That video was really good. There is a mod called Oblivion style spellcasting. Would it be possible to make it aminated?
The mod gives you the option to press C for cast, but their is no amination you just stand their. This would be a really good mod with new amination

mmm.... I saw it uses MWSE that is an unknown world for me, but I suppose it cannot be made
I always think the possible but extreme ends. It is unfair to ask all that much, but if he looks up for one second and says "Ah, yes", then go on writing, that will fit a couldn't-care-less-bureaucrat. I think, my character deserves a one second attention span.
I think small additions but lots of'em will give at least a head start and idea, so a second wave can be done, adding extra details. People doing farm work, caring silt striders(How you take care of a silt strider, wash like a car!)...
PS. I saw a daggerfall video today for the first time(I had absolutely no idea! It looks so much like morrowind... I thought it was 2D before. True 3D open environments, day-night cycles, changing weathers, big towns... In 1996, how on earth, I've never stumble upon that game?),and noticed you can climb walls, drive horses. And spell animations are better than Morrowind. More like Bioshock, with spell effects can be seen in the arms. I can't think I can ever play Daggerfall, I heard it is very *rare*. Those things need animations and I agree on people who think it is a step back. Morrowind should take all the good stuff, from oblivion, fallout and daggerfall.
PPS. "Let's start from the beginning:"
In seyda Neen, first think I noticed, lot's of people just standing. Benches and people can sit. Somebody must feed the fire at the lighthouse. In Balmora some constructions can be going on. Like a half way house with actual workers, pushing, carrying, nailing. Or we can stumble upon a festival or a bazaar with actual buyers. There could be a bazaar day(Tuesday), where npcs become customer and cycle through open tables.
That looks awesome! I don't know much about how morrowind does the animations, but would it be possible to make that his idle, and a different one (maybe him looking up at you) for his greeting? Or does that complicate it too much?
Nice work :goodjob:
to make him react this way, it should be scripted. At the moment I am trying to do all through aniamtion. Also the sound of teh quill you hear, is not scripted, but called in the animation file
Awesome animation! Sure useful for some places.
If Im allowed to make a suggestion, the one animation I think Morrowind needs is something to look like a wounded/ill person. You know, lying down with hands crossed on the chest, with slow breath and something, or lying on a side, holding own sides like in pain. Because, there are many mods it could be included in, many mods could use "wounded" animations. And there nothing like that everywhere in animation resources.
it would be possible to make an idle for wounded Npcs, but it'll need a script on the Npc to call this aniamation and it will not be plaied when then the Npc starts another action (walks, fight etc...)
Animations based on disposition would indeed be great.
Beggars are another stellar achievement.
Fishing would be great. Mining too. Drinking and eating in taverns obviously. There is already a mod that makes some NPCs sit in taverns: it's called The regulars.
The writing animation is already here. It's great. Then we can have reading. Praying in the temples. I would start with these ones.
Children of Morrowind is another great mod for animations.
Praying in the temples is something I didn't think of, and I think it is a good. Mining is a good suggestion to... in MW there are a lot of miners that don't mine. The easiest way to achieve it, would be to make creatures that look like rocks, and script the Npcs so that attack them... but it can be made also simply giving them a new animation with a bit of scripting work so that they turn again to the rock after they have, for example, talked to the PC. Even drinking and eating are needed things
I just created a pretty good sneezing animation any advice on getting NPC's to use it.
does it use only the head?