers. They ll move it anyway once they see it.

I really can t help you on the boone question. I give him other guns that he seems to like more. They seem to use normal ammo over ap

For the shotguns I turn all shells into slugs, and I only use it in doors. I never give a follower shot gun ammo unless in doors, so they don t waste it. Slugs do away with bird shot, so all that comes out is a big piece of lead. It has a little more range as well. That way with a slug all the weapon s dam is in that slug. notice when you load a slug it no longer says 14.7x2 it will say 28. Magnum is more powerful birdshot, but still the shot spreads and all dam is not put in one place like with the slug. While useing a shotgun to kill with in this game, the slug is your best bet. close....

You could use that shotgun perk to beef up your birdshot (so it says), but why make the game any easier.....
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:48 am

I think the shot gun perk from DM knocks down the badguys. That's a great one to get. There's something about knocking down a deathclaw and then standing on its chest to empty a few barrels into its face...
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Samantha Mitchell
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