And you call these graphics bad?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:05 am

6 pages of PC gamers claiming that their graphics and infinitely superior to consoles, and only one person has posted a PC shot of the OP's picture. Instead, all of you are posting completely unrelated pictures that do nothing to prove that the PC version looks better. Seriously, take a picture in the same location as the original picture, without any mods, and post it in the topic. It isn't that hard, just press F12 (or whatever the Steam snapshot key is).

The game doesn't look that much better on PC, and the game lacks dynamic shadows on many objects, causing the world to look somewhat flat.

Go to Skyrimnexus and take a look at the texture mods. There you can see the difference.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 pm

Here are some more comparisons between stock & the FXAA injector mod (doesn't look "cartoony" to me):

Ultra settings @ 1920x1080:

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Chris Duncan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:53 am

I really wish I could the run the game smoothly @ ultra settings, looks fantastic, but it's a little too taxing on my rig so I'll have to stick with high.

The only other mods I'm running besides the FXAA injector are some of Xenius' mods; no blocky faces, detailed lips, eyes, bodies, etc. Makes the models look quite a bit better.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:00 am

no, there is no correct side, all platforms have there ups and downs. but a PC is noting more then going shopping for a car and paying twice the price for a car with the same function but with 50 more HP

More like choosing between buying a new car, or a car from 2006.

More like choosing between a jeep and a sedan when you plan on driving off-road. PC is inherently better. That doesn't mean console is bad, just that it isn't as good as PC. Consoles are for casual gamers.

PC gamers are upset because the game is severely limited by the fact that it was co-developed as a console game. Skyrim suffers from consolitis.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:05 am

Graphics are really only bad on the console.

On the PC you can scale it above and beyond what the original game came with thanks to mods.

I haven't installed any mods on my PC game and the graphics are superb, it's also running on Ultra quality despite the game suggesting my out of date nvidia graphics card can only run it on low, Ultra is running smooth as silk, especially now I've changed to 64 bit Windows
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:24 pm

I haven't installed any mods on my PC game and the graphics are superb, it's also running on Ultra quality despite the game suggesting my out of date nvidia graphics card can only run it on low, Ultra is running smooth as silk, especially now I've changed to 64 bit Windows

I'm running a GTX 460 1GB. I think my problem with running Ultra is my quad-core is nearly 3 years-old and wasn't even top of the line back then. 4GB of RAM with 64-bit Vista, ewww, I need to upgrade to Win 7 as well.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:45 am

that looks worse than the PS3 graphics without a HDMI chord
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:09 pm

Now do a screenshot of Windhelm and tell me the graphics are good
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:52 am

Those graphics are very mediocre. Learn the difference between graphics and aesthetics. The majority of the people that talk about the "graphics" being good don't even know what they are actually praising.

The aesthetics of Skyrim go from "ok" to stellar. The graphics on the other hand go from "very bad" to "passable".

There is a common bug, in ATI drivers that the Control centre setting for Skyrim has to be put to default (reset) to the game to work 100% and be as pretty as possible.

Many of the screenshots on PC side with bad graphics are due to this "bug".
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:23 am

the game looks great on Xbox, but far from the best looking game out there for the system
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:35 am

Awaiting when this thread is locked after 5 more pages of PC fan boys claiming the game looks better, when the only people agreeing are said PC fan boys; when it is a console port, the graphics look great stock on all platforms stop trying to tinker with everything.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:19 pm

Awaiting when this thread is locked after 5 more pages of PC fan boys claiming the game looks better, when the only people agreeing are said PC fan boys; when it is a console port, the graphics look great stock on all platforms stop trying to tinker with everything.

It does look better on PC. You can play it in resolutions above 1280x720 without upscaling, you can play with true 8xFSAA if you leave FXAA off, LOD and draw distances are bigger.

Aside from those things, however, the game looks the same on all three platforms (barring modding). That's why PC gamers complain about the graphics, our systems can do much better. The textures look naff unless you're looking at them from a distance that renders them irrelevant, for example, because their resolution is tiny and it would have been little work for Bethesda to give PC a texture pack up to 2048x2048 or 4096x4096.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:46 pm

ive updated

wood objects
and characters bodies and eyes and lips

to around "HD" quality.

and trust me, its enuff, its more then enuff to be happy on my PC rig, and i know PC side will mod Skyrim so much that the whole game area will be in "HD" soon. Thus making the gaming experience even more awesome.

Skyrim would be awesome even with lesser quality graphics but all this makes it just ... blow my mind.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:19 am

This [censored] Q.Q again. Now GTFO and drop your console box crap onto bonfire! :flamethrower:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:31 am

Awaiting when this thread is locked after 5 more pages of PC fan boys claiming the game looks better, when the only people agreeing are said PC fan boys; when it is a console port, the graphics look great stock on all platforms stop trying to tinker with everything.

Stop trying to tinker with everything? That's precisely the reason why I bought the PC version. Like Herping and Derping pointed out, there are other graphical advantages to playing the PC game, like running at higher framerates and resolution, but it is also very similar to the console versions.

The FXAA injector doesn't "improve" the graphics, or make them better in any real sense. But from the screenshots I have provided, it is anologous to having blurry contacts, removing them, and putting in new ones. It simply takes the same image and brings out more detail of what is already present.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:18 am

this is without the mod, (the mod takes 2 versions of the ss each time you make one, one with mod applied, one without in order to show diff.) It just adds saturation, bloom, and technicolor for the most part, makes fire look awesome (without mod) (with mod)

To be honest,it's the exact same thing save for the mod picture having more yellow on it.I actually prefer the one without the mod :X
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:56 am

To be honest,it's the exact same thing save for the mod picture having more yellow on it.I actually prefer the one without the mod :X

Iagree, I can make a mod that highlights more color onto the textures. Now, make better looking textures and I am there for it :celebration:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:09 am

Beautiful game

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:00 pm and I still think it looks better than the majority of games coming out.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:26 pm

Why do people care so much about what others spend their money on? If somebody wants to spend money on a good PC to play games to their fullest potential, then so be it. If people want to save money and buy consoles to play games on a lower quality, then who gives a [censored]. Stop telling people how to spend their money... Skyrim is a beautiful game no matter what you play it on!
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:59 pm

thats fine, i will gladly say most games look better by a MINOR amount, but too many PC users oversell it saying its FAR superior. the only reason i dont play PC is at the moment i dont think a such a minor difference is worth 2x-3x the price. also i like being able to party chat on the 360 with friends and talking about the shenanigans were having in skyrim. :biggrin:

It's not just the graphics. If it weren't for consoles, there would be no need for cells, for example. Also the interface for a PC game is far superior (the interface for a console to PC port, however...).
Consoles are stopping the game from having individual pieces of armor, from having levitation, from having greater LOD. It's fine that you want to play console games, but making a game for PC and console at the same time makes the game at console level.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:54 am

Awaiting when this thread is locked after 5 more pages of PC fan boys claiming the game looks better, when the only people agreeing are said PC fan boys; when it is a console port, the graphics look great stock on all platforms stop trying to tinker with everything.

Only it factually does look better on PC - and it isn't a matter of opinion. It's like you are arguing that the sky is red instead of blue.

You know texture mods are out right? :icecream:
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:56 pm

I have a PC copy and a 360 copy. My girlfriend and I play on side by side screens and the the higher quality textures, AA, and LOD on my PC (only running on high with ultra LOD) make the Xbox copy painful to look at in comparison.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:54 am

It's not just the graphics. If it weren't for consoles, there would be no need for cells, for example. Also the interface for a PC game is far superior (the interface for a console to PC port, however...).
Consoles are stopping the game from having individual pieces of armor, from having levitation, from having greater LOD. It's fine that you want to play console games, but making a game for PC and console at the same time makes the game at console level.

And what's your evidence to support this claim? Serious can u post an article or any factually sound information so we can see......
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Elle H
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:26 am

I don't own any consoles so I really don't know (or care) whether PC is "better" than them graphically, for Skyrim. I just like the flexibility playing on a PC gives me vs. being limited by when a console maker decides to update their product. Plus I prefer keyboard/mouse.

However, on the subject of whether I think Skyrim graphics (in general) look good....yes, from a distance they do. Wander the hills, run down a road, stand in a doorway and look into a big room. They can look pretty darn nice. But I'll tell you what I dislike. It's this:
That plate looks nice and sharp (never mind aesthetics, it looks nicely in focus). The wood that makes up the table does not. The contrast between the two is jarring and does not equal "great graphics." Granted, all games do this to a degree, even the dx11 ones. But good games make those lesser textures less jarringly noticeable...the placement and use of them is not like night & day right next to each other.

Enter a room in Skyrim, you think "oh this looks decent."

Walk up to something in the room and look down, and it's "ugh." (candles/skull look ok, the blue writing is horrible)

And then there's Metro 2033 close up, where the only thing I dislike is the fact human skin is still impossible to get to look like anything but rubber, or something. :)

Edit: Here's another of Metro 2033, for the detail of the guy's backpack. To me that looks pretty good/like a backpack. If Skyrim made a backpack like that, I doubt it would look anywhere like that. (it's not full size, sorry)
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