With that though, I have to now stop reading articles, previews, and posts here on this forum until November. I don't want to know anything else about the game. I want it to be as much of a fresh experience as possible. I don't need to know anything else. My bare minimum standards (a large open world set in the TES universe with sufficient incentive to specialize - regardless of what form that specialization/leveling/etc. takes) for the game have been met. The only thing I need to know now is when the CE or whatever it will be called becomes available so I can preorder it for overnight delivery. (Like I said, Bethesda is the last developer I fully trust and am willing to preorder a game from.)
I always said I'd wait for the first gameplay footage to go dark, and now that it's out, so am I. Peace and a hearty "rock on" to all my fellow TES-lovers!