crysis 2 developped on pc?? shure...just look at the patch notes:
? Changed "Press Start to begin" to “Press Enter to begin”? Remove textfilter from chat by default
? Remove all aim assist from Multiplayer? Improve USB headset compatibility
? Resolved game login issues
? Display accurate ping in server browser
? Fixed hologram icon staying on screen after hologram is used up
? Fix friends list UI buttons being offset
stop believing all that marketing crap
pc version of skyrim will have better textures and different ui...and mods
You do realize all games are made on PC or some form of computer, right?
You can't MAKE a game on an Xbox
Crysis 2 was made on PC and I've seen the PC graphics, which are amazing.
But in all seriousness, WHO THE HELL CARES?
Graphics aren't what matters, I think we can all agree that gameplay comes first and graphics are only a bonus if the developers had the time to consider making them as good as possible
I want a game that plays well, has a long story line, has thousands of side things to do, and has variety in armor/weapons/environment. I couldn't care less if it looked like Crysis, I honestly don't care. If it's that big of a deal to you, then maybe you should consider going outside and appreciating how good real life is and take a moment to realize that video games are getting significantly shorter and smaller as the graphics get better. Look at a game from the 90's and compare it to some of the games from today. I beat both Drakes Fortune games in under 3 hours. I bought and played through almost all the recent games to come out and they're all so short I would have better spent my time doing chores in the time I played that short, boring piece of crap game I got for $60. The point of playing a video game is to escape real life and have fun, not to feel like the game is real life. How am I supposed to have the slightest bit of fun if every game that comes out is so dumbed down for the sake of graphics? I would like to enjoy the game I spent $60+ on because that's what games are for.
In short, the console rivalry BS that has been going on for ages is just plain stupid. I own a PC, an Xbox, and a PS3 and I own them so I can play games that might come out exclusively for that console. I like Ratchet and Clank, I play that on my PS3. I like Halo, I play that on my Xbox. I like Guild Wars, I'll play that on my PC. I don't care if one console has better graphics than another, I'll play the game on PC anyway for the sake of modding, I might get it for Xbox to stop those urges to pull up console commands and cheat my ass off. I'd rather they spend time making the game as diverse and enjoyable as possible than to waste time trying to make it so that PS3 fan-boys can rub in the Xbox users' faces that they have better graphics.