However within this world one thing always stood out, in the opposite direction of how good the world look, the animations were quite limited. NPC's often came across as very "Robotic," there was no real detail to human movements/emotions during events int eh storyline and cutscenes. This took tkhe player a step back and held the game back in terms of visuals. The lack of animation quality was one of the things that stood out the most in Oblivion to many people. Constant forum posts and reviews mentioned how the npc's moved about and the various animations made them look very robotic.
IT was reported a while back, pre-fallout 3'ish that Beth was working on a mocap studio to either buy or build, I can't remember. Is there any news if they will indeed be making use of motion capture for TES V? I really hope that they have at least made use of this for the game. A good mocap/animator can really hlep brin gnpc's to life rather then relying on older animation styles.