Announcing Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil

Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:13 pm




Umaril was a fool. His thirst for vengeance held his reason prisoner.

He chose his hour poorly, and he paid the price.

But now, the Temple of Our Ancestors stands empty.

The children of the slaves squabble amongst themselves.

Celediil shall be ours once more.

And by the eternal might of Gordhaur the Shaper, the pale mortal gods shall fall!


The 3rd century of the Fourth Era is proving to be a bleak time for Cyrodiil. Once the undisputed power of Tamriel, its dominance now hangs by a thread. Across a province scarred by the Great War, the people are growing uneasy. News of the Civil War in Skyrim, rumors of a potential new Dominion invasion, and an Emperor who is but a shadow of his predecessors undermine the authority of the Mede Dynasty. Several powerful factions are openly questioning whether the Mede Dynasty is still capable of ruling the Empire - although they all have their own ideas about who should replace them.

And to make matters worse, unfinished business left over from the ancient First Empire is stirring deep in the ruined Ayleid city of Ninendava. Far more dangerous than the squabbles of powerful mortals, it watches patiently, preparing to settle a score that was long ago left unpaid...

What is this mod all about?

The ultimate aim of our project is to enable players to travel to a version of Cyrodiil which is contemporary to the events of TES5: Skyrim. All areas of the Imperial Province will eventually be fully playable, and the completed mod will include all the familiar locations from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (though without all those Gates, this time around). There will be a host of new NPCs and factions to interact with, new enemies to battle, new items, weapons and armor to collect, trade and use; as well as new quests to complete.

Is this just going to be a remake of TES4: Oblivion with Skyrim's graphics?

Certainly not. Firstly, 200 years have passed since the events of TES4: Oblivion, and we will be updating the province to the same time period as Skyrim in order to take this into account. Our heightmap is also slightly larger than Oblivion's and we will use that extra space to its full potential.

For example, players may be able to visit the "lost city" of Sutch, which was famously featured on early maps of Cyrodiil but was cut from TES4 before launch. Other "lost" locations mentioned in lore but not shown in Oblivion may also make an appearance at a later date. Finally, we will also be putting our own spin on some familiar locations - including a reconstructed Kvatch, an interpretation of Leyawiin inspired by Bethesda's original concept art, and a sprawling, battle-scarred Imperial City.

Each city will have a unique atmosphere that extends far beyond just a differently colored banner. However, they will be kept similar enough to TES4 that they are recognizable. In addition, despite the destruction caused by the recent wars, we will be sure to show off Cyrodiil's natural beauty as a contrast to Skyrim's harsh whites and grays.


Note: All meshes shown are 100% modder created.

No porting of content from previous games is allowed within our project.



Original Soundtrack Samples:


When will this mod be ready?

Our emphasis is on quality rather than speed, and drawing on some of our members’ experiences with past modding projects, we are well aware that large mods like this are often subject to delays or unexpected obstacles. Consequently, we will not be committing ourselves to a release date at this time, though we will of course post updates as we work on the mod and the timelines involved become clearer.

Is this project anything to do with Tamriel Rebuilt?

Although in a sense Tamriel Rebuilt, as the prototype TES “province mod”, is the ultimate inspiration for our projects, we are not affiliated with them. They have, however, generously allowed us to make use their concept art and lore research for inspiration, as well as giving us permission to include some of their in-house literature in our mod.

Are you planning to do the rest of Tamriel?

Our project forms just one part of a much larger modding collaboration known as, which currently consists of projects attempting to recreate all or parts of High Rock, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Morrowind and Valenwood. Please check the threads of these other projects for more information.

Can I help?

Absolutely! We are always looking for new contributors. Whether your speciality is landscaping, interiors, exteriors, modelling or scripting, you would be most welcome. We have several writers currently hard at work at shaping our questlines, but when we start full development we will need dialogue and lore book writers., which are hosted on the modding website. While you're over there, make sure to check out the other mods which share the forum (not to mention the many other independent mods which are also hosted there).


Province Leads

Deamonata Etem 1shoedpunk

Lead Composer


CRP Coordinator

Markus Liberty

CRP Contributors

Crackerator Goovi Psychedelic Varlaisaran

Interiors & Dungeons

Camonna Tong chacotaco84 shaundobson

Cities & Quests

Eric Blank Overmind5000 SenorBadass07 terminal_case ucm Zaldir

Province: Cyrodiil Ambassador


Morcroft for creating the All-Tamriel Heightmap
Tamriel Rebuilt for sharing some of their expertise modding website for hosting the

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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:11 am

I'll definitely have to keep an eye on this one, would love to Return to Chorrol or Anvil

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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:55 pm

Awesome! I cant wait to step over the border and show the Empire how to take care of their elven problem.

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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:16 pm

Wow! Can't wait to try this out, it looks fantastic! Have you made much progress thus far?

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:30 pm

Well, they have sizeable chunks of Bruma's and Leyawiin's exterior buildings modelled. Bruma is furthest along, although all that's been made in the CK is Proof of Concept. Leyawiin's going to be based more off of the original concept art/Better Cities version with the island castle in the middle of the river. I've done some modelling for them - simple stuff for a highly modular Sancre Tor/Mausoleum set, but that's not quite ready as I pretty much putz with that in between working on Morrowind stuff.

Now is a good time to swing by Dark Creations and say your two cents on what you love about TES4 and what you think needed fixing from TES4 (although we've covered the issues TES4 had quite a bit). There's still quite a bit of discussion going on about how best to handle the Imperial City - it's such an iconic and important location, that Team Cyrodiil is taking their time and working out how to do it right.

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:07 pm

Keep in mind, this is just as much a recruitment thread as it is an announcement thread. If you are interested in joining the project, now is a great time to drop by.

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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:02 am

About the only good I would be would be ideas and concepts if I could find time to do it. Bout to have a new baby.

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