» Mon May 07, 2012 4:17 am
I recently downloaded the Sload resource from PES and I was just trying to put it in game. However, I haven't been able to find any good tutorials on the subject, but I'm familiar enough with the CS to go ahead and mess around. After creating a sload creature, putting the sload into Fort Pelagiad, saving, then activating the ESP; I went to check out my creation. Upon entering the fort, I received brown screen and the message that no animation class had been set, which crashes the game. Opening up the CS again, and editing the Sload creature, I found that I did not have access to the animation button (mind, I didn't have access to it in the first place). Strangely enough, the CS allows the animation button when editing the "Dead Sload" creature that uses the dead sload mesh.
Anyone have any idea why I'm encountering this problem?solved.