Thanks. I'm afraid Angel's destructive skills are a little stunted so fight scenes per-se have been kept to a minimum but it was fun to roll out her little repertoire for a 'quickie'.
hauteecole rider;
Thanks for the ni'ts

In the game, an individual Xivilai is labeled Xivilain so that's what I go by.
Angel adores her Clannfear and would keep it as a pet if she could.
I had to laugh as I wrote that line. I am starting to like Duncan. As you will see, he is very human.
Winter Wolf;
Thanks for affirming my greatest hope. I want Angel to be totally unique. To me she is the embodiment of the freedom to be or do anything you dream of being. Freedom being such an elusive and sometimes threatened commodity.
Story continues;
Duncan sat on a low outcrop of hardened lava. He lowered his head to hide the redness of his eyes but his sniffles were betraying him. "I can't do this." He declared. "I'm no assassin, or warrior, or mage. I'm just a farmer."
"It's OK." Angel assured him. "The first time I fought a Dremora I peed on my shoes." She admitted shyly. "They all talk like that and the first time you hear it, it's really scary."
Duncan looked up as if seeing Angel for the first time. "You really have done all this before haven't you?"
"And you can do it too. Trust me."
A thought now occurred to Angel and she waved a hand toward the defeated Dremora. "See that? He's about your size. I'll bet you could fit in that armor."
Duncan's mercurial spirits shot up as he realized the armor was Daedric and worth a large fortune. "Whoa! Me in Daedric armor?" A sudden surge of conscience made him realize that Angel was totally unarmored. She didn't even carry a shield. "But what about you?"
"I've never worn armor and never will. I am a mage." Angel finished her thought with such finality and pride that it put and end to any further discussion.
With hands still shaking from reaction, Duncan stripped the Dremora. "Turn around," he ordered Angel who was watching the process.
"Because I need to undress."
"Just turn around."
As Duncan changed into the armor he caught Angel sneaking peeks but said nothing. He was actually quite proud of his muscular appearance. He simply wanted to maintain the social barrier that kept them both at a safe distance. She was lovely but she was not ready to marry and bear her own children. As a farmer, Duncan was familiar with all of the cycles of life and had a practical view of love and marriage. Still, he was already thinking that he would have to watch that no one snuck in ahead of him before she was ready.
Thoughts of farming, birthing, and life had calmed Duncan's jangled nerves so that the painful pinch from the unfamiliar armor brought a surprised jerk which in turn produced more pinches.
Hearing the clatter, Angel turned around in time to see Duncan's involuntary dance as he tried to adjust.
"OW!...OW,OW,OW!... Uh."
"My sister said it takes some getting used to. I guess this is what she meant." Before Angel could expand on Sarrah's comments, a distant growl drew the attention of them both. Duncan picked up the Daedric longsword he had recovered. All thoughts of discomfort were now forgotten.
"What are you talking about?" Duncan exclaimed in shock. "You can't eat these thing you know."
"I'm not going to cook it. I just need the heart. I can make a useful potion with it." Seeing Duncan's continued reluctance, she persisted. "A potion that could save your life."
Raising the longsword overhead, Duncan sliced deep into the Dremora's chest in a single stroke. Angel reached into the gaping wound and drew out the heart severing the vessels with her Blade of Woe.
With the heart almost filling her mortar, Angel used the pestle to grind the soft mass into a mush. Stiff, protruding points on the surface of the mortar and matching pestle were what qualified this apparatus as master level equipment. Like thousands of tiny knives, the points gripped and tore through anything the pestle was pressed into.
"See this circular motion? That's how you have to use a master mortar and pestle. If you just bash away, you ruin them. You can even break them. It took me a long time to work up to using this set. I keep the pressure the same no matter what I grind and just use more turns if it's something hard."
From the mortar, the gruesome substance went into a calcinator. "Normally I light the burner underneath but we have this lava flow. I can just set it down at the edge here and it will be faster than that little burner. This calcinator is made of a special material. You can touch the outsides comfortably while the inside is hot enough to set fire to anything it touches. "As she was talking the calcinator had performed. What came out of it was a reddish gray powder which Angel poured into her retort.
Adding water to the retort's contents, Angel shook vigorously for a few strokes. "I used to have to shake forever and I still couldn't get everything dissolved properly but this retort is an expert level one. I still hope someday to find a master retort but they are extremely rare. They are self cleaning so there are no impurities to weaken each new potion."
Angel poured the contents of the finished potion into a small vial. As a final step, she pressed a wax seal onto the mouth of the pink vial. Embossed on the seal was the symbol of health. "I can't make labels in the field but just check the seal. It's marked with the health symbol so you know what's inside." She said, holding out the vial to Duncan.
"Didn't you forget something?" Duncan asked, proud that his knowledge seemed to now extend to an aspect of alchemy Angel had missed.
"If you mean the alembic, I don't carry one in the field." Angel answered. "They are heavy and bulky. They are good for purifying a potion with bad effects but this potion has no bad effects to begin with."
A crestfallen Duncan accepted the potion and stored it in his backpack. His internal self-talk was already chiding him for thinking that he needed to know everything about everything. He was, after all, no more or less than who he was and that would have to be enough. He patiently waited as Angel went through the elaborate procedure of cleaning and stowing her apparatus. The whole process had taken only about ten minutes and was so absorbing that it seemed no time at all. "Where to now?" He asked.
"See that tower?" Angel asked, pointing at a distant structure. The semi-organic looking surface bore the thorns that clearly marked the tower as Daedric.
"Somehow, I knew you were going to say that." Duncan responded.
EDIT: thanks for the corrections.