mALX1, Acadian, treydog, Winter Wolf, and SubRosa;
I have told Angel of the love she has from her fans including me and was rewarded by a sense of pride, joy and determination to prove herself worthy.
The following story was first posted in the general forum because it happened in the game just as I describe it here. I've added some background to the story to justify posting it here in the fan fiction section. Some of you have probably read this story before and I apologize for the repetition although I do think some minor editing has given it a slightly better polish. A thread of stories that includes Sarrah, would not be complete without this one.
The Girl Next Door.
"Sarrah loved this secret chamber but the longer I live here the more I am coming to hate the place. Anyway, now that I am hired by the Courier to make pictures, I can convert this room into a.. What did you call it?.. A dark room?" Angel's continuous pvssyr faded into the background as old memories I thought forgotten rushed into my mind.
Sarrah had indeed loved this chamber. She had loved anything with a flair for drama. From the moment she had been arrested in a case of mistaken identity, Sarrah, the very model of the girl next door, had been in over her head. In the early days, she had briefly tried to cling to the old self; buying cloths, making a little money with alchemy and dreaming of someday buying a home. Over and over the world demanded violent action as the price of her continued survival.
It was not a sudden revelation that changed her. It was the slow steady success of combat and the knowledge that if she ever failed, it would truly mean her end. She had begun to seek out danger and even revel in the carnage that spread out behind her like a bloody wake. It was during that time that I wrote about her first breakdown.
Sarrah was a mid-level mage when this happened. She had gotten hooked on the adrenalin rush of fighting and was hunting Oblivion gates and quests when she heard about Pale Pass. Following the quest into the Jarrel mountains, she soon had a trail of dead ogres in her wake until... In triumph at her latest kill, she looked squarely at the ogre lying twisted and still on the frozen ground. Something moved inside her. For the first time, she felt pity. Trying to fight her feelings, she came closer and looked into the face of this fierce enemy. She saw a look of anguish, pain, and loss. Her life flashed before her eyes and all of the dead seemed to stand before her; silent and yet accusing. Aching inside she soldiered on through the rest of the quest; an ogre's sad face floating in her mind's eye. Receiving the promised reward from the Countess of Bruma, it seemed as though she held ashes in her hand instead of a valuable amulet.
When it was done, she fast traveled to her home in Anvil. In her bedroom, she dumped everything she was carrying into a closet and dressed in zero weight, zero value clothes. She was now repelled by the possessions she had once fought so hard for. She ran out the main city gate and headed for a nearby cliff overlooking the ocean. The vision of a slack face cradled by stone and snow haunted each step. She desperately needed to meditate and this seemed like a good setting in which to contemplate her world.
During the night, Sarrah.s thoughts roamed over what she had once been, what she was, and what she wanted to be. There were thoughts of marriage and babies. She thought about what the world was turning her into. To my horror, there was a moment when she pictured in her mind what it would be like to simply start walking and continue into the ocean until it was over. By the dawn, some of the pain had been relieved by her decision to stop fighting until she was sure again of what she was doing. In the days that followed, she traveled to other cities on horseback, enjoying the countryside and visiting friends; always avoiding any fights. She met her neighbors, She watched sunsets on the harbor and thought about life.
It all came clear for her one morning on the Orange road as she was returning to Anvil from Bruma. She had been traveling all night and near dawn found a small waterfall and a lake beside the road and stopped for a chilly swim to clear away the road dust. By the time she got out, dawn was breaking. She retraced her route to a lookout point she had seen earlier where she could see all of Niban Bay spread out below her. It was a beautiful, clear morning. She watched as the sunlight slowly spread across the valley below turning the Imperial City to white and gold. For an hour or more she stood there absorbing the pleasant peacefulness. No dangerous creatures appeared to disrupt the beauty of the moment. With this peaceful feeling came the realization that life was a cycle and each new day carried renewal. Her pain was gone. The ogre's face had been laid to rest.
In a way, I sometimes think that Sarrah wanted to die despite the fact that she fought bravely to live through the torture of a burning lava flow, At the very end there was a surrending and just briefly. I thought I caught a glimpse of the girl next door.
"...frelance. It hardly pays anything but I don't care. I want to make pictures and I want people to see them. Maybe they will come to know me by what I do. I want to get started right away...."