Mora was disappointing. I ended up being a slave.
Nocturnal just doesn't give a [censored]. Not that I blame her. The ones committing all the crimes against her are the very people serving her.
Azura is nice, but honestly she's scheming.
Sanguine is a trickster, at least he has sense of humor.
Vaermina is a liar.
Hircine cares only for the hunt and not his werewolf servants.
I don't care for Malacath, Molag Bol, Mephala, Beothiah and Peyrite, Namira. Sheogorath is the player from Oblivion.
I watched Mehrunes Dagon get his ass beat by the last member of the Septim bloodline. Then when you do stuff for him, he turns on you in Skyrim. Bastard.
Then I met Meridia.. and it all got better. I'll leave it at that.