a Fallout Fanfic, by Fubbles

Just a short chapter for chapter 1, so you get sort of the idea. Go easy on me, please

EDIT: Sorry, Tabs arnt working for some reason

I remember it. I don't want to, but I have to. It was only a few short years ago, but every night, I hear their screams, I see their tears, I feel their cries. What happened there...that wasn't the results of pure human glee. That was the cause of monsters. Even I believe a human can't be as violent as those psychotic monsters were, even in the world we live in.
The rain poured down in dark, thick sheets, coming towards the 4 wanderers at an angle, cutting through there face huggers and scarves, and dampening their bodies, which were already soaked to the bone. They needed to find somewhere to rest for the night.
It had been raining, non stop now for 3 days. Viktor, the leader of this foursome, had insisted they keep going, that the rain would cease. That was yesterday. He had used the same excuse today as well, but now, he too was a firm believer in what Amber had said; “The rain won't stop, we've had nothing but hot days for the last month, the books I've read say that makes rain.”
Me on the other hand, Mikial, was still quite optimistic at that time. I still believed the rain would stop, today or tomorrow, or at least..soon. There was no way it could continue raining so hard for 3 complete days, right? I don't think Specks, the tech of our group, really cared, he actually seemed to enjoy the rain. We all thought he was nuts.
“Ok, We need to find somewhere clean, and dry!” Cried out Viktor, whom was currently leading the group up a steep crass hill, “We must be near Tenpenny tower, may hap we could stop there?”
“Naw man.” Specks replied, “I hear the owner's a real bigot, hear a few years back he wouldn't even let some ghoulies in.”
Specks would be the one to know. Of the 3, Specks was the only one who grew up outside the Washington area, somewhere farther south of DC. Viktor and I were both from Rivet City, in the heart of DC, and Amber grew up in Big Town. Coarse, she left for Megaton, and then Rivet City as soon as she had the chance, so really, we all only had information surround the DC hell hole, whereas Specks knew everything else, about DC's surrounding country side.
“Well then what do we do?” Called out Amber from the ever increasing darkness of the night.
“Well.” Replied Specks “This old map we picked up...from what I can tell, we should be nearing the area of an old pre-war town, called Annandale, it was part of Virginia at one point. Point is, theres probably some ruins or something we could shelter up in”
“Yea.” Spat out Viktor, “Assuming we're actually on course!”
“And who would we have to blame for that?” I muttered out.
“Eh, your the one that followed me, you coulda' stayed in that playground!” He called back. It brought the ever so recent memory of a bad nights sleep back. Last night, we had housed ourselves in some long forgotten playground. We had been venturing way south, and were quite lost, which is what made us set course back north again, back to the capital wasteland ,an area we at least sort of knew our way around. One good thing about all this rain though, was the fact that we weren't troubled by the beasties of the wasteland. This was good for 2 reasons. One, we were all very short on ammo, and 2, we weren't really that good of fighters.
“Just shut up and keep walking you guys.” Called Amber, “I have a head ache, I wanna rest soon.”
And then, almost as if on cue, there it was. Out of the distance, loomed the ruins of some old house.
“Oh Joy!” Screamed Viktor as he began to run towards it. We all did the same. Finally, a place to rest!
Once we reached the ruined home, we began to move everything about to make a suitable shelter. Amber Held up a bed-frame, while we piled whatever wooden beams we could, between it, and the remnants of the wall. Soon, we had a small roof, and everyone clambered inside, as specks lt a small fire under the roof, safe from the water. Now we could see each other clearly.
Viktor, was the oldest of us all, 24 years. He sported a narrow face, with blonde hair that was only slightly tuffled*. Somehow, his hair always managed to stay relativly neat, even in this kind of weather.
Then there was Specks, of whom was what the past would call “African-American”. He sported very short hair, thick glasses, and a small head. His glasses were cracked and dirty, but that didn't seem to stop him from using them. This was the end, the chances of someone finding something in this wasteland were slim to none. He was 22
And then Amber. Her name fit her all to well. Dark, red hair, that went just past her shoulders, and big blue eyes, and a beautiful face. She was the same age as me, 21.
Now the funny thing is, Viktor and I have a quiet competition going; We both have the hots for Amber, and get our kicks in wherever possible. He won tonight, it would seem, as he was “keeping her warm” by cuddling up to her. I was jealous, yes, but then again, whenever I did something like that, he was jealous of me. Either Way.
We started to make casual conversation as we all begun to settle down, when there seemed to be a light recede in the rain. That's when Specks saw it.
Now, as I think about it, so many years after, I wish that had never happened. If that had never happened, we would have never gone there, and things would have been normal! But then again, fate is cruel, and the rain lasted many more days, we would have been stuck there, and would have seen that no matter what, eventually, and would have walked over. If only we had known!
“Guys” he said, pointing, “There's a house up there, and it has a light on”
*Tuffled is my word for slightly messy.
Authors Notes: I know, chapters short, but heh. The next one will kick the story off