Sorry I don't know where this should go so I posted it in General Discussion. Anyway every time I start up New Vegas I'll get to the main startup screen, the first slide. It's the one with the Ranger in Ranger Combat armour carrying the .357 Magnum. Anyway but heres whats happening: I'm getting the background pictures but no option to press start. The text is completely missing! I've tried restarting the system and ejecting the game but it had no effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think it's something in one of the patches. I've noticed ever since I DL'ed the patches, the menu loading is slower, and when it says click start, I have to hit x twice for it to respond, and it's not a controller issue, it's the game itself.
Yeah, I have the problem too. After a few seconds the menu shows up for me however. Hopefully this get's fixed (along with the leveling past the level cap) in the next patch.