Annoying Power Armor Sound (A Plea)

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:21 pm

Hello, I am here today to bring attention to a pretty serious issue myself and a good number of others are having, which is our total annoyance at the "Rattlin' Chains, Hiss, Squeal, High Frequency Shriek, that is "supposed" to be some sort of hydraulic noise ever few steps in power armor. Whatever it is supposed to be, to a good number of us it is only a constant annoyance that has totally ruined playing in power armor for me, as I can't wear it at all in first person.

It is bizzare, it doesn't add immersion at all as the sound only occurs in first person while walking or running. Third person and NPC's in the world only give off the sounds of metal footsteps, its perfect, its in the background sound design that only draws you in instead of getting in your face. In first person, in power armor, sprinting does not have any squeal, jumping doesn't, only while in first person regularly moving or sneaking. Every couple of steps this cricket starts tearing away from the rest of the sound design, getting in your face, if not giving you a headache. The fact that there is a different soundscape between third person and first person in the armor is simply silly, and just bad sound design.

I am here today to make a plea to Bethesda to fix this issue, either with a toggle-able option, the sound's removal entirely, my personal hope (Because its annoying as hell to have any noise beeping every 3 seconds) or a total change of the sound to something more like air passing than a high pitched cricket. I LOVE your game Bethesda, my first character has been going since the midnight release, has 8 days + of playtime, and I've JUST become enemies with one of the factions through the story. I would just really love to LOVE your power armor, which you put a lot of time into and looks cool, but is literally like nails on a chalkboard to me when playing with it.

Here's a video to demonstrate the sound I'm speaking of

Check out 0:36 in the video, as the power armor walks in first person you can hear it.

At least some of us can (and wish we couldn't) Here's the Steam forum detailing the subject with some folks who swear they can't hear it, and some others just like me (Again, swearing to GOD we couldn't) xP

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:11 pm

I hear it but I like the sound.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:49 am

I feel that way about the sound of VATS activating. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. No way to turn it down.

It would be nice if I could, but I imagine it's one of those little things that only bugs a few folks. And I'm on a PS4 so no mods for me.

But yeah, I can totally understand where you are coming from.

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:08 am

I don't hear anything in that other than foot steps and some armor noises. Idk what you're hearing. If you were talking about the static that you can hear in Power Armor than I could help (it's a bug that gets annoying sometimes) but I don't hear anything wrong in that video.

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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:52 am

It reminds me I'm wearing a machine.

TBH these sound were one of the things that were missing from the PA experience in past games.

I was a HUGE Warhammer 40k fan (still am, if I'm honest, I just don't play it anymore), and this is the first game that actually makes me feel like an honest-to-god Space Marine. The servo & piston noises are part of it.

You wanna talk annoying audio, how about the incessant & repetitive NPC dialog. "You know what *I* call a good day???"

Yes. Yes I do. Please say something else tomorrow, just for me.

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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:08 am

Lol. Am I the only one who thinks the Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor looks like Space Marine Power Armor? (The Build of it)

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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:18 am

For me it breaks immersion rather than adding it, as it is constant, and always sounds off while doing the thing you do in the game more than anything else, move. Moving should not have an addition sound feedback outside of footsteps. Especially only for you in first person. like this sound is playing inside of your damn helmet. Its stupid, so so stupid

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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:30 pm

The only sounds I'm hearing at 0:36 are the PA, picking up the minigun, and Preston's Laser Musket. At 1:00-ish you have the DeathClaw hammering on the underside of the steel plates. I don't hear anything similar to what you describe throughout any of the rest of the video.

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:55 am

Its there, some folks claim to be unable to hear the sound, but that [censored] is loud as hell in my ears

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:48 am

There are frequencies we stop hearing when aging. Maybe some of us are too old to hear it. Or at least not as loud to make it annoying.

I hear a metallic sound but it's very low compared to the steps sound.

It shouldn't be too hard to edit with audacity or similar program. But it would need to be edited by someone who finds it annoying so they can effectively remove it.

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