Annotating Lonesome Road/ Story Discussion *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:59 pm

Well, I finished Lonesome Road twice. Once on my 'Mary Sue' character (Yes Man, min-maxed to hell and back, melee, power armor, 100 in many skills) basically this character was here to open all doors and get the most out of quests/dialogue. Except, when I played LR, I skipped a lot on this character because i really just wanted to tank through everything and get to Ulysses and get answers. Apperantly we were supposed to find out most everything while we walked the Road, so i wasn't satisfied with what i got on that playthrough. My second playthrough, an NCR sharpshooter with an actual backstory and more for just RPing and fair gameplay, I tried to find more from the story in him. Unfortunately, his skills were in barter and combat skills, so my results were unsatisfactory. Needless to say, these (huge spoilers) are what i got so far from the story

-Ulysses followed the Courier but never interacted with him until LR

-We've walked west (was the 'west' the Long 15 to get to NV? I was a bit confused on when Ulysses was talking about where we walked)

-Ulysses was part of the Twisted Hairs until the Legion killed the tribe and made him one of theirs. He was also part of the New Canaan massacre, an idol to the White Legs (Also, does anyone know where they got this name from? I heard it somewhere but i forgot) he also brought them to the Spanish Fork Armory

-Ulysses left the Legion (anyone know why?)

-Ulysses saw a potential home-nation in the Divide (wasn't the Divide just a trading route for NCR before the armageddon?)

-Ulysses said to the Courier that a package he brought was of military origin. Now what's really interesting is we should be able to find out what it is. Why? Two things, in the dev diary i think it was, they said that they only worked with what they had (The Courier was an actual courier, and his only known package was the platinum chip, and he travelled from the west. Note how i said travelled, not born, JE Sawyer said he wanted to leave a lot of room for players to create their own character, like for example, i had a friend who brought his vault 101 character over to new vegas as a 39 year old) And also, because Ulysses said that the package we brought was buried somewhere in the Divide, i believe in a conversation with him over ED-E

-Ulysses made it a point to tell the Courier that home is not where one was born, and that the Divide was the Courier's home because he carved a path that breathed life into Hopeville's community. (This is also a bit confusing, seeing as the Courier never visited this community, never lived here, never even heard of it)

So, uh.... Any college English professors here able to annotate or any one here actually completed most of the dialogue checks or journal logs to find any relevant information?

Also, fighting the Marked Men with Ulysses at my side was the best ending to the best DLC. Felt like a legend, me in my Enclave armor (i like to think of it as an apocolyptic knight's armor) and the Blade of the West (killed Legate Lanius with it as a symbol of defiance to his Monster of the East title)
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Kelli Wolfe
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