» Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:24 pm
I'm going ahead and ignoring any PC/Console debating on who can do what better or worse than the other, as it is senseless and pointless. It is like an atheistic zealot arguing with a theistic zealot; it will eventually turn from an intelligent debate into a "who can piss on who more" contest.
Anyway, my post:
People want to claim these graphics svck because they're used to better without realizing that graphics do not matter at all. If Skyrim was released the way it is now, except with Final Fantasy VII's graphics, people would rage like mad because the graphics are outdated. They would rage even if it meant that tons more content would be added. The game could literally have the best story, controls, and characters but many idiots would give it a 0/10 for "crappy graphics". A lot of people just need to shut up and appreciate video games more. Many of the people raging about graphics come off, to me, like the type who would throw away all of their N64 games because the graphics are "outdated" despite the fact that they absolutely loved most of those games and some of them were literally cutting-edge for their time.
Raging about Skyrim having bad graphics or barely noticable uneven textures that you have to be actively looking for makes you an idiot, in my eyes. Complain about quests not being finishable or your game crashing, things like that because those matter. Complain about a story that makes absolutely no sense or characters that make a puddle seem as deep the ocean, or the voice-acting sounding like an illiterate child with a speech impediment reading the script for the first time ever because those matter. The fact the graphics in no way, shape, or form is something worth complaining about [unless it is the ONLY thing that needs to be improved].
By the way, this is in-general. Not about Skyrim.