» Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:38 am
Autotargetting isn't balancing - it tilts the balance in favour of the console gamer. So now you have the exact same issue, but just the opposite way round - congratulations. Controllers and mice are just too different to even consider balancing.
You might have missed my metaphor/anology. So let me explain it in plain English: use the correct tool for the job. Some games (SMB) are designed for controllers, and controllers out-do KB&M. Other games (FPS) are designed for KB&M and out-do controllers. Another class of games don't care (typically spectacle fighters). Due to the inclusion of aim in the game mice give players an upper-hand, player skill is not a component of the argument. Take it personally if you wish. I play with both KB&M and console controllers (not at the same time, of course - I'm not Korean) and appreciate the differences between the two.
Let's play a game of Tekken, you'll annihilate me - that's what I am saying.