Actually - All negative people + Comments aside towards the OP for expressing his opinion...Which was valid in some case.
When i watched this video - I Couldnt help but feel almost the same way as EVERYONE above.
Not only is this kid an utter noob and completely useless in the genre off FPS.
But the fact alone at how incompetent & annoying this person was, Wasnt so much the problem.
What got my curiosity - Was How true the game makers were when they says "Staying still - You will die".
The fact alone at how much this idiot died - How useless he was at firing, Not once using AIM down sight, And overall - Not ONE decent maneuver or parkour Run + jump.
Out of the new Vids all being scattered on youtube now day from the idiots who work at game stations and have obviously STOLE there copies - Or have been handed under the desk. )

None of them....Use parkour. At all.
No skill - No aim - No fun.
So i wouldnt worry about "here comes an abusive function" - His style is flawed so bad, The amount of times he died spoke for itself.
Thus in theory - His method is [censored] and useless.