Working on an .esp with many landscape modifications (size about 8 Mo), I encounter the following bug: in several cells (not all), I cannot select objects (trees, rocks, NPC or any static) with the mouse to move their position. This only happens for a few cells (i.e. Fort Frostmoth). I am still able to select them in the "Cell view" windows, by their ID, but then, when coming back to the rendering window, I cannot select them or move them with the mouse. The mouse cursor, which should be changed to a cross shape (indicating that the object selected is ready to be moved), is not changing. I cannot even select a static by double-clicking on it.
I've tried changing the construction set preferences, editing another cell and then coming back to the buggy cell, closing the CS and reopening it... nothing works. I have no warning, no error message, nothing special that could help me to fix the problem. I never had this problem with others plugins, so I have checked (including world and cells testing in the CS) and cleaned the plugin in many ways, but the bug is still alive.
Anyone already had this bug while working on a .esp?
For info, I am using the CS under Windows 7 64bits.