Okay so let me just say so far I love this game. So I have been playing the game solving the puzzles, collecting oil and tender boxes and such. And wont you know it I entered the infamous storage room. So I had been through all the other rooms looking for the elevator parts and I saved this room for last. I reluctantly entered the room after stocking up on oil and what not. So I entered the room, lit the passages, blew up the wall and before you know it I come to door with a loud gurgling noise behind it. (Now you must know this was the first time I had really encountered a monster, there were the invisible water things before this but those don't really count). So for some extremely stupid reason, I opened it. So there it was, whatever it was. I really didn't stop to examine this thing so needless to say I [censored] ran. And i didn't stop until i found a little space where I could hide. I crouched and turned off my light and waited, and waited. After a long while I got up and noticed that I had hid in the room with the missing parts I was looking for. Assuming I had waited long enough I went back out side. He wasn't in the immediate area so I went into the hall and low and behold here he is. I ran back into the little hiding room I found (This time closing the door). And once again I waited, but this time I heard him break down the door. So I waited again, this time even longer. Eventually I went back outside the coast seemed clear so I hightailed it back to the exit. I made it pretty far from my hiding spot and made it past the exploded rubble. Guess what happened next, I find another one. Now by this time the extended time in the darkness combined with looking at those things my sanity is now at ..... So i ran back into a dark room, I know I cant find my hiding spot, my lamp is out of oil, I'm in complete darkness and that thing is coming after me. So I am thinking of just saying screw it and run passed it through the door. What i need to know is that if I get to close to that thing can it kill me in one hit?
tl;dr Can mister I have no lower jaw kill you in one hit?
Also to those who have completed the game or gotten further than I have NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: My question has been answered now this is a general amnesia thread.