Somebody stop me; please

Sarrah paused to look over the reception gathered in the distance. There was a Daedra Lord, two Xivilains, a Daedroth and a Storm Atronach. She was certainly not going to be charging into the middle of that crowd but they were standing in front of the very tower she wanted to enter.
She considered the fighting capability of each for a moment. The Daedra Lord was a melee fighter although he certainly could cast a destruction spell if the situation called for it. He would almost certainly be the first to want to close with her. The Xivilains would summons their Clannfear which were feisty, aggressive and durable. They would close as well. Following their summons, the Xivilains would close in next. The Storm Atronach and the Daedroth would use up their magicka before closing but once engaged they were formidable melee fighters. She would need to at least string them out or better yet, draw them off individually.
Noticing that the Daedra Lord was well in front of the others in relation to herself, Sarrah summoned a Daedric bow, knocked an iron arrow and let fly. She admired the skill and artistry of the marksman but she was a spell and sword fighter. The arrow would hopefully prompt the Daedra Lord to charge her without arousing the other tower guardians.
A sudden, sharp, distant movement showed her the arrow had reached it's target. a moment later the Daedra Lord was charging down the wide avenue of hardened lava at full tilt; claymore raised in preparation to cleave her in half.
Sarrah backed away not wanting the fight to spill into the territory of the others. As the Daedra Lord drew nearer he cast a shock spell easily side stepped because it had been expected. Sarrah could not stop the involuntary picture which always popped into her mind hearing the sizzle of the spell. A venison roast sizzled on an iron grill as she and Angel diced vegetables for the stew pot into which all would go once the roast had been properly browned. Angel always provided the herbs and . SLASH. Sarrah blocked the blow with her own claymore and shouted her exultation as she struck back.
Sarrah's mind flowed into the dance of battle. The claymore was good for only one strike at a time unlike the long sword she had used until recently with which she would make two rapid strikes before retreating again behind her shield, Even as she exchanged blows she was evaluating her equipment and how it compared to other combinations. Her advantage was the potions she kept at the ready and used liberally whenever needed. Of course the potions had limits but they were the edge she relied on. One always needed an edge to survive. Always.
Sarrah didn't bother to repair her armor. She had been careful to strike at the chinks, the little gaps, in her enemy's armor and the Daedra Lord's gear proved to be in almost perfect condition. An exchange of armor put her in first class order again.
Moving back within barely visible range, Sarrah prepared for the next phase of her assault. This time using a flare spell, she drew the attention of the two Xivilains. "Oblivion!" she thought, "I only wanted one."
Sarrah knew they would call their summon too soon. There would be a count down and the Clannfears, having used up their magicka, would evaporate in screeching anger. She backed away again; this time, not just to distance herself from the remaining guardians but to use up time.
At the last moment, Sarrah summoned her beloved Clannfear, and the onrushing Daedra diverted to it as if on cue. Now Sarrah drew a greenish vial and poured the contents onto her sword. Running straight to the first Xivilian, she slashed at the muscular figure and suffered the obligatory smash of it's fist.
Sarrah's first Clannfear went down under a flurry of strikes from the collected enemy but this too had been anticipated and Sarrah's arm spiked the air as the creature was recalled to the fight. More poisons, more blows, more Clannfears and the exhilaration of battle. Everything seemed more vivid during these moments. The skin of a Xivilain is slightly shiny. How do they get their hair to tuft that way. Whiff of sweating armpit.
Sarrah's ritual of stowing her sword immediately following the end of a battle was her way of drawing her mind back to reality. It encouraged that transition from warrior to tactician.
The gruesome task of cutting out the Xivilain hearts and making 'restore' potions took only moments in Sarrah's skilled hands.
Finally regarding the remaining creatures; Daedroth and Atronach, Sarrah's impatience called for a frontal assault.
She approached to within battle range noting the creatures turn and confront her. Casting her summons, she saw the Clannfear run toward the Atronach. She would have preferred it engage the Daedroth instead but she rarely had such fine control.
Sarrah turned to the Daedroth and in rapid succession sent weakness spells to surround the creature before the shock spell which drove it hurtling backward to lay twitching in death. A blow from the Atronach had just collapsed her summons as Sarrah turned her wrath on the hapless creature. Exploding stones culminated her rapid sequence of weakness and fire spells.
Sarrah checked her supplies and equipment. The real challenge lay ahead and she intended to be prepared. She entered the great tower and called "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."