Sorry if this thread already exists somewhere; I'm surprised to say that I can't find a similar thread via the search bar...
Basically, here's what we know: in Fallout 4, we're dealing heavily with the androids of the Institute. We also know form Harkness in Fallout 3 that some androids are indistinguishable from humans without even knowing that they're an android, complete with false identities and memories etc.
To me, this smells a lot like a twist/reveal that the player character is an android with fake memories and so forth. Especially with the knowledge of some place called "the Memory Den" (where perhaps androids can be given false memories).
I'm personally not a fan of this possibility, and please hear me out as to why. I feel like it's counter-intuitive to allow the player to spend so much time creating and developing a unique character if he/she is inevitably revealed to be an android. YES, previous Bethesda games & Fallout games have had protagonists with predetermined backgrounds. But a twist that's this extreme eliminates the premise upon which the player has built their character, thereby negating the character that the player has tried to create. For me personally, it would really hinder my ability to "be who I want to be", which is a hallmark in Fallout and BGS games in general. Being an android is a really defining feature, and thereby seriously limits character freedom.
It also seems that a character revelation like this would make it very difficult to differentiate the protagonist in second/third playthroughs.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Is the rest of the Fallout community so unconcerned with the whole "be who you want to be" element that being an android just sounds fine and dandy?
Last but not least; can anyone provide a strong argument that this theory is just plain dumb? Obviously, I'm really hoping that this theory is completely misconceived.