ANGELs of Death RP thread

Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:19 pm

Shaun Elijah
This man disgusted Eli, he had no honor, he simply smacked the man across the face
"Perhaps you should learn a bit of respect towards your sisters in arms!"
He cleaned off his weapon a bit more
"Are all of our men this stupid! I sincerely hope this isn't what we've become! Go down to the [censored] house if you want your cheap thrills!"
He smoked his cigar, something he did when he was angry or anxious
"How did you even earn the right to become a pilot?!?!"
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:32 pm

Paladin-Commander Redfield

Redfield was about to reply to Elijah regarding their reminiscing on old times, but he was cut short by the announcement from the ArchLord. As soon as Jeremiah had quieted the chatting Angel Pilots, Redfield came to attention and listened as Lord Burns debriefed them on the mission.

Following the end of Burn's speech, Redfield was quite surprised. He had imagined that whatever the reason for their operation it was certainly an important one given the current political climate. His feelings towards this matter proved to be sage.

An Orbital drop from the Athos Array? How very bold. I'd expect nothing less from the ArchLord and the Patriarch however.

"My lord, I am ready to serve in whatever way possible, " Redfield announced to Alan.

He then gave a short bow and then turned as he heard Tucker and Elijah discussing Outer Heaven. From what he gathered, it appeared that Tucker was attempting to impress Viola by acting sympathetic to the heretical state's cause. Redfield was disgusted by his actions both in the manner in which he was approaching a woman (even if that woman was Viola) and the mere mention of sympathy towards Outer Heaven angered the Paladin-Commander greatly. Karina Radec, the Prime Minister of Outer Heaven had openly taunted and mocked the Brotherhood and she and her pathetic nation were currently being dealt a just blow.

He had better watch himself, Redfield thought, Or else he may find himself under-scrutiny from the Order of the Inquisition. In any case, why in the world would he want to court Viola? Her name is as good as mud with the Patriarch's ban of anathema.

Redfield's face turned to a grimmace and he looked away from Tucker. It was at that moment that Elijah spoke up,

"How did you even earn the right to become a pilot?!?!"

"I'd like to know that as well," Redfield added as he raised an eyebrow.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:20 am

Levernius Tucker

"How did you even earn the right to become a pilot?!?!"

A look of sadness came across Tucker's face.
"Well 6 years ago the bunker my family was living in was invaded by a large number of tribals, who were heavily armed and dressed in grey suits.They quickly slaughtered most of our patrols and invaded the bunker. I was returning from a trip to a small town nearby, where I would buy supplies for our bunker the locals there. Then I came across these savages who were tearing apart most of my brothers. Quickly I pulled out my personal laser pistol and fought them. I killed most of them but it was all in vain since the bunker exploded killing everyone inside it. I then made a journey to our nearest outpost and reported the events that occurred there and for my bravery I was awarded the right to become an Angel pilot. I used this opportunity to avenge my brothers by using my Angel to clean the world of tribals and raiders. Attacks on our frontier towns by raiders Death claws, Gators and raiders has decreased to nearly zero percent."
Tucker began to tear up.
" That is how I became an Angel pilot. And I am one of the best damn Angel pilots there ever was or I wouldn't be here right now."
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:58 pm - City of Steel - Palace of the ArchLord

"Thank you Jeremiah. Now that I have all of your attention, let us begin shall we? We have been waiting long enough. Welcome my soldiers! As you can see, I have called together here the very best of you, the elite of the elite. You are all ANGEL pilots, the top of of your profession as soldiers of the Brotherhood. As Viola pointed out, the reason I have called you all together is of utmost importance. Roswell! Hand these soldiers the PDAs' for Hadron."

A small man in blue scribe robes appeared from one of the corridors in the hall, carrying a container of brand new PDA systems. He handed one to each of the pilots. He walked silently back to the throne.

"Each of you have been handed a brand new PDA system for your personal use. This is a new OS created by Head Scientist Hadron, creator of the ANGELs you all know so well. It is resistant to EMP attacks. You'll need that. Now, on to brass tacks shall we? You have been called upon today to participate in a Black-Ops mission against a threat to the Brotherhood. No, it is not against the OH. No, it is not against the Ronto, as you probably have heard rumors about such things. Let me tell you for certainty. There will be war with Ronto. We shall be the attackers, and we will conquer. But you all will not be part of that operation. This matter is much more pressing." Alan took a deep breath and continued.

"Now, your mission. 2 days ago, the Brotherhood at Athos intercepted a message from a old CIA satellite. Interestingly enough, that message was not from the CIA, or any Pre-War people. No, this message was from right after, a a rogue squad of Brotherhood of Steel soldiers that split off from Maxson's group, during the very beginning of the Brotherhood of Steel. Our ancestors if you will. These soldiers found something, some sort of Pre-War data, something that is said to have had the power to win the war with China. Obviously, that right there is enough to warrant a search, but that isn't all of it. The soldiers were attacked. And killed. All by something they did not know, something that had the power and tenacity to take down approximately 30-40 power armored, heavily armored Paladins; also taking down some sort of aircraft, presumably a Hellion, with some method other than AA weaponry." Alan took a few moments to let it all sink in. He continued once the collective looks of everyone showed some sort of understanding.

"Here is where you all come in. You are to go into the far North, past Ronto, and find that data. You are also to find out what exactly killed those Brotherhood paladins and make it pay. No survivors. No exceptions. We do not have much to go on besides for that message. For all we know, it could be some secret underground army of super soldiers controlled by something like the Calculator. Whatever it is, it's big and dangerous, and could become a potential threat to everyone, not just the Brotherhood." Alan paused yet again, regaining his breath. He was almost finished.

"Mission specifics are as follows. This is a Covert Operation. Once you arrive, you will not have any contact with the main-land. The world is in a state of chaos right now. No other nation can detect your presence. Your on your own. Xane Straza will be your commanding officer, and I expect you to treat him as such. As always, insubordination will not be tolerated. You are all the best of the best, and are expected to act as such. Also, remember one very important thing. None of you are expendable. You are all family. Look out for one another and protect each other. Remember, we can replace your ANGELs, but we can't replace you." Alan smiled, once again showing his love for his soldiers. Took one last breath for good measure and finished up.

"Once you leave this palace, you will be escorted to the space port, where you will board a shuttle and be transferred to the Athos Space Station. You will arrive there, and Patriarch Traven and Head Scientist Hadron will give you some more specifics. Then comes the fun part. You will be transferred to Alaskan controlled territory via orbital drop, the first of it's in history. This will effectively disguise you as shooting stars, and the other nations will be oblivious to you. Once you touch down on Alaska, you will meant with Commander Winters himself, leader of Alaska. He will be accompanying you on the mission and server as a guide in Alaskan territory. Once out of Alaska, you will have to navigate yourselves through Ronto, by any means necessary. Remember that there is an impending invasion towards Ronto, and you must not under any circumstances give that info away. Once you pass through Ronto, find and destroy that unknown power and recover that data. Once you have done that, we'll find a way to get you all out of there. I have complete faith in you all. Listen to Captain Xane and fulfill your mission. Now, questions?"

Viola got a new PDA. She went onto several menus and like it and attached it on her wrist. She absorbed the words of Lord Burns. The briefing was about a threat to the Brotherhood. She first thought it was the Ronto but those dumb fools would never dare to lay a hand on the Brotherhood. The OH were a peaceful nation and would only fight when invaded. She gave a breath.

She soon learned the Brotherhood learned of a old Pre War CIA sattellite and the message was not from the CIA but from rogue group of BOS soldiers that split off from Maxson group during the early days of the Brotherhood. She wondered why they diverged? The data was on a way to win the War on China which the soldiers founded. Though they were attacked and killed, and had the power to kill 30-40 Paladins and shot down some sort of aircraft.

They would go up to Athos. This was her first time, but would get the chance to see possibly her cousins ship passing by. Though, none of the Maxsons in OH never knew she was a Angel Pilot. From there, would drop down to Alaska, where they would meet with Commander Winter. Though, there was also a impending Invasion with Ronto wghich she would love to particapte in but this was more important.

"This seems big My Lord....but as a protector of the Brotherhood, we will obey" she said noble. I wish to find out more about this group? My Lord, why did a rogue group of the Brotherhood duing the Early days of our group split off? My Lord, what is your hypothesis?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:27 pm - City of Steel - Palace of the ArchLord

Tucker was in the back of the small group of pilots, stealthily taking a peak at Viola's butt every now and again. Chicks in Outer Heaven had always been nice to him, while people in the Brotherhood didn't even care about him until he became an Angel pilot.Once Alan was done speaking Tucker walked to Viola and spoke to her "You look like you spend a lot of time in Outer Heaven. So,what do you think about the war? It doesn't look like it's going very well for them, does it. It's a shame that our Midwestern Brothers have declared them dissolute, I really liked the people there."
I hope this works. At least I didn't mention the augmented hokers this time.

The war came back in her mind once more. They may have mocked there beliefs but she admired that nation as much as the Borotherhood.

"I am nervous about them. There nation against 4 bastard nations attacking a peaceful nation in my opinion is quite cruel. But this is how it is on Earth. Most of all, I am nerovus about the Maxson in OH. Though I wonder about them.......

Heaven has only been defending very dilligently but would eventually fall. She wondered what would Outer Heaven conjure up..........? Maybe they were waiting for a right time for a strike but that seemed oblivious.

Eli was incredibly annoyed when he overheard someone calling it a "shame" that the MWBoS declared Outer Haven dissolute
"They took a [censored] on our ideals... what ELSE would we do...? They defiled our code and they have payed the price for those actions!"

The, man Eli spoke. He took a heavy stance just like the MWBOS which she hated them for there zealot religious like nations, though they were there Brothers, she never considered them as hers.

"But yet, we also offended there idels. While they did, and I am skeptical on there ideals of mutants being equal and and somewhat leaning to robots having conscius, you dont see them shunning a ntion for there idelas. I beleive they just wish to be firneds with all nations just like NCR. Nothing wrong with that."

Tucker heard someone speak up about his statement on Outer Heaven. Tucker walked over to him and spoke to him softly.
"I really don't like them that much either. But, I'm just trying to get some before our little trip. You know what a mean, wink, wink, nudge, nudge."

He gave the obvious actions of six, thought Eli smacked him across the face. She was going to smak him herslef but that had been solved. She kept a cool face.

"Fool, acting disrespectufl in front to the ArchLord in his house and his wife! He has no honor.

"How did you even earn the right to become a pilot?!?!"

A look of sadness came across Tucker's face.

"Well 6 years ago the bunker my family was living in was invaded by a large number of tribals, who were heavily armed and dressed in grey suits.They quickly slaughtered most of our patrols and invaded the bunker. I was returning from a trip to a small town nearby, where I would buy supplies for our bunker the locals there. Then I came across these savages who were tearing apart most of my brothers. Quickly I pulled out my personal laser pistol and fought them. I killed most of them but it was all in vain since the bunker exploded killing everyone inside it. I then made a journey to our nearest outpost and reported the events that occurred there and for my bravery I was awarded the right to become an Angel pilot. I used this opportunity to avenge my brothers by using my Angel to clean the world of tribals and raiders. Attacks on our frontier towns by raiders Death claws, Gators and raiders has decreased to nearly zero percent."

Tucker began to tear up.

" That is how I became an Angel pilot. And I am one of the best damn Angel pilots there ever was or I wouldn't be here right now."

It seemed though the others asked about it, and she was curious. Tucker explained.

"Thats how this man became a Angel pilot?! Just by fighting against tribals who attacked there bunker. Where is the proof for this? How would the Elders promote him if another indidvidual was not watching him do this. Man is lying."

He spoke how he then he was promoted to a Angel pilot. All by justing fighting against a bunch of mutants and raiders. Pretty much low to her. Most of these pilots should have fought in either the Khan War or Michigan War or both which would be even more higher prestige. He cried, but is a possible trick to everyone to sympathize with him. She asked him but kept calm.

"So Tucker have you fought in any major war like the Michigan War or Khan War? I assume that EVERYONE......has fought in one of them or even both" she said in a calm and somewhat ego voice.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:53 pm

Paladin-Commander Redfield

"But yet, we also offended there ideals. While they did, and I am skeptical on there ideals of mutants being equal and and somewhat leaning to robots having conscious you dont see them shunning a nation for there ideals I believe they just wish to be friends with all nations just like NCR. Nothing wrong with that."

?At this, Redfield turned to Viola with a stern look, as if he wanted to attack her on the spot if her next words were not chosen carefully,

"Ms. Viola, we are perfectly allowed to offend their ideals because they are heretical thoughts which offend both his lordship, the ArchLord, the Patriarch, and most of all our holy Emperor Barnaky. Karina Radec spoke ill of the Brotherhood and insulted our doctrine, which is held by every true brother and sister here and most of all by the ArchLord."

"Wouldn't you agree.....Viola?"

Redfield paused and waited for Viola's response. Viola had Outer Heaven sympathies, but he did not believe that she would be foolish enough to avow the ideals of Radec here, in the hall of the ArchLord himself. To do so would only cement herself as a traitor, and the Maxson name was stained enough as is.
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:34 pm - City of Steel - Palace of the ArchLord

At this, Redfield turned to Viola with a stern look, as if he wanted to attack her on the spot if her next words were not chosen carefully,

"Ms. Viola, we are perfectly allowed to offend their ideals because they are heretical thoughts which offend both his lordship, the ArchLord, the Patriarch, and most of all our holy Emperor Barnaky. Karina Radec spoke ill of the Brotherhood and insulted our doctrine, which is held by every true brother and sister here and most of all by the ArchLord."

"Wouldn't you agree.....Viola?"

Redfield paused and waited for Viola's response. Viola had Outer Heaven sympathies, but he did not believe that she would be foolish enough to avow the ideals of Radec here, in the hall of the ArchLord himself. To do so would only cement herself as a traitor, and the Maxson name was stained enough as is.

The Midwest Zealot had her in a tight spot. She knew she had to speak her words carefully or lest get a punishment from Lord Burns.

"Now while there ideals of Mutants being free I find apocryphal. The idea of robots having a conscious, able to think and breath are debatable, I wonder. Can a robot gain conscius naturally? Can it feel? Can it cry? That is a big question? While Prime Minister Radec spoke agasint our beliefs, they are a friendly people. I dont beleive we should jsutify basis upon that and cut trade and most of all our Alliance. Maxson live there, and now they are at the possible whims to Trinity."

OOC: Quick post iI made. Going to sleep.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:05 pm

Paladin-Commander Redfield

Redfield scoffed at the mention of robots. He knew that Viola had opted out of speaking her mind freely and with good reason. She wouldn't have dared to have spoken of her probable sympathies for mutants, however rare their exterminated kind may be now.

"Hmph. Robots with a consciousness, ridiculous. Only robots with true AI have consciousness and sentience, Viola, and the fact that Karina seemed to suggest otherwise only highlighted her moronic tendencies."

"I dont beleive we should jsutify basis upon that and cut trade and most of all our Alliance. Maxson live there, and now they are at the possible whims to Trinity," Viola responded.

Redfield gave her a terrible glare, "And so am I to assume you disagree with his holiness' ban of anathema on Outer Heaven? And with the ArchLord cutting off ties? Surely not Viola, for that would be quite....unacceptable....and dangerously heretical. As for any of the Maxson's living in Outer Heaven now, they chose their fate when they threw their lot in with the American Empire. I have no sympathy for them."
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:35 pm

Astara Benson - Arch Lord Palace

Tara bowed to the Arch Lord and to his lady, after he answered her question.

"I am ready and eager to head into space," she told them both with a smile, as she took here leave.

A commotion between the other Angel driver's made her stop and turn. It seemed that the one called Tucker just stepped into a major pile of crap. Tara crossed her arms and leaned against a wall, to watch the drama unfold.

Her facial expression changed from a grin, when she realized Tucker was just trying to get into Viola's pants - to exasperation when everybody made a big deal about it - to boredom when people began to discuss the politics of Outer Heaven.

Finally, she pushed herself off the wall and walked over to the group.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are Angel drivers, we are the elite, the best of the best. Why are you acting like common rabble, gossiping over politics best left to, well politicians? We have our mission and we know what we must do, so let's go and do it. The Space port is this way," she said, turned around and headed for their first mission objective, without waiting for any reply.

As she entered the large building, and got her first look at the spacecraft, Tara was suddenly filled with apprehension. It was a feeling completely new to her. However, it was also the first time she would go into space. Her heart pounded in her chest and she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. It just wouldn't do, if she showed fear in front of her fellow drivers, no way, Astara was fearless. Yes, fearless! Orbital jump - here we come. Was it space or the jump she feared? No matter, it was part of the mission and it would be completed as ordered, there's nothing else to it.

Astara walked up to the craft and waited for the others.
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:48 am

Xane Straza

Xane was getting annoyed. Tucker, stupid fool that he was, got everyone into some little squabble, right in front of the Arch-Lord. And now Viola was going on some idiotic tirade that robots had feelings, just like the Outer Haven scum. Not a great start by any means. Xane looked up at Alan, who seemed to still be seething with rage toward Tucker's insolence. Xane ha to wonder just exactly why Tucker was here in the first place. A man like that would be no where near on par with the rest of them.

But, the Arch-Lord did say if he caused a problem to the mission, we need to get rid of him. I'm perfectly fine with that.

Suddenly, Jeremiah's voice filled the Palace, cold and ruthless. Underneath that massive suit of power armor, Xane knew the giant of a man was burning up with rage.

"Viola Maxson! There will be no such talk in the Arch-Lord's palace. Do you dare question the judgements he and Patriarch Traven have made on the OH? I should think not soldier. There will be no more talk of this in the presence of the Lord and Lady Burns! Do I make myself clear?!" Jeremiah boomed, directing his rage at Tucker and Viola.

Everyone in the room went silent. Alan and Illyana just stared at Jeremiah, slight smiles tugging at the corner of their mouths'. Alan broke the silence, much to Xane's relief.

"Ahem. Thank you Jeremiah. He is right. These things are best left to myself an Patriarch Traven. I have always had you all in my best interest have I not? Do not worry, we shall make the correct decisions. Now, are there anymore questions? If not, Xane, lead your troops toward the space port. The pilot I have waiting for you is already there." Alan said, calm and kind as ever.
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:32 pm

Levernius Tucker
"So Tucker have you fought in any major war like the Michigan War or Khan War? I assume that EVERYONE......has fought in one of them or even both" she said in a calm and somewhat ego voice.

Tucker looked up at Viola.
"No I have not fought in either of those wars. But I have made the Brotherhood's frontier a much safer place to live. Also if you have ever fought a Louisiana gator, then you would now that one bite from them can tear the arm off of an Angel. They also maneuver underwater where you cant see them and your weaponry can't damage them, and then they'll jump out at you when they're close and you'll have to fight them up close." Tucker was speaking from experience this time instead of lying like he was before.

Burns spoke up and Ticker did what anyone would do in this situation, shut up. Tucker was ready to head out on this mission if he couldn't get some. Maybe he could get with Astara but he was to afraid that she would kick his ass. All though he still wondered if there were any aliens on Athos since it was a space station, he didn't ask Burns about it again since it pissed him off for some reason.

OOC:Nobody is supposed to know that Tucker was lying.
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:54 am

Alistair Wright - The Arch-Lord's Palace - City of Steel

Nodding followed almost every word that came out of Xane's mouth. This young man had the right attitude, he knew his place. Unlike some of the people gathered around him. Alistair wondered just how the less appealing of them came to be summoned along with men like himself and Xane. But for now, he had another that was of the same mind to speak to. Amazingly enough, the pilot was actually happy to have someone to talk to, even more surprising than the idea of him considering talking to another person besides his wife.

" Yes, you're very right Xane. I cannot fathom how the Lord would allow such idiocy before him, he is truly a gracious leader, of that you are correct. Seeing that man refrain from lowering himself to his knee was something I never dreamed of witnessing. " The ace's blood began to stir, his potent anger was rising at the very notion of disrespect to the Lord and Lady.

Alistair watched a grin spread across Xane's face at the mention of his ANGEL. He himself could sympathize, whenever speaking of the Knight, he would swell with pride and let whomever he was speaking to know every aspect of it's magnificence. Then, Straza spoke of the war, not the way the ace would have, but his thinking was invariably sound. Afterwards continuing to describe his machine. Machine, that was a word Alistair would never use in reference to the Knight. It was, no he was, the perfect partner. There was no squabbling, the Knight accepted every order with a silent calm, giving full faith to the ace's reasoning. Whenever there was a problem to ponder, the Knight would lay still and be the wall one needed to bounce thoughts off of. Had Alistair ever depended on anyone, that one would be the Knight.

" Once more, I see what you're speaking of. The Knight is fully equipped with the latest weaponry and the strongest armor our Brotherhood has. Beam sabers, hip-missiles, shoulder-cannons, plasma whip, 35mm machine gun mounted on the fist, everything one could dream, my ANGEL has. Such a masterpiece will repel any threat with ease. " The pilot looked over at Xane fully when he spoke of his comfort in his ANGEL, in a state of silent amazement. No matter how extensive his talks were with other pilots, scientists even, never had he heard of someone feeling that way, the same as himself. " Precisely. When I'm in the cockpit, I feel as if I belong there, as if, it is my place more than any other. The Knight is just another part of myself after all these years, it feels as if I am the one jumping and spinning. We are completely synchronized.

Lord Burns began his speech not a moment later. Alistair took in every word and memorized every detail. The situation was mysterious, that was for certain. After it all had been said, others spoke to each other. The pilot took no heed until he heard one man speak of intercourse with one of the female pilots. Everyone leaped on him with their words. Alistair's eyes became cruel, fierce and his face shifted to a mask of neutrality, hiding his searing anger. No man, no man would dare speak that way in the presence of the Lord and Lady, let alone anywhere else. The pilot's gaze bore into the man intensely, if only looks could kill this Tucker would be sprawled upon the floor, blood covering his worthless corpse. Rarely had Alistair known such a loathing for a single man, his rage was contained behind a silent wall, honed over years of service. "

Conversation soon devolved into petty politics, of which the ace had little to speak of. Everyone aside from the Brotherhood and it's allies, were simply insects waiting to be crushed. No nation could compare to the Brotherhood in any capacity. The ace ignored it all and followed the woman who departed prematurely for whatever craft was taking them to Athos. Alistair had been to the station many times and loved visiting it, it was truly a sight, a testament to his nation's brilliance and ingenuity. He saw the woman as he approached, walking past her into the craft. Soon they would all would be in the black emptiness of space and one step closer to bringing the fight to this new threat. Alistair couldn't wait to jump into the seat of the Knight and be shot down to earth, plummeting through the atmosphere, crashing into the ground with a thunderous blast. Then seeking out and destroying whatever had caused the Arch-Lord of the Brotherhood to stir.
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:33 am

Xane Straza

Xane smile widely at Alistair, already liking this man's dedication. It felt familiar, almost like looking into a mirror. Great minds think alike they say. Xane could tell Alan was getting increasingly upset, and before he could reply to Alistair, Jeremiah spoke, effectively shutting everyone up. There didn't seem to be any more questions.

If not, Xane, lead your troops toward the space port. The pilot I have waiting for you is already there." Alan said, calm and kind as ever.

Xane bent his knee and spoke.

"Yes Milord. By your leave."

Xane stood and addressed his Brethren.

"Brothers, it is time to depart. Come, let us make haste." Xane said as he made his way to the great Palace door, everyone following him. Xane was going to say some to Viola, that she better know where her loyalties lie, but decided he would handle it if or when the time came to do so.

Outside, the sun was blinding. At this point in the day, the sun shown directly in front of the Palace, casting brilliant morning light on everything. The sky was as clear as could be, not a cloud in sight. The shining sun and the deep blue sky made for quite a sight, like a old postcard. Xane and the group walked down the grand staircase and into the hustle and bustle of the city. People of all walks of Brotherhood life eyed them in wonderment. Soldiers saluted them. Children ran up to them, vying to even touch the feet of their heroes. Shouts from all around rose. Xane briefly felt like they were just returning from a war, basking in victory.

Soon enough, the group was at the space port. The great dome-shaped building was a very large place, prominent in the city. It could not be mistaken for anything else. The main building itself was in the form of a massive dome, with other various terminal buildings connect to it. The group walked up to the entrance and saw Alistair and Astara already awaiting them. Xane waved to them both, and the group as a whole entered the great dome. Once inside, a man in sleek armor and a helmet with a mirror-like face greeted them. He didn't bother to take the helmet off. He bowed slightly to the group.

"Hello everyone! I've been expecting you. You are the group Lord Alan is sending on some sort of mission correct? My name is Captain Treyborn, and I'll be your pilot to Athos. Don't worry! I'm pretty good, or so I've been told! I'll get all of ya to Athos safe and sound! Now, follow me if you please!" Treyborn said rather jovially. He was an odd one, that could not be denied.

Treyborn led the group through a few terminals, and finally through to the hanger. It was here they saw their ride.

"Well everyone, here she is! We call her the Quite the beauty ain't she? Pride and joy she is. Smooth and fast. Ain't no worries about getting to your destination when riding in such a fine ship! Everyone, please enter and have a seat. We'll take off shortly, once everyone is situated." Treyborn said proudly as he walked into the open hatch of the ship, disappearing into the cockpit area.

Xane smiled at the silver an blue ship. It truly looked glorious, like some sort of luxury ship. Yet, it had a certain militaristic feel. Xane couldn't wait to get inside.

The group entered the ship and into the passenger area, which was surprisingly spacious, plenty of room for them all. One could not lay down, but leg room was aplenty. The interior was a soft green-colored metal, with a carpet-like material making up the walkway through the area. On the sides of the walk way were a few rows of two seats each. The seats themselves were a black polyester-like material. Each side of the rows also had a window for viewing purposes. Xane noticed on the back of each headrest on the chairs was a monitor, the chairs in front having their monitors placed in front. Overall, they looked very comfortable. The soft hum of the engine filled the cabin.

Xane picked out a seat at the front, by the window and sat down. He wondered who would come sit by him, as at first glance it appeared their would only be just enough seats for the group. He secretly hoped it would be Alistair or Redfield, and not someone like that idiot Tucker. Xane had already developed a disdain for the fool.

Lucky for Xane, Alistair was the one who sat down by him. Xane breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"Glad it's you I get to sit by Brother. I may have ended up choking a man to death otherwise." Xane said with a smile.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:26 pm

Astara Benson - on board Volgin

Astara followed the group through the hanger and into the bay where they finally laid eyes on the craft that would take them to the space station. None of the group members bothered to talk to her and her earlier remarks concerning politics seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Even so she had told everyone to pretty much drop the conversation and focus on the mission, some giant of a man with a booming voice had to reprimand Viola Maxson again, as if all the other rebukes had not been enough.

Tara sighed and shook her head. Fine, if her words didn't count for anything, she would just keep to herself, follow the objectives, complete the mission. After all, she wasn't here to make friends or small talk. She had been chosen for her combat prowess, not her glib tongue.

The craft was comfortable and the space adequate. Tara began to actually look forward to the flight, as she took a seat behind Xane. Once she snapped her seat belt shut, she reached for the headset that attached to the monitor in front of her. She was sure that they would communicate with each other and the pilot through those head phones and monitors. After she adjusted the headset, she leaned back in her seat and gazed outside the window, while her thoughts were on the mission.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:08 am

Shaun Elijah "Eli"
Eli walked with the group in a quiet manner, possibly contemplating on his previous missions or wondering if his mech was going to overheat until taking a seat next to Redfield
"So, you were about to say something before the briefing happened...?"
He gave the man a warm smile, something that Eli didn't exactly do very often

(OOC: Bad Post is bad, I know I'm very busy just trying to get this one in...)
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:27 pm

Xane Straza

Xane looked out the window lazily. He wanted to go to Athos immediately, though he imagined they still had some time before they took off. The space port was busy as usual, various military personnel moving about, ships taking off and landing. The hustle and bustle was reminiscent of the streets in the City.

Xane broke his gaze and turned to his comrades, Alistair and Astara. Alistair was sitting right by him, and Astara right behind him. He was glad for the company. In truth, the boy liked being around people, though it wasn't apparent outwardly. Alan's words rang through his mind:

It's always a goo idea to get to know the people you serve with. Forging a bond through comradery is important for a squad. Makes the unit more cohesive, and you may find you make some good friends along the way!

Xane smiled softly to himself. Alan always looked out for him, and Xane figured there was truth to his idol's words. He smiled at both of his compatriots and struck up a conversation between the two to pass time.

"Well, here we are. Finally the space port. Busy place is it not? So tell me you two, have you ever been to Athos before? I myself have been a few times with the Arch-Lord. It's a grand place, hard to imagine the Brotherhood has come so far." Xane said, still smiling as he waited for Alistair's and Astara's rely.
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:08 pm

Paladin-Commander Redfield

After following Xane to the hanger where the space transport was located, Redfield gazed at the craft which was waiting within it. He was not overly impressed however, as he had been on one of these vehicles quite a few times, since his duties often led to trips to and from the Athos. Currently, the Malevolence was now aboard the capital ship Pious Inquisitor and Redfield was, if anything, eager to get back into space to retrieve it.

Hopefully that damned engineer Byrant hasn't decided to change any of the specifications while I was gone. I told him I wanted to keep it straightforward, Redfield suppressed a small smile. Scribe Byrant was the Malevolence's maintenance engineer and despite being good friends he and Redfield often got on each other's nerves: partly inadvertently and partly intentionally.

With haste, Redfield made his way into the craft and took a seat near a window. He then began to close his eyes in preparation for a short nap when Elijah came down to sit next to him,

"So, you were about to say something before the briefing happened...?"

Redfield perked up, "Ah, nothing worth mentioning really. Its all in the past in any case. So tell me Elijah, is this your first trip to the Athos?"

OOC: Edit. Typos. Typos everywhere.
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:09 am

Shaun Elijah
Eli looked around at the crew, everyone seemed to be getting along fine save for that one idiot
He was about to go into space, an area full of wonders
"Yes it will be... I hate to ask this but what exactly are your mech's skills...? I need to understand everyone's mech's to prepare myself for what ever it is that lies ahead..."
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:18 am

Alistair Wright - Volgin - The City of Steel

"Glad it's you I get to sit by Brother. I may have ended up choking a man to death otherwise." Xane said with a smile towards a silent and contemplative Alistair.

The pilot looked over to his comrade and gave him acknowledging little nod. He'd never cared to be social and this was rather large adjustment. Trying to ease himself, the ace settled back into his seat, finding his body comfortable. " As I am glad it is you who I've sat beside. I couldn't stand that neanderthal for another moment, may Steel forgive his ancestors for his disgrace. "

Alistair turned back to the space in front of him, eyeing the rather lavish decor and amenities. Glad to see he was rightly accommodated, the pilot grinned a little and let his head fall back to his seat. Clara and the newest addition to their family paraded through his mind as he unleashed his mind to wander. So much happiness came from the announcement but along with it, came apprehension. It was something Alistair had never combated, no mission had ever made him nervous or made him think twice. This time was different though, he had a child to come home to as well as his wife. Always Clara had been in his mind and he never let the thought of his death into his mind. His wife had always been an driving force behind him but he only realized with their child that he had no clue what to do should he die. No plans had ever been made. But this was a mission the ace wouldn't allow to be his end. He would rather face years of torture than leave his wife and their child to fend for themselves.

Xane piped up after a long silence. "Well, here we are. Finally the space port. Busy place is it not? So tell me you two, have you ever been to Athos before? I myself have been a few times with the Arch-Lord. It's a grand place, hard to imagine the Brotherhood has come so far." Xane said, still smiling.

Alistair shifted his gaze back over to the young man and allowed a minuscule grin. " It truly is busy. As to my visiting Athos, I have. 'Tis certainly a wonderful place. Athos is a massive symbol of our immense superiority over the other ' nations ' that crowd around us, trying to grasp at our knowledge, attempting to comprehend it. The peons shall never come close to us. " He spoke as if he were talking about his greatest enemy. There was no love, compassion, or mercy in Alistair Wright's heart for anyone outside the Brotherhood. " I look forward to seeing the station once more. Perhaps Hadron has some other projects he's been toiling with, even a few new augmentations for our ANGELs, if we are fortunate. "

The pilot looked back to the woman behind Xane, studying her once more. She hadn't lost the air she'd had back at the palace. The woman was intriguing, surely. Alistair was rarely the one to engage another, this time was no different. He preferred to speak to one of the same mind and for now, the young ace beside him was the only person that fit.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:12 am

Xane Straza

" It truly is busy. As to my visiting Athos, I have. 'Tis certainly a wonderful place. Athos is a massive symbol of our immense superiority over the other ' nations ' that crowd around us, trying to grasp at our knowledge, attempting to comprehend it. The peons shall never come close to us. " He spoke as if he were talking about his greatest enemy. There was no love, compassion, or mercy in Alistair Wright's heart for anyone outside the Brotherhood. " I look forward to seeing the station once more. Perhaps Hadron has some other projects he's been toiling with, even a few new augmentations for our ANGELs, if we are fortunate. " Alistair answered.

Xane smiled at the thought. Hadron always came up with the weirdest things. He was never one to disappoint, that was for sure.

"Mhmm. Yes, I agree 100%. Nothing can even come close to what we have up. The OH tries, but honestly I think their all just a bunch of crazy psychopaths. I mean, mutants being the same as us, every single robot having feelings, kinda sounds like they are all a bit touched in the head. Oh well. I suppose that isn't really the point. Just a bunch of crazies trying to compete with something they can't ever hope to beat. Not that they have much longer anyway, what with the way the world seems to have come down upon them." Xane said, an odd expression coming over his young face.

The thought of going to war with people like that did something to his insides. He felt... odd. Like his stomach was churning, but it didn't have a reason. He wasn't nervous. He had been to space plenty of times. Hadron had beat it into him from day one when he was a kid not to let fear have any sort of grip. But this feeling wasn't fear, nervousness. It made his face hot.

He rubbed his eyes for a second and took a deep breathe. The feeling was gone. Good. That seemed to do the trick. It was a a strange feeling, very subtle, but yet so strong. I didn't think the other two noticed. Xane continued the conversation, voice the same as ever, tone showing no sign of trouble.

" I'm looking forward to seeing Athos again myself honestly. The view from up there is absolutely amazing. It's hard to beat it. It truly is a wonderful place. A true testament to the sheer ingeniousness of the Brotherhood. As for Hadron, I bet he has something up his sleeve for the ANGELs. Lord Alan said he may have new suits for us. If my guess is correct, I bet he has a few modifications for the ANGELs as well, more than likely for the orbital drop. Possibly something for maintenance to. You never know what Hadron will think of next." Xane said, smile bright on his face as he stared out the window.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:15 am

Astara Benson - on board Volgin

Xane turned to her and asked whether she had been on Athos before. Tara turned to look at him. A fine warrior, a loyal supporter of the Arch-Lord... yes, she believed she could trust him. Her gaze then moved from Xane over to Alistair. A strange, but honorable man, dutiful to a fault. I wonder if either of those men knew what fun was. She suppressed a smirk and locked her eyes with Xane's.

"No, I've never been to Athos," she answered, a bit of jealousy swinging in her voice. "It must be nice to travel around with the Arch-Lord," she added with a little jab. "Tell me, Xane. How does an Angel driver become the chosen companion of the Arch-Lord and the leader of this expedition?" she couldn't help but ask, her lips furrowed into an arrogant twist as her eyes bore into Xane's, as if to challenge him. She was as much elite as he was, so why did he receive special treatment, she wondered defiantly.

Tara crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat, watching Xane closely and wondering if he would take her bait.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:04 pm

Xane Straza

Xane laughed as Tara challenged him with her words. A mischievous grin appeared on his face, a spark in his eye. This woman was definitely different. It amused him. However, his face turned from that mischievous look to a contemplative one,and he answered in a solemn tone, his past... experiences coming back to him. The one sticking out the most was Hadron doing his little experiments on him, biologically enhancing him when he was a small child. He always said it had been a success. Oh how that had hurt. It did make him stronger though. At least he though it did.

" Well if you must know, I was the first pilot for the ANGELs. Ever. I was the test pilot for Hadron when he created them, and have since been the premier tester for them. That was my life, a tester and experiment myself. Then Lord Alan showed up and took me under his wing. I was already an incredible pilot, and then he started to teach me about infantry work, and we worked extensively on things of that nature. I've learned a lot from him about leadership as well, so him choosing me to lead is nothing unexpected. I know how to act. I was taught by one of the best there is. Can't get much better than the Arch-Lord and Patriarch Traven." Xane said. The he paused, thinking about how she stared at him. Alan had once taught him that sometimes soldiers do that, not out of disdain but out of a pure joking one. He continued.

"That, and I'm not called the best ANGEL pilot in the Brotherhood for nothing you know. Oh, and yes, it is very nice to travel with him so much." He said with a sly smirk.

Trerborn's voiced echoed through the speakers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Viola sitting down. They were all here now.

"Alrighty everyone. Everyone is on board and we have the green light for take off. This is your Captain Treyborn speaking. Sit back and enjoy the ride. ETA to Athos 3-4 hours. Could be a bit longer due to the war between the OH and the Trinity. Never can be too careful these days." Treyborn said.

The lights in the cabin of the craft shut off suddenly, and the engine's roar grew louder as the vessel lurched forward and onto a small launch pad. Xane looked out the window and saw some of the airmen wave the craft off. Pretty soon they lifted into the air.

Xane gazed out the window as the ship climbed higher and higher, the City of Steel ever shrinking in the distance. Xane already missed it a little. The engines kicked into high gear, and Xane could feel the ship go faster and fast as they climbed the endless sea of blue sky.

Soon enough, that blue sea become an endless void of black. Stars could be seen now. Xane could see a bit of a red hue out the window, signalling they were exiting the atmosphere. Pretty soon, Treyborn spoke up again.

"This is your captain speaking. We have officially left the Earth's atmosphere. Welcome to space everyone."

Xane smiled his relief. He wasn't nervous, but it always felt good when things went according to plan. He had a bad feeling that the next few days wouldn't be near as predictable. He smiled and turned back to Alistair and Tara.

" Well, here we are. Space. Strange feeling it is. Even with the ship's artificial gravity, it still feels somewhat odd. By previous experience, we should be able to see Athos here pretty quickly." Xane said, turning his gaze to the window, intently looking for a sign of Athos and the Capital ship, the Pious Inquisitor.

Soon enough, he got his wish. The massive space station and capital ship came into view. It looked as if Athos was as big as the City of Steel itself. Xane didn't know for sure, but it was obvious if was pretty close. Small dots came into view. Those dots gradually became bigger and bigger, revealing what they truly were. They were actually the Brotherhood's space model of ANGEL, known as the Sentries. There were quite a lot of them out here, all ready to fight in an instant, on account of the situation with the OH.

The engines slowed as they approached. Some of the Sentries slowly made their way to the ship. Treyborn's voice piped up once more over the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are. The great space station of Athos. If you look to your right, you can see some of our escorts, the Sentries. Say hello to the nice robots everyone. And to your left, the Brotherhood's capital ship, the Pious Inquisitor. From what I understand, all of your ANGELs were transferred to there, and from there to Athos. It was a pleasure to be your captain, and I hope you all had a nice trip. Be careful out there Brothers. Come home safely you hear?" Treyborn said as the ship was slowly guided into a massive port on Athos by some of the Sentries.

The group had finally arrived. This was only the beginning.

Xane immediately felt the gravity of Athos kick in, and felt much more comfortable. It felt natural now. He unsnapped his restraints and awaited the officer to come and escort them to their desired destination, as was protocol.

Lord and Lady Alan and Illyana Burns, City of Steel

Alan and Illyana walked out to an observation area in the Palace. They had received word the ship had taken off successfully. The two watched hand in hand as the ship sailed through the sky till it disappeared into the distance, exhaust leaving a visible trail behind it.

"Well, there they go. They go to meet Hadron and Traven now, and then it's off to the Orbital drop. I can't say I'm not nervous about it." Alan said with a small sigh.

Illyana let go of his hand and threw herself around his neck, burying her face in his robe. Alan could tell she was nervous as well. Illyana looked up at him, smile bright and eyes shining like the stars the group no doubt were seeing at this very minute. Alan felt a sudden urge for a vacation into space.

"Do not fret my love. I'm sure they will be fine. Xane's a good boy. He'll look after them. Traven is a smart man as well, he'll make sure they have all the knowledge they need." Illyana said optimistically.

Alan sighed. His wife's words helped, but he still feared about the mission. There was just so much they didn't know...

"Your right my love. I can only hope. Besides, we have our own war to gear up for don't we..."
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:42 pm

Astara Benson - Arriving at Athos

The time on Volgin went by much faster than Tara anticipated. She had let her mind drift, thinking about Xane's reply, while gazing out of the window. Some underlying emotion had hovered at the edge of his words. Tara couldn't quite put her finger on it. Especially when he told her that he was "an experiment himself". It's a shame that she had never taken the time to learn more about her fellow Angel drivers. They only met in combat, completed a mission and then parted ways. There was never time for leisurely chat. One thing however, never changed, they could count on each other, 100%, even if they didn't know a thing about each other's lives.

Once they left the glorious City of Steel behind, the darkness of space enveloped the craft and only its lights illuminated the immediate area, like shining beacons of life. Distant stars came into view and disappeared again, as if they had never been, and yet they were eternal. Tara shook her head, as if to dispel these philosophical musings. It wasn't her, she usually never indulged in the metaphorical. For her, that which she could see and touch and yes kill, was relevant. Tara was a realist, with both feet firmly planted on Mother Earth. Yet, out here, she felt small, a speck of dust in an immense universe.

Xane's words were a welcome distraction. " Well, here we are. Space. Strange feeling it is. Even with the ship's artificial gravity, it still feels somewhat odd. By previous experience, we should be able to see Athos here pretty quickly."

Tara smiled at him. "Yes, yes it is Commander. It's like my mind tells me one thing, yet my body feels something different," she said, while acknowledging his position as their leader. For now, she would follow him to her death and only challenge his authority if warranted.

Then the space port came into view and Tara craned her neck to get a better look. It was big and beautiful. It represented life surrounded by dead space. What a feat, what an achievement Pride surged through her, pride in the Brotherhood, pride to be one of their elite.

"This is amazing!" Tara called out as they entered Athos. She felt giddy like a little kid and didn't care if her gabbing mouth, her wide eyes, full of astonishment and her huge grin didn't suit an elite Angel driver.

Athos was truly awe-inspiring.

Her grin still on her face, she turned to her companions, while waiting for the officers. "I suggest we all go out for dinner after our meeting, get to know each other, that sort of thing. Maybe explore the station a bit," she said with enthusiasm so unlike her. Then again, she had never been in space before, maybe it changes a person.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:07 am

Patriarch William Traven- On Board the Athos Space Station

Quarters of the Patriarch- Communication Room

"I assume Godfrey and Wilhelm on readying their divisions Patriarch? I wish for our forces to begin the invasion as soon as possible, according to our plans," The voice of Emperor Barnaky rang out throughout the bright-white in which Traven knelt reverently on his knees, his white and gold-trimmed robes flowed out around him in an elegant fashion.

Raising his head slightly, he replied to the voice of the Emperor, who he was communicating with via direct channel to Vault Zero,

"Yes, your majesty. All preparations are being finalized and we predict that our forces will be in Ronto sooner than previously expected. I will oversee the beginning stages of the operation from the ATHOS."

"Excellent, now what of this matter with ArchLord Burns and his request to send a group of his Angel Pilots into Ronto territory? I assume he has a valid reason for such a bold action, especially when the invasion is so close to opening moves."

Traven bowed his head and replied plainly, "I have assurances from Burns that the matter is of upmost priority. It involves a transmission picked up from the ATHOS station not long ago which reportedly involved a distress call from members of the original Maxson group. The transmission is vague in the extreme, but it mentions a super-weapon of some type which may have been able to win the war against China."

"I see...." Barnaky's voice trailed off for a moment, as if he was thinking deeply on the signification of what this meant. Traven guessed that he may have been accessing the Calculator's data storage on topic secret United States projects. Although in all likelihood it was not in the Cheyenne Facility files, "Then I shall ask no more questions on this matter. Provided that this side operation does not interfere with the current state of politics or our primarily operation."

"No my lord it should not. The Archlord has commissioned one of his scientists, Hadron I believe is his name, to ensure that their presence in Ronto territory goes completely unnoticed. His methods are...quirky, but he is incredibly resourceful and intelligent. I do not expect any problems."

"Then they shall go forth with my blessing Patriarch. That will be all. I shall contact once again when the moment of invasion draws closer. Dismissed."

"Yes, your majesty," Traven replied as he lowered his head even more. Once Barnaky's communication screen went blank, Traven stood up and turned as the doors to the chamber opened: revealing one of his Honor Guards who was armored in Midwestern Power Armor and had an elegant blue cape draqed over his left pauldron which reached down to his knees. In his right hand he carried a large photon halberd.

"Your holiness, Hadron has requested your presence on the main bridge. It would appear that the Special Operation ANGEL pilots will be arriving shortly."

"Thank you commander," Traven replied as he lifted his hood over his head, "Then let us not keep them waiting. We will want to give the pilots a warm welcome to the Athos."

Walking swiftly, Traven and the guard exited from the room and began walking down the bright white hallway which led away from the communication chamber. It was currently lined with Traven's Honor Guard and as the Patriarch passed each guardsmen, they gave a swift salute and then turned sharply to follow their leader. Soon, he had an entourage of guardsmen following in his wake.

The journey to the bridge was a short one, and Traven and his group walked quickly through the bright and sterile hallways of the space station's main body, passing through various rooms and dormitories along the way. Soon enough, he found himself before the main door to the bridge. Pausing to wait for the automatic doors to slide upon, he and his guards entered the bridge as the door shut behind them with a hiss.

The bridge was an elegant area, with a central dias which jutted out and was raised above a room of technician scribes, who constantly checked and monitored the space stations systems and adjusted its orbital course accordingly. At the very front of the bridge, a large and expansive bay window looked out over a magnificent view of the Earth from space.

As he sat in the lone "captain's" chair which was located in the central dais of the bridge, Traven looked around for Hadron, whom he had expected to be here already.

Looking out the great bay window, Traven could see as a lone transport ship was being escorted to the primary docking bay by a group of sentries.

That must be them, he thought to himself with a slight smile.

"Commander, " He spoke out after a few moments of silence, "Ensure that the group has an adequate welcoming party and instruct them that they are too be escorted to meet me at the bridge as soon as possible."

"Yes, your holiness," came the reply.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:18 am - City of Steel - Palace of the ArchLord
Viola was onboard Volgin right now and sat at a seat near a window. As they pierced the atomsphere, They were in the void of space. This was her first time as truly was a sight to behold! Stars glittered and the darkness of space was shown black, and piercing to her. The countless worlds beyond there and the future of Humanity. Her eyes gazed upon Athos Space Station, a marvelous sight indeed. It was advanced and saw several ships also docking to it. Then Citadel Station also appeared and the latter same came to her. Bristling with modules and ships docking it.

As slowly, she wondered. If Humanity all united then this would be our goald. If on 2277 the Bombs were averted by now Humanity would be on countless worlds and stars, Humanity would a species that would transcend to godhood. This was the thought of many Outer Heaven's individuals. She squinted out of the window a bit to see a Ares Class Frigate in sight and saw the name. It was Forward Unto Dawn and realized one of the Maxsons was stationed on there. She though abpout that persons. She then stopped gazing upon and closed her eyes and relaxed.
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