I really like playing this game but my immersion is ruined when I have to sort though my inventory. I dont know why, but I just can't be bothered to do this. This is especially difficult when I need to sort through different ammo and weapon types.
Am I doing it wrong here?
Should I only be using one type of weapon? There doesnt' seem to be weapon leveling like in Skyrim or Borderlands.
I do like the leveling system in that every action seems to give you xp, but all the choices kinda just stumps me! Pistol? Revolver? I just want an SMG and 3 shot burst rifle ... but i get a different ammo type and feel compelled to be using that too ... but for which weapon? And with the clunkiness of inventory manangment, i tend to stop playing for the evening.
I guess ill have to wait for Mods to fit more my playstyle. Too many items just breaks my little brain and i get borred of the selling/saluaging/dropping mini game.