Winter Wolf;
As Dulver would have said, "Yes indeed, unfair." Time will tell about Duncan Darkwater.
This was very painful for me to write. It certainly was not done simply to add 'drammer'. I had originally intended a long period of fun interaction between Swims and Dulver with Dulver constantly losing things and Swims magically finding them.
hauteecole rider;
Thank you for the nits (no-it's; n'its; its-prime; aw nuts). Anyway, this time, I did a word search for it's and its. 'Remeber' was a last minute edit. Someday I will learn about those last minute edits. Please remeber

I am dyslexic with not so great eyesight.
Thank you my friend. I have come to lean on your approval when my confidence weakens.
You truly encapsulated my intent with the last installment.
I feel some explanation is in order and it is certainly owed to you who have encouraged me by your comments.
I have learned (by example) from my wife that it is always a good idea to look up words rather than to assume a meaning based on usage. From that practice I found myself googling(?) the word sociopath. Initial definitions generally confirmed my understanding but as I went from page to page, my blood began to run cold. This was the definition of a truly despicable and inhuman human. I knew I had to write about it.
I believe it is possible for someone to become functionally sociopathic through traumatic experience. I further believe that, for such people, time can heal the hurt and restore a basically good person. We shall see.
Story continuesAngel knelt beside the small marble headstone and whispered a prayer to Dibella for the blessing of Sarrah, Mother, Pappa, and Dulver. The marker had become a symbol to her of all the precious ones she had lost. More so for the ones that would never have a marker of their own. Soon a picket fence would be erected by a local carpenter around the former garden making it a true little cemetery.
No further midnight visitors had come seeking audience. Angel had shuttled between her home and the Mages guild hall where she could rest secure in the knowledge that vulnerable sleep would not be interrupted.
Now rising from her memorial, Angel was unable to bear returning to the palpable emptiness of Benirus Manor. In her pocket were papers leaving the manor to Carahil if anything were to happen to her. She dropped off the papers and the manor key at the Mages Guild hall on her way out of town. Soon she was laying pressed to the back of the unicorn drawing warmth from its body on a chilly ride under storm swept skies.
Angel only pressed the unicorn when danger sprung at them from bandit camps or forest creatures wandering too close to the road. For the rest, she allowed the great beast to chose his pace. Passing through deep forest Angel saw only a sad dark place where once she had happily foraged on dirty knees for roots and mushrooms. Flax plants which once barred her passage until she harvested their seeds, passed by unnoticed. Over and over the road changed clothes as the regions of Cyrodiil slid past and were forgotten. Roads had no burden of memory.
Arriving at night, Angel stabled her mount and proceeded through the Cheydinhal main gate to the Mages guild. In the morning, she would announce her presence.
"Hi, my name's Angel, I'm looking for a man named Duncan Darkwater. do you know him? no? Well thank you."
"Hi, my name's Angel, I'm looking..... yes, that's me. I'm looking for a man named Duncan Darkwater. do you know him? no? Well thank you."
"Hi, remember me? No, nothing to sell today, I'm looking.............Well, thank you."
"Hi.....Hi,......Hi,....You do? Could you tell me where I might find him? I see. Well then please let him know I'm in town. I will be staying at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. Thank you."
The man who came to her room was not Duncan Darkwater but it didn't matter. It mattered even less that his intentions were hostile.
"Now repeat your instructions."
"I must bring Duncan to you. I can force him if he refuses. It's alright to tie him up and carry him if I need to. I must not kill him. After I bring him I must guard him so that he does not run away."
For the remainder of the night, Angel waited for her captured champion to return. At last, she had to admit that her control must have certainly worn off and the effort had failed. Weary after a missed night of sleep, Angel decided to take a quick round of the town hoping there was some sign of an aftermath from last nights activity. If not, she would return to the Mages guild. Deetsan had assured her that an alarm would be raised if any stranger attempted to access the upper floor of the guild. Angel was only really vulnerable when asleep.
As she crossed the town, Angel noticed a city guard standing watch outside a house. "What happened here?" she inquired of the guard.
"Nothing to see here citizen. Move along."
As Angel turned to leave, she tripped on the hem of her robe, her hand shooting out to the guard's chest to prevent falling.
"What happened here?" She asked again.
"A man was killed here last night."
"Was his name Duncan Darkwater?"
"Do you know Duncan Darkwater?"
"Well, thank you."
"You're welcome dear. Move along."
Once again Angel made to leave but a movement caught her eye. A figure, standing in the shadow of the house, emerged into the watery gray daylight. He came toward her in a purposeful way. Angel stopped to wait for him.
"Let's talk." he said. A head movement indicated the direction of the Inn Angel had come from.
"Yah." The man said, then turned and walked away.
At a table in a dark corner, Duncan finally spoke again. "Two of my family are dead because of you."
"And many more will die starting with you." Angel said in a flat voice. For a moment, a smirk appeared on the man's face as he took in the sight of the diminutive girl sitting across from him. Then his mind made the connection between his two top assassins' deaths and her threat. Even in the darkness of this little corner, Angel saw the man grow pale. She was convinced after meeting her first assassins that they were all basically cowards. "Unless you tell me what I want to know." Angel at last appended her demand.
"What do you want?" He croaked.
"I want to know who hired the Dark Brotherhood to take me."
"I can't tell you."
"Then you will die."
"No, no, I mean I don't know. It's not my fault. They don't tell me client names. How did you do it? I mean Trenor was going to kill me. I had to put him down to save myself."
"He would not have killed you. His orders were to bring you to me so I could kill you. You were saying about clients?"
"I knew it. Mind control huh? You must be, what, a master level illusionist?" A bitterness crept into Duncan's voice as he asked the question. After a long pause with no response, he continued. "Anyway, I just assign the jobs and take a small commission when it's done. You know, we could use someone like you. That little girl look could get you out of some tight spots. We are a"
As Duncan spoke Angel stood up. With a thrust of her hand overhead she vanished. A moment later, powerful bolts of electricity coruscated around Duncan and coursed through his body. He was still twitching violently when she reappeared in her seat.
Angel waited until the shaking had subsided. "See." she said, "I am already learning to be like you. You will do what I say, when I say it or else you will die."
Sobbing quietly, his hand over his face to hide his shame, Duncan nodded agreement.