To be honest, I think Morrowind was the perfect base game that Beth has created. They should have stuck with that game's formula, fixed what needed to be fixed properly (not with terrible level scaling or stupid fast travel), and then took it to new heights. They're taking Skyrim to new heights, but their lowering their base so much that the difference means nothing. Its like saying you jumped 10 feet, and then trying to say you jumped 20 when you move the ground 10 feet lower.
As it stands now Beth seems to just be in the state where they can't figure out what base game they want to create. Yeah every game in a series should be progressively different, but you don't do that by tearing apart what made the originals good.
I disagree to some extent due to the fact that I don't really know what's the true meaning behind what you've written (either you want a Morrowind 2 instead of Skyrim, or if you're reffering to keeping the elements that made Morrowind great).
However, I do agree.
To me, Morrowind was indeed the perfect
base game, as you call it. It almost didn't take you out of the world. It presented you with choices that had real concequences. The fast travel system worked as part of the game, and not just so you'll have an easier time playing the game.
Don't get me wrong, it had its disadvantages, the game was TOO hard for some new-comers. But instead of removing some features that didn't necessarily had to go, I think reworking them and ACTUALLY making, almost, EVERY features a part of the world itself would be the wise decision, not the financial one, unfortunately, but if they're already creating a world, let them create a WORLD.
I remember the Angry Joe's critique on Two Worlds 2. He admited the game was bad, but he didn't focus on the bad (like he does usually), what he said was that instead of doing what most developers do: streamlining the game, dumbing down parts of it for the bigger audience. They actually just IMPROVED the game over it's predecessor, took different aspects that were bad, or not good enough, in the game, and improved them.
So I agree with the fact that Morrowind had the best
base for the ES series. I think it should have progressed from there and improved, rather than... changed (and again, don't get me wrong, some changes are good, but some are bad, for me).