I also tought I taw a putty tat, but that's another story.
Oh and don't forget that ESO was just created to be a quick money grab. Man, people love talking out their asses.
If their aim was quick money grab they would go for next TES instead. They want money but there is more into that, there is all these universe they have made , a man only aims for money cannot achieve such successes
I am still waiting for dueling and chat bubbles, then I will be 100% happy with this game.
Both of those are great for RP.
I don't think people have argued that.. not to what I have noticed atleast? From what I've noticed it's only been the CE (potentially the cash shop too) that's been considered "the quick money grab". And none of that has changed due to recent changes.
There is no cash shop in the game...this has been said by the Devs. You can pay to change your name ect but there will not be a shop to buy cosmetic items or non-vital items. This rumor was started and spread by the same peeps who have been yelling cash-grab on all the forums. These just happen to be the peeps who jumped all over the CD items and class when that was announced saying it was Pay 2 Win.
"old news".
But tbh the majority knew already that they listen to fans, I don't think any one vocally complained about not being listened to at all.
i posted a thread on this yesterday? ...... or was it 2 days ago? well whatever. im overjoyed that they r listening too feedback and r willing to make changes this close to release. im so hyped and cant wait to try it next beta test.
No I mean an actual cash shop (not what the meaning has become to some ppl).. as in you pay with real money for changes in game (race/alliance/name change, what ever).. it's not inside the game itself, true, but it's a cash shop none the less since we wont be paying with in game currency
And I could argue that it's p2w, believe me, but I don't wanna derail the thread
They have stuff that scream cash grab but that doesn't mean the game is not of quality,. There are quality game with cash grab components out there, most of them are free to play which people understand it. Usually people despise the cash grab on a subscription base game.
i still feel that our basic attacks ( left click/hold left MB) should be our main form of damage with our abilities(1-5 and ultimate) acting as utilities instead of the current cast abilities until oom then left click til you can cast again.
It WAS created to make money...why do you think they made it? Just for fun?
Of course they will make money off ESO, but they are also doing it because it is the dev's careers. Careers and doing what you love is not free, and it costs money in order for them to provide their skills in their field as well as a "reward" for their hard work.