Background for the Angel RP
Seers have foretold that a time will come when a golden child will rule the hearts of mer and men. It has been interpreted as referring to a mage gifted with an irresistible personality and power to control the minds of the masses.
It is the first year of the fourth era. Chancellor Ocata and the Elder Council rule Cyrodill. A few Oblivion gates have opened up but the threat has not become too serious yet. The Mage's Guild and the Necromancers are at war. Other guild rivalries are also in full swing. Some of the Counts and Countesses secretly dream of conquest and reestablishing the Empire with themselves in charge.
Angels parent were rich. They had two daughters; Sarrah and 8 years later, Angel. Angel's father had a legal collection of Dwemer artifacts purchased through imperial agents. A unique item was the `Golden Egg'.
It was Sarrah that discovered what the Egg does. It amplifies illusion magic. She used it for several years to pacify the beasts in the forest surrounding their summer home. Carrying the Egg, she would circle the mansion until she encountered any forest creature. She would cast a calming spell on the creature. The power of the Egg would scatter the effect over an area twice the size of Skingrad. For a week after, forest creatures within the area were tame. Mage scholars think the Egg was part of a Dwemer communication system.
After telling her father about the Egg's power, Sarrah's parents disappeared. Blaming herself and the `Golden Egg' for their disappearance, She became wild and took up adventuring; eventually dying in a lava flow inside an Oblivion plane. Before she died, Sarrah removed the base of the egg which acts like a key. Without the base, the Egg doesn't work. Sarrah sent the key to the Arch-Mage to prevent any more accidental disappearances.
One unique thing about the Egg is that it tunes itself to an individual. It was tuned to Sarrah until she died. It is now tuned to Angel. With it Angel could control the thoughts of whole city populations for weeks at a time. She could command armies with the cast of a spell. Both the Mage's Guild and the Necromancers know this. Both sides want to control Angel.
There are two ancient texts which prompted research leading to the modern `oracle' pronouncement about a `Golden Child'. One is ancient and recorded in runes; for the golden child; Gold says; "put me in the fire and I will shine even more brightly. But do not compare me to the dross of lesser metals." and an Aylied plaque; ...and a Golden Child shall lead them. Their hearts and minds shall become as one. Mage scholars then translated the modern oracle text.
TIME LINE (very condensed)
1. Angel meets body guard Vladamus.
2. They meet William.
3. They meet necromancer Belland.
4. Belland and Vlad are arrested.
1. Belland breaks out of the Skingrad prison setting fire to the castle.
2. Belland kills Count Skingrad and steals the papers declaring himself to be the new count Skingrad.
3. William investigates the fire and releases and then recruits Vlad.
4. Vladamus disappears.
1. Angel and friends set out to locate the Dwemer artifact.
2. Angel is mistakenly pronounce dead.
3. Original group breaks up.
4. Angel retrieves the Dwemer artifact from Hackdirt.
5. Angel turns to her friend Falanu Hlaalu for help.
6. Falanu recruits her friend Elgin to protect Angel.
7. The Mages guild learns Angel is alive and appears to turn hostile.
8. The trio makes plans to steal the Dwemer `key' from the Arcane University.
9. Elgin recruits Thieves Guild member Swims-On-Land to steal the key.
10. Elgin, Falanu and Angel go to Anvil to hide out.
11. Belland sends a group of Necromancers to Anvil in an attempt to conquer the city.
12. A battle takes place between the Necromancers of Skingrad and the Mages of the Anvil Mages Guild.
13. The Necromancers are driven away.
14. Angel and Vladamus re-unite.
15. Angel and William re-unite.
16. They team up with Carahil.
17. Vladamus gets captured by three women. He liked it.

18. He is saved by Angel and William.
19. They meet Claudius.
20. They ask Claudius to join them.
21. Angel goes to the Mage's Guild.
22. Vladamus attempts suicide, only to be rescued by a woman named Elina.
23. Vladamus is forced to serve Elina by contract.
24. Arch-Mage attacks the Mage's Guild.
25. Vladamus, William, and Elina come to help. Claudius sneaks in.
26. Belland returns.
27. Oopsie....
28. Arch Mage freezes them in stone.
29. They escape.
30. Continuation....
Every rp thread has it's own unique flavor and therefore it's own unique way of playing. `Angel' is, in large part an rp about people and ideas. As such there are often sections where a conversation needs to play out and will likely result in several short posts between just two players. This is different from some other rps where players are encourage to enter only long descriptive posts and wait their turn while everyone else responds. Long posts are fine and add texture and substance to an RP but are not a requirement. The important thing to remember is that posting should not become spamming.
I encourage everyone to do their best to make their posts coherent by using good grammar and proper spelling and punctuation.
In order to keep things neat and understandable; here is a character sheet example.
Character Name;
Companions: (Any NPC character accompanying your character.)
Affiliations; (guild or cult memberships)
Character Name; Angel
Race: Breton
Birthsign: Atronach
Class: Mage
Skills: Master of Illusion and Alchemy, Expert of Conjuration, Journeyman of Destruction, Alteration, and Mysticism
Equipment: A Master Alchemy set, and organizer which holds her potions and poisons.
The official Mages guild `Robe of the Conjurer' and `Spell Drinker' amulet.
Enchanted Silver long sword - `Pest Control' - Absorb health
Description: Angel is a 12 year old child Mage. Her hair is Bleached blond as part of her attempt to disguise herself. Normally it is dark brown. She wears a Mages Guild robe. She has a Chameleon enchanted hood which she will wear when it rains.
Angel is a 12 year old child mage; charming, silly, innocent. From a wealthy family, she was privately tutored in the arcane arts. Her great passion is alchemy and she has roamed the wilds of Cyrodill creating increasingly exotic potions and poisons for wholesale to the various commercial alchemists. It was a Necromancer who first spotted her in `All Things Alchemical' and connected her with the Golden Child prophesy. Spy networks for various factions soon spread the word.
She is the only person who can control a unique Dwemer artifact. It amplifies the power of Illusion magic by thousands of times. She could prevent a war by commanding the armies to go home.
Companions: Sarrah is Angel's dead sister who may show up from time to time in dreams or visions.
Falanu Hlaalu Is Angels friend through a long time commercial association. Angel makes potions and Falanu buys them.
Elgin is a Theives Guild member and general rogue. Recruited by Falanu Hlaalu as Angel's protector.
Swims-On-Land is a Theives Guild member recruited by Elgin to steal the Dwemer `Key' from the Arcane University.
OOC: Nilloc, I was punched William.