I liked the aspect of romance in Skyrim vs Oblivion as it gives it more of a sense of fantasy and My fiance and I like that in video games, A little disapointed that there is not a story to it thought. However my wife died in my game and now I cannot re-marry even when wearing the amulet of Mara is there something I am missing? I play on the Xbox 360. thanks for all your help and love the game
If you were on PC it would be an easy fix via console. But unfortunately, the citizens of Skyrim just plain HATE widows, enough to not want to marry them ever.
one time deal friend, sorry, Bug or intended? don't know pick your love wisely.
That is just silly lol not a huge deal but come on Bethesda fix this issue it cannot be that hard and I know I am not the only one I have read it several times through out these forums. Thank you!