Android/Cyborg Roleplay build

Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:55 pm

Hey guys, I'm starting a new role play character that I am going to try to base off of an android or cyborg.
This is what I have roleplay wise. Kinda of like in fallout 3 where the android didn't know he was one, I'm thinking the bullet to the head could have caused memory lost and he/she (unsure) doesn't remember. I haven't fleshed it out completely, so any story ideas are more than welcome and greatly appreciated.

For game play mechanics this is what I think, I think. Lol

-All of the implants
-adamant Skeleton perk

S 8 Implant plus fake spine
C4 (really tempted to drop base to1and end up with 2
I 7

no Idea what would fit character
but I do like skilled and small frame

Tag skills
Maybe science

Does anyone have some good suggestions for story, roleplay rules, tag skills, traits, and maybe a new special?
Basically everything
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:16 pm

Woops I forgot to add I have never used vats more than just for OH crap moments; However, I am thinking about utilizing vats for this build to role play like a computer targeting system, Maybe.
Would any one recommend vats?
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:30 pm

Well, the only instance of actual androids is from the Commonwealth. Your character might have escaped the way Harkness did.
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Rachael Williams
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