Hmmm... I've come across the quest "The House of Horrors", and - without spoiling anything, it definitely lives up to its name. In fact, I'm yet to complete it, due to the ending contradicting the ethos I've assigned my character. Well, it's more an extension of my personal morality into the game, but tweaked a bit, so... fair do's, I guess. I digress though - as I was saying, the ending is truly horrific, and puts you very much between the proverbial rock and the hard place. However (Yes, I know this is slipping into Mod territory, but the topic itself doesn't really fit in the mod subsection, so here was the best place for it) I'm aware that Mods are available that allow you to have an alternate ending, that means you don't have to partake in the morally compromising... acts... that it requires of you. However, that creates a real life moral dilemma - is that cheating? Am I working my way around a dilemma specifically put there to pose such a challenge, and then wimping out of a decision? Or am I just allowing for my play-through not to be tainted? Do I use the mod - or just go through with it, but dispose of the reward and have my character do "penance", as it were? I can't decide which is worse - so I decided to turn to fellow Skyrim players to pose the question to you: Do you break past the dilemma and spare the troubling nature of the ending, or do you go through with it, as the game intended - and live with the consequences - despite the act going both against personal and character morals? Amoral but moral... or Moral yet amoral? Which is preferred?