Annoying glitch, can't find fix anywhere

Post » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:58 am

So I'm experiencing this incredibly annoying bug that I can't fix, no matter what. I've completely uninstalled the game many times and it still happens.

It's hard to explain, so here's screenshots.

A screenshot of me staring at a few houses in Goodsprings.

But then, if I look left diagonally, this happens. My cursor is visible in the corner (had to be MS painted in, the screenshot didn't include the cursor). If I attempt to click to shoot or select something when the cursor is showing, the game minimizes itself and refuses to open back up. Will someone help me fix this?
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Post » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:22 am

Sounds like a background app is doing something.
No idea what you have installed.

clean boot link:

Windows XP steps are similar.
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