I have found (finally!!) that I can move forward with the "x" key when in workshop mode.
Though I am locked into moving forward until i press the x key again to stop. It's either continuously moving forward, whichever way I am looking with mouse, or not. No other keys function for character movement in WS mode. Arrow keys allow movement through WS menus. If I exit WS mode (V) while moving forward (again, no key is being pressed {nice option, actually}), I will continue moving, until I press any of the arrow (now normal movement) keys.
Barely functional for placing/scrounging in workshop mode, but better than having everything created in the area by the workbench and not being able to scrap! I'm thinking "it's goona get packed tight real quick!!!" Luckily someone moved the beds around town (I didn't), because the generator was between the folks sleeping, and they were getting smoked by the exhaust! I hadn't figured out how to move yet!! I was just getting it, but not quite, so Hanna's (?) chair is on the sidewalk by her house, bummer for her!!
But this is really a pain. No other keys provide any character motion/control (other than D & f, rotating the items prior to placing) in Workshop mode.
I am left handed, and have had no problems remapping keys/controls like this for any of the other games I've played, except the Fallout series. I'm talking, back to the original Micro Prose F-19 Stealth Fighter (1991, so yes, "I'm stuck in the 90's man" {Seinfeld fan}).
Downloading the Logitech "setpoint" software helped with the mouse on both FO 3 and 4, but the keys on 4 are really a struggle.
I use arrow keys for movement and number pad for favorites (Q), End/Home/Pg up/down etc., for primary PB, VATS, reload sneak, etc, no problem. I have not downloaded the most recent patch, which apparently has removed/changed some use of the numb. pad keys.
What is truly frustrating is, I use the "END" key to "use" things (hack, doors, pick up , etc), but still have to use the "E" key to take items from lockers/bodies/ etc. So I can lift a barrel, open a door, go into a room take a Jet on the desk/table, all with the END key, but have to use the E key to take a Jet (or anything else) from the from the drawer or in a container on the table!! E, END, END, E, E, END...... Several other tasks require using left side keys which really, well, $$%%. Such as picking locks. I have to use the the "X" & "C" to rotate the tumbler on the lock, mouse handles the bobby pin , doable, but what a a pain.
?Still, I love the game, game-play, visuals, audio, sound track, ambiance, etc, I just don't know why BSG (have only played Fallout series from them) can't do a little better job at something that is pretty basic for all other game developers, including flight simulators/racing/FPS/RPG/sports/you name it.
I am will not change hands, just not the same, and i am fairly ambi., but game play suffers a tad. Other kind of software, including some games, I do switch up mouse hands for ergonomics. But not for the white knuckle, "damn, that was close", be quick, be precise, be reactive, or be dead, immersive game like this. It is just not the same for me.
Anyone with other ideas, tips or tricks that have been found on this issue, please share, it would be appreciated by us "Lefties".