mALX1; Thanks for your continued encouragement. I feel a little less self-doubting every time you post.
Acadian; You always 'get-it'. I left off the last sentence of that last story because I wanted to draw each reader into creating the story along with me;
"Alone in the foyer of Benirus Manor, Sarrah lost her fight as tears began to well up in her eyes."
Winter Wolf; One of the reasons the Impressionist school of art formed was to find ways to draw the viewer into the
process of creating the final image by intentionaly leaving out detail. Thanks for joining in the creative process.
jaycar; You honor Sarrah's memory.
UnknownK; Thank you. I hope what you say is true.
DiGNiiTy; Thank you. Stay with us my friend.
SubRosa; Sarrah suffered from that particular malady a lot. Fortunately for me, Angel is not bothered by a sense of isolation.
Which brings me to the next subject.
Conversation in a forest."Mentor, is that tree dead?"
I had been thinking about the tree from the standpoint of the rich array of graphic media one could use to create an image. From a simple pencil sketch to full three dimensional representation, there seemed to be endless options. I was also thinking about how I would change it to make it more aesthetic. Now I considered it from the standpoint of it's apparent, leafless condition.
"It might be but it might just be hibernating." I said.
"What is hibernating?"
"Angel, you really are the most curious creature I've ever met. Hibernating is when the tree needs to rest. The life force of the tree becomes stored in the roots. The leaves die and fall off. They cover the ground and keep it moist and warm so the life force of the tree is safe until it's ready to wake up again."
"All the leaves die?"
"That's right."
"But there are so many leaves and only one tree. Why should all the leaves die to protect just one tree."
"That's not how it is." I answered. "I am just like one of those leaves. I am part of something greater than me alone. Someday I will die. When my time comes I will go but the tree will remain."
"Will I die, Mentor?"
"Angel, you are neither a tree or a leaf. You are a neme; an idea. In fact you are the ideal of a wonderfully curious child. You can spread from one leaf to another. You can become a part of the tree itself. Or, you may only last long enough to delight and entertain me for a while before I fall from the tree."