So I don't know if it's an actual bug in the game or me messing around in console commands, i'm sure a modder will be able to tell me but here is my problem,
When I go to use something that requires an animation (opening a terminal, crafting stations, exiting power armor, etc.) instead of running the animation needed the game pauses and locks me in place for 5 seconds then returns me back into the game without putting me in the terminal, crafting station, etc causing multiple inaccessible areas in the game, missing loot opportunities, and locking me out of crafting. Along with that I was in power armor when this bug occurred so leaving the suit is impossible, I have played around with this to see if maybe it was a bug or not, but reloading to a previous save and/or another character still has the same problem. as well as using the steam verification system.
so if anyone knows a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated, considering the fact i probably just hit a console command I didn't mean to stopping the scripts but as of this moment there is nothing on the internet to support this problem, thank you for your time to read this and/or help me out!