I like it! I would just make sure the hands are grasping the broom the whole time. If you were to make the animation stop upon greeting, could the broom still be held like a broom is usually held when not sweeping?
this is how she keeps the broom while not sweeping. To make her keep the broom differently from this, I should rework also the walkForward animation...
Arcimaestro Anteres can you take a look at the files cause I think the animation plays ingame, but it does it extremely fast to where it's barely noticeable it even played.
sure, send me it
Great idea and nice animations!!!
I was always puzzled why slaves in mines were not working but simply hanging around.
However, MW has several hardcoded limitations in it's animation control system/scripting that are not resolved so far by any extensions like MWSE. For instance:
1. Only idle sequences (btw, only seven, not nine, are working as expected) can be controlled via AIWander function for NPCs (there is no way for direct scripting control of PC animations). PlayGroup and LoopGroup function calls are producing not reliable results.
2. There is no problem with looped animations like on the video but there is no reasonable to my knowledge generic solution for the requested here in several response posts transition animations. MW game engine often "forces" NPC to display "Idle" sequence between any other sequences; "Loop Start/Stop" text keys are simply ignored. What sounds simple ("stand up, pick a book from a shelf") might require heavy complex scripting in a specified game scene (NPC should "know" where shelf is etc.).
3. Game engine always rotates NPC's head in the direction of the nearest actor (creature, other NPC, player) and that usually "corrupts" the displayed animation.
4. Game collision detection system can be a serious obstacle in certain cases e.g. sitting animations. Fortunately, this can be resolved by modifying collision structures of particular sits meshes or within animation themselves (repositioning of root bones and "Bounding Box").
5. Game engine "knows" how to animate only the upper body e.g. torch animations.
Anyhow, IMHO such animations (actually animated poses) for carefully selected NPCs could definitely make the game more realistic. BTW, in two-handed weapon animations (broom) weapon bone is also animated.
Please continue working.
Good luck!

Thank you

Yes, your character's paper's which he claims to be stamping!! It appears after he's done talking.
I could replace the book you see in the video with the paper, and then, next time you see him, he would have the book. We'll see.
This all looks great. Just to let you know, fishing is already done - Qarl did it ages ago, just didnt release it as part of his big pack. I think it was part of the underground? I can send it you if you like.
oh yes, send me it!