OK this is my first time ever posting in a forum and not sure if such a thread has been made, I couldn't find what I was Looking for
So here goes Iv really been wondering why pc and console have to be on separate mega-servers, I know Sony and Microsoft don't get along but sadly half my friends will be getting ESO on pc and those who do not have gaming pc will be getting on Ps4. My wife would also like to play but her computer is now quite old and wants to get it on ps4 I have a great gaming pc so I will be buying on PC we would really like to play together.
So my actual question is why are they not sharing servers is it a technical issue? Is it because the hate between PS and Xbox, Is it cause Different launch Dates, or maybe because Pc players would have an advantage over console players (Although I believe that's why PC is limited to 5 action keys)
If anyone knows why or if this may be changed in the future so we can all be friends on ESO be it whether you are console or PC
PS. ( if this thread has been made some where else please point it out to me, Thanks)