Ugh, finally got it and in game. No collision on the model but honestly I don't care since that's easy enough to fix with collision boxes :celebration: .
Step by step for future people/me in case I forget, for turning a creature animation/pose into a static.
1. Extract the creature.nif, skeleton.nif and animation.kf you want somewhere convenient, as well as the textures the creature uses (same directory).
2. Load Blender, Press "A", hit delete and delete everything.
Load the original game .nif of your creature (File -> Import -> NetImmerse). Delete the skeleton (armature, if you cant find it or whatever you can deselect everything (A), go to Select -> Select All By Type -> Armature, and it will select the skeleton) of the original .nif (right click on stuff to select it, shift right click to select multiple). Select all objects in blender ([i]"A"). Import the skeleton of the creaturewith the animation (.kf file) you want to use, with the import option: skeleton only parent to selected.
Use default options unless otherwise noted for importing.
4. Go into Animation Mode (button at the top, default is Model Mode I believe). Change the "End" number of frames to something likely larger so you can see the full animation. Mine always played only like 250 frames out of ~700 by default. Play the animation until you find the pose you want. Go back to Model Mode.
5. Right Click on a part of the mesh (mine was divided into two parts, yours might be 1 or it might be 5) and in the bottom right under the modifiers tab...
in the Armature Modifier tab on the Mesh, in the top field on the right click the little 'EditCube' button. A new button will pop up to the right of it; click that too ([i]hit apply). Now you can goto edit mode on your mesh while it's deformed by the Armature.
(Edit mode for the Armature is only for adding and deleting bones and setting bone relationships; lengths, connections RollAngles and scale. Once you've done that you can do everything in Pose mode).
Do that for each "section" of the mesh (again mine had 2).
6. Select your Skeleton, go into "Pose Mode" (middle/bottom toolbar, you should be in Object Mode). Make sure you have the skeleton still selected (sometimes it deselects switching modes) and then go to Pose -> Apply Pose as Rest Pose. If the stars have aligned and you did it right/Allah smiles upon you the mesh will still be attached to your skeleton in the pose we wanted, rather than reseting to its original position. Confirm this by going into Edit Mode, the idea is that whatever the mesh looks like in Edit Mode is what your static is going to look like, but you have to do some of those extra steps above to have the mesh stick to the skeleton and not revert back to the original.
7. Now delete the skeleton. Export the file, Make sure you are on Fallout 3 default settings at the bottom, then at the top click on Static, then Export Geometry Only and hit OK.
8. Load the New.Nif up in nifskope and another random static.nif in two windows (it shouldn't matter). Expand the tree for the new.nif and select the NiTriStrips then copy the branch (CTRL + C), go over to your the random static.nif, delete all the branches except the BSXFlags and root BSFadeNode, then select the BSFadeNode and paste the branch we copied from the new blender.nif (CTRL + V). Do that for every NiTriStrips branch in the blender.nif, then when you're done you should see the identical mesh in the static.nif window (it might have rotated 90 degrees or so). Then save it as whatever you want your finalized .nif to be named, voila you're done, just load it up in the geck in the folder you want and then place it.
Note this probably isn't a perfect method, and it doesn't give collision to the static mesh, but in the end all we really wanted was the posed creature wasn't it :foodndrink: