For a new scenery creature what is the minimum animation sequences required by the game engine? Can the Walk Forward, Walk Left/Right, Idle & so forth all point to the same animation sequence?
I've got an animated butterfly that flutters around. Just need to add in the start/stop markers.
According to an old animation tutorial by AcidBasick you only need a walkforward and idle animation. I can't confirm that though, I've never tried making a scenery creature before.
for a dummy creature, I actually only needed an idle animation. but I think, it doesn't matter which animation remains, as long as it is at least one of them present.
I got it to work but the animation ends up very choppy with the flutter-by's skipping to random parts of the animation sequence. I'm guessing this because it only has an idle animation and that animation is 360 frames long.
here's the
I got it to work but the animation ends up very choppy with the flutter-by's skipping to random parts of the animation sequence. I'm guessing this because it only has an idle animation and that animation is 360 frames long.
here's the