Animation Pointers

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:23 pm

(I've posted this topic here rather then the Creation Kit forum because modellers/animators seem to frequent this section more)

As a side-project, I'm building a of Dwemer-tech origins in 3ds Max. I'm currently in the process of UV mapping it so I can start texturing. I want to use this project as an excuse to start learning how to do some basic animation

What I eventually want to produce is four animations built into the nif to be called using the Papyrus function I want two idles, one where the machine is off and the other where the machine is on (hovering with propellers spinning). Then I also want to make a "start up" animation where the machine starts on the floor and rises to hover height and then lastly a "shut down" animation which is just the opposite.

I'm a virgin when it comes to Animation so be gentle :P

I've got some ways to go before I actually get to this stage in the project but I thought it would be a good idea to start collecting the reading material. If anybody can point me in the direction of good sources of information or tutorials that will help me achieve my goals, it will be greatly appreciated

- Hypno
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