Andale Spring

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:09 am

Andale Spring

a Fallout Fanfic, by Fubbles :D

Just a short chapter for chapter 1, so you get sort of the idea. Go easy on me, please :D

EDIT: Sorry, Tabs arnt working for some reason :( it may make it kind of confusing to read, but heh, you'll survive.


I remember it. I don't want to, but I have to. It was only a few short years ago, but every night, I hear their screams, I see their tears, I feel their cries. What happened there...that wasn't the results of pure human glee. That was the cause of monsters. Even I believe a human can't be as violent as those psychotic monsters were, even in the world we live in.

The rain poured down in dark, thick sheets, coming towards the 4 wanderers at an angle, cutting through there face huggers and scarves, and dampening their bodies, which were already soaked to the bone. They needed to find somewhere to rest for the night.
It had been raining, non stop now for 3 days. Viktor, the leader of this foursome, had insisted they keep going, that the rain would cease. That was yesterday. He had used the same excuse today as well, but now, he too was a firm believer in what Amber had said; “The rain won't stop, we've had nothing but hot days for the last month, the books I've read say that makes rain.”
Me on the other hand, Mikial, was still quite optimistic at that time. I still believed the rain would stop, today or tomorrow, or at least..soon. There was no way it could continue raining so hard for 3 complete days, right? I don't think Specks, the tech of our group, really cared, he actually seemed to enjoy the rain. We all thought he was nuts.
“Ok, We need to find somewhere clean, and dry!” Cried out Viktor, whom was currently leading the group up a steep crass hill, “We must be near Tenpenny tower, may hap we could stop there?”
“Naw man.” Specks replied, “I hear the owner's a real bigot, hear a few years back he wouldn't even let some ghoulies in.”
Specks would be the one to know. Of the 3, Specks was the only one who grew up outside the Washington area, somewhere farther south of DC. Viktor and I were both from Rivet City, in the heart of DC, and Amber grew up in Big Town. Coarse, she left for Megaton, and then Rivet City as soon as she had the chance, so really, we all only had information surround the DC hell hole, whereas Specks knew everything else, about DC's surrounding country side.
“Well then what do we do?” Called out Amber from the ever increasing darkness of the night.
“Well.” Replied Specks “This old map we picked up...from what I can tell, we should be nearing the area of an old pre-war town, called Annandale, it was part of Virginia at one point. Point is, theres probably some ruins or something we could shelter up in”
“Yea.” Spat out Viktor, “Assuming we're actually on course!”
“And who would we have to blame for that?” I muttered out.
“Eh, your the one that followed me, you coulda' stayed in that playground!” He called back. It brought the ever so recent memory of a bad nights sleep back. Last night, we had housed ourselves in some long forgotten playground. We had been venturing way south, and were quite lost, which is what made us set course back north again, back to the capital wasteland ,an area we at least sort of knew our way around. One good thing about all this rain though, was the fact that we weren't troubled by the beasties of the wasteland. This was good for 2 reasons. One, we were all very short on ammo, and 2, we weren't really that good of fighters.
“Just shut up and keep walking you guys.” Called Amber, “I have a head ache, I wanna rest soon.”

And then, almost as if on cue, there it was. Out of the distance, loomed the ruins of some old house.
“Oh Joy!” Screamed Viktor as he began to run towards it. We all did the same. Finally, a place to rest!

Once we reached the ruined home, we began to move everything about to make a suitable shelter. Amber Held up a bed-frame, while we piled whatever wooden beams we could, between it, and the remnants of the wall. Soon, we had a small roof, and everyone clambered inside, as specks lt a small fire under the roof, safe from the water. Now we could see each other clearly.

Viktor, was the oldest of us all, 24 years. He sported a narrow face, with blonde hair that was only slightly tuffled*. Somehow, his hair always managed to stay relativly neat, even in this kind of weather.
Then there was Specks, of whom was what the past would call “African-American”. He sported very short hair, thick glasses, and a small head. His glasses were cracked and dirty, but that didn't seem to stop him from using them. This was the end, the chances of someone finding something in this wasteland were slim to none. He was 22
And then Amber. Her name fit her all to well. Dark, red hair, that went just past her shoulders, and big blue eyes, and a beautiful face. She was the same age as me, 21.

Now the funny thing is, Viktor and I have a quiet competition going; We both have the hots for Amber, and get our kicks in wherever possible. He won tonight, it would seem, as he was “keeping her warm” by cuddling up to her. I was jealous, yes, but then again, whenever I did something like that, he was jealous of me. Either Way.
We started to make casual conversation as we all begun to settle down, when there seemed to be a light recede in the rain. That's when Specks saw it.

Now, as I think about it, so many years after, I wish that had never happened. If that had never happened, we would have never gone there, and things would have been normal! But then again, fate is cruel, and the rain lasted many more days, we would have been stuck there, and would have seen that no matter what, eventually, and would have walked over. If only we had known!

“Guys” he said, pointing, “There's a house up there, and it has a light on”

*Tuffled is my word for slightly messy.

Authors Notes: I know, chapters short, but heh. The next one will kick the story off :)

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Ria dell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 am

Wow looks really good.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 am

Awesome... Don't kill Amber!
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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 pm

One of the best Fallout FanFictions I've seen in a long time.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 am

Authors notes: Another short one, maybe i just lack the ability to write a long chapter...either way, you might be starting to get the story. Specially if you've visited the town of Andale in Fallout 3 :D And Once again, Tab's dont work..ugh :( oh well, enjoy

If only we were more discresive, more un-trusting of a friendly face like so many of the wastes, this could have been avoided! No, we had to open to their hospitality, we had to let them into our lives! Once we did that, it was already to late...

Upon walking down the road, we realized their were actually 3 homes, 2 of them with lights on. There was also an old Red Rocket Gas Station, the remains of a bus stop, and what used to be a car, not run down and dirty in the post-war years.

"So..." Viktor called through the rain, "Do we knock on the windows?"
"What if their raiders?" I called back.
"Then we blast em!" replied Victor, walking to one of the houses, and giving it a hefty knock
"We could have at least checked the windows to make sure they look friendly." Said Amber
"Nah, it's good" replied Viktor

The Door Opened.

"Well How do? Welcome to Andale, Strangers! What're ya doing in weather like this?"

The middle-aged man that answered the door seemed friendly.

"We're traveling north ,actually, but we need a warm, clean place to rest for the night!" Said Viktor optimistically, trying to smile as best he could.
"Well don't just stand there, come on in!" Said the man "By the way, names Jack, Jack Smith." He said as he moved out of the way. We walked into the spacious entrance of the home, and a female, probably in her late 30's or 40's, appeared at the top of the stairs.
"Linda, we have visitors!" Said Jack with a huge, warming smile, "They need a place to stay for the night"
"Well, Old Man Harris's house is finally clean, we can stick them their for the night!" She replied, fluttering her eyebrows and doing a swift curtsey at us, "But dear, I'm tired, I think I'll go back to bed, you can handle our guests right?Oh I feel so rude going to bed though."
Specks cut in, using his manners to the best of his ability, "Its fine Ma'am, thank you."
Linda visually flushed, fluttered her eyes once more, "Well, thank you kind mister, and your name is...?"
Amber took control now. The bags under her eyes were big, she was visually tired, and looked cranky, "Im Amber, He's Specks. This is Viktor," he said pointing at Viktor, "and this is Mikial." she finished pointing at me, "And if its too much to ask, can we just head to bed?"
"Yes of course!" Jack said, "Here's the key, can you make out that small house near the Wilsons? Oh where's my manners, I haven't introduced the Wilsons! Would you like to go meet them?"
Now I was starting to get annoyed, these people were a little TOO happy for my liking, "No." I said, "Really, its fine, we could meet with them tomorrow."
"Well alright." Jack said, as Specks and Amber left the home, and walked across the street to the house that Jack had pointed them too.

This raised a question in my mind.

"Who's Old Man Harris?" I asked,
"Oh..." Jack looked sad, "He passed away on us a little while ago, tragic really. Poor old man was off his knocker though, he was scaring away visitors with some crazy stories! Poor man, he must have been sad after his wife passed away. Poor old man."
"Oh" Said Viktor, "I'm sorry."
"Oh its alright, we all have to die sometime." Jack replied, smile returning to his face, ever slightly.
"Now." Said Viktor, "If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a local about the area, as much as we like it here, we'd also like to get moving tomorrow, if the rain ceases up. If we go west, how long does it take to reach that Tenpenny Tower?"
"Oh oh don't wanna be heading their, friend." Said Jack, "Ghouls over ran that place, killed everyone inside! It was a terrible massacre, I here. A traveller told us, one day, while passing through."
"Oh God..." I said, "Everyone? That's awful!"
"It is, but there's nothing that could be done, specially in a place way out there. Anyways, back to traveling... I really don't think you'll wanna head out tomorrow, it'll most likely still be raining! We here call it an 'Andale Spring', cause it rains so much for about a week or so! We'd be glad to house you and your crew, Linda makes the best meat pie around!"
"No really, we don't want to impose..." Viktor started
"Nonsense!" Jack said, "We don't get many visitors out here, we like company, plus the kids will love you guys!"
"Well, if you insist. Heck, Lets just talk about travel plans tomorrow, alright?" Viktor said
"Alright" Said Jack, "Have a nice sleep!"

Viktor and I thanked him, and began to leave the house when he stopped us again.
"Oh any by the way, we've seemed to have some problems wit some uh...local thugs" I watched his eyes quickly flutter to the left, "Lately they've been smashing fences and what not, but its enough to get us worried, just thought we'd let you know."
"Alright" I said, "thanks!"

He shut the door, and we walked to Old Man Harris's house, and opened the door. There was one big bed, but lots of furniture. Amber had already asserted herself on the bed, and Specks on a comfy looking chair. The first thing I noticed was a smell of cleaning detergent, like what they used in Rivet City to wash things like walls. Course Linda had said that they had cleaned the place up, and it did look fairly clean...

"Room for two In there, Amber?" Viktor asked, as she scoffed. "alright then" He said as he seated himself on another chair.

"Hey you dunce." I said. Where do I sleep?" All the suitable sleeping places were now gone, except for an old rusty looking bathtub. "Aw damn it" I muttered as I climbed in. Viktor turned off the lights in the house, making it nice and dark
"Goodnight guys." He said, and soon the building was filled with the combined snores of Viktor and Specks heavy sleeping, the sound of the heavy rain outside was muffled.

I couldn't sleep, I just felt uncomfortable. The bathtub was cold, and, well I just felt an uneasy presence in the house. I assumed this was a combination of my exhaustion, and just the plain creepiness of the night.

I moved about In the bathtub, that's when I caught it. Amber's blue eyes were looking at me. I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. I climbed out of the tub, and sat at the end of the bed.

"Hey" I muttered.
"Hey." She smiled back, "I can't sleep."
"Me neither." I replied, studying her face, "Whats on your mind?"
"I dunno..." She started, "I just...feel weird."
"Me too." I said. I didn't want to admit to her that it was because of this house that I felt weird, I was worried she might think I was some sort of wimp or something.
"So where are we heading tomorrow? Viktor still wanna head to that Tenpenny Tower?" She asked me.
"Nope." I said, "That Jack guy told us that its a dead-zone, place went FUBAR when some ghouls attacked it."
"Oh." she said looking at me.
"Yep." I said. I couldn't think of anything to say. Yet we still stared at each other. For a moment, the moon broke through the clouds and rain, illuminating her blue eyes in radiance. But now, her eyes shifted from mine, and towards the window, eyes catching movement outside.

"Mike" She whispered, "There's someone out there.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 pm

Good update. Liked it.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:13 am

Andale huh, I remember that place :violin: Sounds good though, I'm interested as to what happens next
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 pm

Excellent story, if you'd added a kissing scene than the story would've been... :shrug: More hard to let go of either Mike or Amber, I like the twist and hope to see more!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:49 pm

a good story that is getting set up very well. Ill keep reading if you kepp updateing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 am

Could you continue soon? I was really getting into this.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:07 am

Could you continue soon? I was really getting into this.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:55 am

Great story, I hope you continue it soon. I feel it's kinda ironic ( I don't know how) how it's raining so hard, yet in the game it doesn't rain at all.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 am

cool story update it soon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 am

cool story update it soon

That's a joke. This guy hasn't posted in like a full month, what makes you think he'll post now?

Great story, I hope you continue it soon. I feel it's kinda ironic ( I don't know how) how it's raining so hard, yet in the game it doesn't rain at all.

They were going to put rain in the game but forgot. Just because it isn't in the game doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

Nice. When you gonna finish it?
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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:41 am

Nice. When you gonna finish it?

Probably never, I'm gonna check when Fubb was last online...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 pm

Probably never, I'm gonna check when Fubb was last online...

We should continue it. Ryan Harris and George Stewart come to save the day! :D

But, in reality, it was pretty good. Shame he will never finish it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 am

We should continue it. Ryan Harris and George Stewart come to save the day! :D

But, in reality, it was pretty good. Shame he will never finish it.

If only, if only...

In reality, I agree with you completely, it's a terrible shame indeed...

Oh and by the way: The last time Fubb was online was July 22nd... I wonder if something bad happened to him? :(
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:46 am

If only, if only...

In reality, I agree with you completely, it's a terrible shame indeed...

Oh and by the way: The last time Fubb was online was July 22nd... I wonder if something bad happened to him? :(

Swine? Maybe he got it bad.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 am

oh wow i feel dumb, why havent they locked it?
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:38 pm

oh wow i feel dumb, why havent they locked it?

It isn't 6 months old without a post. Plus, someone might continue writing it, who knows?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 pm

well someone needs to continue writing it. cant leave a story on a cliffhanger like that!
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:31 am

well someone needs to continue writing it. cant leave a story on a cliffhanger like that!

They were all eaten alive except for one guy who killed them all avenging his friends.

I think that's how it'd probably have turned out, except much more thrilling.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm

They were all eaten alive except for one guy who killed them all avenging his friends.

I think that's how it'd probably have turned out, except much more thrilling.

your probably right, but still.
imagine a sandwich. you dont want just the bread, there has to be some sort of filling!
also, i realize how poor an example that was.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 pm

your probably right, but still.
imagine a sandwich. you dont want just the bread, there has to be some sort of filling!
also, i realize how poor an example that was.


Although, I would do this myself if I had the time and I could find the energy to put in the effort. ;)
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