Unfortunately Wings of Redemption gave a REALLY bad review about Brink http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFumqVtqz6U Unfortunately, a good part of his fans then also thought Brink was bad. Apparently he said on Twitter he played ONE game before snapping the disk. -_-
WingsofRedemption always gravitates towards being that "one guy" in a crowd that's being different for the sake of being different. At one point I actually cared about the COD community (dark times) and followed some of the...uh..."drama" that would spring up within it amongst the commenters. Wings was almost
always in the center of it, and while at first I thought he just happened to have contrasting views with everyone the more videos of his I saw the more mundane and frankly pointless his complaints were. He thrives on drama and being rebellious against the norm for pageviews, and for the most part succeeds at it.
Moral of the story: Don't give too much credit, if any, to his opinions.